
Chapter 1649 - Hurry and Find It, Quickly. (3)

Baek Cheon, who had been watching Chung Myung rampage in a daze, suddenly snapped back to reality.


"We have to stop him! Quickly!"




"What are you doing, you idiots! Stop him…"






"It's too late."




Baek Cheon looked at the scene again.




It was indeed too late. The worst he could imagine—no, an even more horrifying scene than he could imagine was unfolding before him.




Chung Myung's foot mercilessly struck the face of a Moyong family swordsman.




The man flew into the middle of the onlookers with a sound akin to that of a pig being slaughtered. The onlookers, unable to comprehend the situation, stood there in a daze.


At that moment, a trembling beggar caught Chung Myung's eye.


"And who is this beggar!"


"C-Chief! I didn't say anything."


"If a beggar has no sense, he should die, you bastard!"




Chung Myung swiftly snatched the beggar's staff and struck it down in one swift motion. The beggar, hit on the crown of his head, couldn't even scream and collapsed on the spot, convulsing.


"What? Rules?"


Chung Myung's eyes darted around wildly, seeking his next prey.


"Since I came here, not a single person asked me to see the rules. What? According to the rules? Do you even know what your rules are?"




"Yeah, fine. Just one person. If even one person knows what's written in your rules, I'll let it go. Come on, just one person. Right now."




Even those who had been silently complicit in today's events were now terrified, exchanging nervous glances. No one dared to step forward and claim they understood the rules.


Of course not.


The Heavenly Comrade Alliance had never properly established any rules. The ones who were supposed to create the rules hadn't done their job, so how could anyone claim to know them?


"No one?"


As Chung Myung pressed, everyone flinched in silence. Just when it seemed he might calm down, his eyes flared up again.


"Okay then. Now I know why you need to be beaten!"




Another person was sent flying into the air.




"Come here! Come here, you bastard! Where do you think you're running?"


"C-Chief! If you do this."


"What if I do this? What are you going to do about it?"


Chung Myung started to rampage like a mad dog, sweeping through everything in his path.


Namgung Dowi, watching helplessly, began to break out in a cold sweat.


"Shouldn't we stop him?"






Jo Gul muttered nonchalantly, as if speaking about someone else's business, while rubbing his chin.


"It's a sight we used to see often in the old days."




"Certainly, it has been a bit rare lately."


"That's true."


Jo Gul and Yoon Jong seemed not only resigned but almost serene. In a panic, Namgung Dowi turned to Baek Cheon.


"D-Deputy Sect Leader! We need to do something."




Baek Cheon, seeming to be deep in thought, finally nodded.


"I've been thinking..."




"If it were before things got out of hand, stopping him would be right, but now that it's already happened, isn't it better to let it be thorough?"




"He must have a reason. He's not a child."


"What kind of nonsense is that?"




The person who got hit squarely in the jaw by Chung Myung's foot screamed as he was launched into the air.


"He really beats people cleanly. I feel refreshed just watching him."


Namgung Dowi was at a loss for words in response to Baek Cheon's comment, who seemed to have stopped thinking entirely.


'These insane Mount Hua guys'


How can they react like this to such a scene? No one in their right mind would do so.


"This is the sight of a sect's chief instructor beating the sect members. It's something that should never happen anywhere."


"Hmm, not sure if that's something you, who went around challenging the sect with a sword, should be saying."


"I have a different position."


Namgung Dowi's voice weakened slightly as he felt a prick of guilt.


"What's new? The third generation disciples used to go around smashing the heads of the second generation disciples."


"The Mount Hua guys beat up the Namgung Family people."


"Beating Namgung Family members would have been a relief. They once drew on the head of a monk from Shaolin named Hye Yeon. In fact, from Chung Myung's perspective, this is quite a mild reaction."


Namgung Dowi blinks.


'Come to think of it.'


That Chung Myung was 'that' kind of person. It suddenly struck him again. Recently, he had so many weighty matters to consider that he had momentarily forgotten...


"No, even so. This seems excessive."


"Sogaju-nim. Think carefully. It has always been like this. It would be stranger if that bastard only did things he was supposed to."




Now that he heard it, it seemed to make sense. Namgung Dowi nodded in agreement, bewildered.


However, not everyone was as accepting as Namgung Dowi.


"What, what is the meaning of this?"


Jegal Yeon, who had been kicked and was rolling on the ground, got up and yelled. Chung Myung, who had grabbed another unlucky person and was punching him, glanced at Jegal Yeon.


"What's that guy again?"


"A chief instructor of a sect using violence! How can this be allowed?"




"...Excuse me?"


"I said it's allowed."


Jegal Yeon's mouth dropped open.


"Allowed? What nonsense is that? Who decides that?"




"...Excuse me?"


Jegal Yeon's face went blank for a moment, having been sharply rebutted. Chung Myung spoke again nonchalantly.


"I decide. Why?"




"This guy's really getting on my nerves."


Chung Myung, who was shaking the person in his hand, flung him towards Jegal Yeon. Jegal Yeon, startled, dodged without thinking.




The thrown person hit the ground pathetically, and Chung Myung clicked his tongue.


"That ungrateful bastard. He could have at least caught him."


"No, I mean, you threw him."


"I'm the chief instructor, you bastard. Should I decide, or do you want to decide?"


Jegal Yeon's mouth shut again. Looking around, it was clear that no one would step forward to support him.


Perhaps it was only natural.


If the opponent only had arguments, you could argue against them. If they only had authority, you could resist. If they only had strength, everyone could cooperate to fight back. But to stand against someone who had arguments, authority, and strength all at once was a daunting task.


However, Jegal Yeon could not back down easily now.


"Are you saying that the chief instructor decides everything arbitrarily?"


"Yes, that's right. Is there a problem?"


Chung Myung approached Jegal Yeon. Jegal Yeon, flinching, involuntarily stepped back.


"The Heavenly Comrade Alliance is a union of righteous sects. How can an upper-ranking person arbitrarily set rules to beat subordinates at will?"


At Jegal Yeon's words, Chung Myung snorted.


"This guy talks nonsense. Do you think I'm some back-alley thug coming up with such rules?"


"That, that's right! So you must know that what you're doing now is overstepping and wrong!"




Chung Myung smirked even before the other person finished speaking.


"This bastard's got a filthy mouth. Hey, am I beating you up because I don't like you?"


"Then, is there another reason?"






"Defiance against the Deputy Sect Leader. What other reason do you need?"


"De- defiance!"


Je Galyeon's gaze turned instantly to Hye Yeon. Hye Yeon's face had turned pale. Je Galyeon shouted with a twisted expression.


"We were merely discussing whether the Deputy Sect Leader's orders were reasonable! How is that defiance?"


"That's exactly what defiance is."


"What? How…"




Chung Myung's smile vanished completely.




In an instant, Chung Myung closed the distance and grabbed Je Galyeon's throat.




"It seems like you're mistaken about something."


Chung Myung looked down at him with cold eyes. Je Galyeon, held by the throat, couldn't even respond, let alone resist. He just trembled all over.


"Do you know what a wartime situation is?"




"It looks like you've read some military books. So, you should know well what a wartime situation is and what defiance is. Recite it with your own mouth. What should someone who is not the leader do in wartime?"




Je Galyeon's eyes trembled minutely.


"In wartime, the small advantages gained from differing opinions are outweighed by the chaos they cause. That's why there are separate doctrines for wartime, you idiot."


Chung Myung's murderous intent pierced through Je Galyeon.


"Why? Does it bother you that a younger person is sitting above you and giving orders? Do you think you're much more capable and correct? Do you feel satisfied only if others prioritize and follow your words?"


"That- that's not."


"Then prove your skills on the battlefield, you bastard. Don't just run your clever mouth."




Chung Myung tossed Je Galyeon aside.


"Cough! Cough!"


Je Galyeon, clutching his throat, coughed violently as if he would cough out his lungs. Chung Myung, looking down at him like he was a bug, now glared at everyone. Those who were terrified hurriedly avoided his gaze.


"You're all the same. Did you think that if you created the right atmosphere among yourselves, you could easily manipulate a young person?"


"Ch- Chief… That's not…"


"Even those of you who say you didn't, at least thought it might be convenient. Isn't that right?"


There was no response.


It was undeniable that no one actively protected Hye Yeon, and among the reasons was what Chung Myung had pointed out.


Chung Myung coldly declared.


"Don't be mistaken."




"The reason the alliance established divisions and appointed a leader and deputy leader was not to accommodate your complaints. It was to create properly functioning divisions, even if it meant beheading those who don't follow orders."


Chung Myung's gaze shifted to the gathered deputy leaders. They flinched and slowly lowered their heads.


"No more indulgences."




"From now on, anyone who defies the deputy leaders and leaders will be punished, regardless of the reason. Remember this well. The sect no longer exists. That means…"


Chung Myung's voice was like the growl of a fierce beast.


"There's no place left to blindly shield you from the consequences of your actions. Becoming part of the alliance means your rewards and punishments will now be solely handled by the alliance."


His voice penetrated everyone's ears with stark clarity and a chilling effect. Even the warriors from other divisions, who had gathered to watch the unfolding situation, shrank back their shoulders.


"Anyone who wants to test whether this is just a simple threat or the truth, go ahead. It would be convenient for me to have an example. I'll prove that the Chief of this alliance does not speak empty words."


As Chung Myung's words ended, a heavy silence descended, making it hard to even breathe. Everyone was staring at their toes, not knowing what to do, when it happened.


"What's going on here?"


Pushing through the crowd, someone approached.


A path opened on both sides, revealing the person. In an instant, the faces of Jegal Yeon and the other instigators turned pale.




It was Tang Gunak, the Poison King.


He, who led the division with Hye Yeon, scanned everyone with a cold face before speaking slowly.


"I would like someone to explain what happened here."


His voice, sharp as a blade, fell upon everyone.


"Without leaving anything out, completely."


Those who felt the spreading wrath of the Poison King closed their eyes in resignation.

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