
Chapter 105: Black Family’s Magic!

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Andromeda nodded, "let me guess, it felt like you had a fire in your stomach, a deep burning sensation that made you want to lash out and punch the person pissing you off." She openly guessed.

Magnus blinked again…. That…. That was exactly how it had felt, "Yeah," he said after a moment, "it felt like I had just drunk boiling water and I wanted to sock Lucius right across his smug mouth when he…"

"Insulted members of your house and your position as heir Black," Andromeda finished for him, "it was the family magics making you respond like that, in your anger."

Magnus looked even more confused, "but how I taught Occlumency was supposed to…" he voiced only for Andromeda to shake her head, making him pause.

"They do," Andromeda stated, "but family magics are much stronger than any individuals own magic, and while occlumency will help you suppress your outward emotions it does not stop you from feeling them." She said as she sat down behind her desk.

"Every magical family that has been around for longer than a few generations gains a sort of residual magic, one that only grows stronger the longer the bloodline continues to last." She explained.

"The older the family, the stronger that family's magic, it's something that connects them all. Each family's magics are different and can manifest in different ways, it's usually a closely kept secret within the family. It would explain a lot actually."

Magnus remained silent as he listened, finally getting the answers he wanted, "explains what?" He asked, wondering what she was talking about at the end.

"How you were able to cast so many advanced spells without exhausting all of your magic for one thing," Andromeda stated.

"You see Magnus, the Black family magics, express themselves in a rather peculiar way, its different for every family, of course, your extreme outburst when Lucius insulted both myself and Nym is the perfect example of them at work."

Magnus arched an eyebrow at that, "so it makes me hot-headed, that sounds more like a Gryffindor trait than any Black family magic."

Andromeda shook her head, "no you misunderstand, it wasn't just anger that you felt, it was the Black family magics at work inside you and through you. While I have no doubt that your occlumency shields could contain your own anger as they are meant to."

"When that anger is fuelled by the family magics inside of you it is another matter entirely. That was what overwhelmed your shields. When the family was insulted the magics acted both to increase your anger over the insults, but also to increase your magics' potency to respond to the insults towards House Black."

That was when it clicked for Magnus, "that was what you meant by be duelling for so long and with such advanced spells, the family magics were amplifying my own."

Andromeda nodded with a smile seeing him get it, "yes, the Black family magics have always been defensive of Black family members, and when Lucius began insulting members of House Black the family magics came to you to help you defend us and House Black."

"I doubt you would have been on your feet after, now that I think about it, you are only just a first-year after all."

Magnus smirked as a thought came to him, "so in a way Lucius actually helped in his own son's defeat by bad-mouthing House Black, just before the duel, which gave me more ammunition to aim at his son," he said with a chuckle.

"You'd have thought he'd have known better what with him being married to Narcissa."

Andromeda smirked but shook her head at his last comment, "it's highly unlikely that he even knew what he was doing. Most all the houses don't talk about their family magics openly, especially with others not of the same blood, like most family secrets it stays between family and members of the house."

"And even with Narcissa marrying into House Malfoy, she wouldn't have told him of them and he wouldn't have asked, it's not something you do."

Magnus smirked at that before sighing, grateful to get that off his chest, "thanks for that auntie, that had really been bugging me for the last few days, I thought my occlumency was failing or something."

Andromeda smiled, "Don't worry, I'm sure your occlumency is as strong as it should be if you are following your lessons from uncle Orion. It's just because you are so young that they are affecting your anger as much as they are, give it time and your anger will lessen. But do not try to fight against the family magic." She said getting serious at the end.

"If you do, they will turn on you, seeing your actions as a betrayal to the family. It's what I suspect befell my sister, Bellatrix. If she was foolish enough to fight the family magics and put her Dark Lord above the family, her mental state as it was at the end of the war would be the result of the family magics turning on her, ironic really."

"As the family magics were more than likely the reason she was as powerful as she was, I was always better than her when we had our practice duels growing up after all." she smirked.

Magnus shivered at that. Had he not seen her in action he would have questioned her claim about being better than Bellatrix.

The crazy bitch, and the thought of the Black magics being the cause for both her superior magical strength and her insanity made him realise just how potent the Blacks family magics were.

"I'll keep that in mind," Magnus responded as he turned to leave, while inwardly hoping that if that was the case, then he hoped also that by banishing Bellatrix from the family he had also cut her off from the family magics that made her so powerful. 

If it did, it meant that he had dealt two strikes to Voldemort instead of one, by not only capturing one of his Horcruxes but also severely magically crippling one of his most loyal and fanatic followers.


If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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