
Chapter 307 The Undiagnosable Cause!

Tang Ye came out after his shower, intending to wash his clothes by himself, but Shui Qingdie insisted on doing it for him, determined to help even though her face turned so red it didn't look right. Shui Qingdie felt she owed him too much and wanted to do something for him. He couldn't be stubborn, so he had to agree to let Shui Qingdie wash for him. Then he wanted to go to the kitchen to cook, but Shui Qingdie wouldn't allow it, either. She tugged on the corner of his clothes, asking him to rest, and almost embraced him. He was outstubborned again and decided to join Little Dragonfly instead.

Village life probably goes something like this: after a busy day, people spend the evening first picking vegetables from the garden, then taking a bath, washing clothes, and finally cooking dinner. Once the meal is prepared, the whole family sits down together to eat. After dinner, those with a TV watch some television, and at a certain time, they go to bed, marking the end of the day.

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