
He asked me to marry him

The next morning at the university gate, Mia was waiting for Dorothy. Immediately she saw her, she rushed at her, grabbed her and pushed her to the corner.

"How did it go" she asked.

"Well," Dorothy began.

"Come on girl talk, I am losing my patience" she exclaimed. "He agreed to help me, but he said that I would marry him," Dorothy replied.

"What ! And what was your reply?" she asked.

"I said yes," Dorothy replied.

"But wait, what kind of marriage does he want, because how can he marry when he hates girls?" Mia asked.

"Contract marriage" she replied. 

"Why do you ask?". 

"I was browsing about him this morning and people were saying he was gay, so his family is pressuring him to take a wife to get it," Mia explained.

"So that is why he didn't want intimacy", Dorothy muttered.

"What did you just say?" Mia asked.

"Nothing" she replied and started walking away quickly.

"Hey! Come back, Doro, I think I heard something from you," Mia said, and started running to her.

Dorothy saw that she was chasing her and took to her heels and they both ran into the school.

In a very luxurious house on the most expensive estate in Australia. Calvin was seen watching the news on the television in his living room.

"Boss, your phone is ringing" Edward said, coming into the room.

"Who is calling" he asked, not removing his eyes from the television.

"Your father," Edward replied.

Calvin stood up and took the phone from Edward and went to the balcony to answer it.

"What did I do to deserve this disgrace, Calvin !" shouted a male voice? Immediately, the phone was connected.

"What is it fathered ?" Calvin asked. 

"I just saw a video of you pushing a girl just because she touched you, Calvin, are you truly gay ?" his father asked.

"My wife and I are coming for the traditional Thanksgiving dinner next week" Calvin said, and hung up the call. On the other hand, Calvin's father tried calling him again, but he didn't pick him up.

"Damn it, that boy refused to pick my call" he cursed.

"What did he say" his wife asked him. 

"This is your fault woman, all your fault" he said to his wife.

"How is it my fault Mr Dennis ?" his wife challenged. "It must be from your family that this gay feeling came from" he said.

"Impossible that cannot be, all my family members are all straight, it must be from your family" his wife challenged back.

"How dare you say that about my family you ....".

"Hey !" their eighteen-year-old daughter Kelly interrupted. They stopped their bickering and looked at her.

"So Dad, what did he say ?" she asked her father.

"He said that he was coming to Thanksgiving dinner with his wife", her father replied.

"Wow, that's great news, at least the world will then know that he is straight" Calvin's mother exclaimed.

"Let's just pray it is not arranged" Kelly said.

Meanwhile, after Calvin was done talking with his father, he placed a call on Dorothy. She was at Mia's house, and they were preparing fruit salad when Calvin called.

"Hello", Dorothy answered.

"Meet me at Lilo by seven" the person said.

"Cal is this you ?" Dorothy asked, recognizing his voice.

"Yes it is me, don't be late" he said and cut off the call.

"Who was that ?" Mia asked, munching on a carrot.

"Calvin," Dorothy answered.

"He said I should meet him at Lilo by seven."

"Well you should go and prepare it at almost six !" Mia exclaimed.

"But I don't ha..."

"There is no way but just go and prepare" Mia interrupted, pushing her into the bedroom.

Dorothy went into the bathroom and showered, she wore one of Mia's clothes and went out.

"Wow, you look good" Mia complimented.

"Are you sure ?" Dorothy asked.

"Of course you look stunning. If he wasn't gay he might fall for you", Mia said.

"OK, I will get going now" Dorothy said, walking towards the door.

"OK, have fun" Mia replied.

Dorothy held the door's handle and said to Mia "don't finish all the salad."

"I won't" she replied.

Dorothy got out of the house, took a bus, and it stopped her at the street leading to the restaurant. She got out and walked down the street until she got to the restaurant.

 She went inside the restaurant. Calvin was sitting at the same table he sat when they met the last time. So she went there and sat down.

"Calvin gave her a menu to choose, she chose her food and the waiter brought it for her.

She began eating immediately. "Why are you not eating ?" she asked Calvin, staring at his untouched plate.

"I am not hungry" he replied.

"OK "Dorothy said and continued eating.

"Who are your parents ?" Calvin asked unexpectedly, and Dorothy almost choked on her food.

"They are dead" she replied.

"What happened to them ?" Calvin asked.

"Please, I don't want to talk about it", Dorothy pleaded.

"I am just trying to ask the questions my father will ask you when we visit them on Sunday" he said.

"We will be visiting your parents ?" She would.

"Yes" Calvin replied.

"Does he know we are fake ?" She asked.

"No, and you must not show that we are not real no matter what," he warned.

"OK got it" she acknowledged.

"And be prepared to be kissed in public" he said.

"Uh kiss ?" Dorothy asked.

"Yes, a lot of them" he replied.

"Are you nervous ?" Calvin asked.

"No, why would I be nervous, it is just a kiss" she said, but in her mind she was saying" no, no, no I can't kiss him, he is too hot. I am not going to survive it.

"OK, let's get back to the question. What happened to your parents ?" he asked.

"They died in a motor accident when I was four," Dorothy replied.

"Where did you live after that?"he asked.

"I lived in an orphanage till I graduated from high school" she replied.

"OK that's fine, now sigh this" he said, giving her their marriage certificate to sign. She signed it and gave it back to him.

Then Calvin gave her an invitation card saying" that is my family's traditional Thanksgiving dinner invitation". 

Dorothy collected the card from him and started inspecting it and her heart almost had a heart attack because of the people she saw on the card.

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