
Chapter Ten: Strike Against the Empire

Luke Skywalker found his time in the simulators for X-Wing fighter pilot training to be illuminating. The controls were rather similar to his T-16 Skyhopper back home on Tatooine, and the transition was rather smooth.

The simulators had multiple difficulty settings based on how realistic it would play out to real missions. How aggressive enemy fighters would be, and how tough on the pilot the mission would be.

Luke however barely struggled, due to his connection to the Force, the Gamer, and his years of experience flying on Tatooine.

After an entire day of training, he had the following skills.

[You have levelled up Piloting to LV 39 (41.57% to LV 40).]

[You have gained 450 EXP from levelling up Piloting.]

Luke had lived fifteen years without having the Gamer, and ever since he got it things have just been better. It was easier to do pretty much everything better, to learn things quicker, to do things easier.

Eyebrows were raised around the rebel camp that someone so young, also with little to no experience actually being a fighter pilot or even a rebel for that matter would be leading the assault in the air.

General Kota was able to hand wave most of this because the assault wasn't meant to be a long drawn out battle. Most rebellion tactics boiled down to how much damage could be done to Imperial assets before disappearing. Luke was not going to be in charge for much longer than a couple of minutes.

Obi-Wan greatly approved of Luke learning skills like fighter pilot training, leadership, and expanding his growth as a warrior. These skills would greatly assist him in his journey as a Jedi and a faction leader, so Obi-Wan was there everytime Luke needed a break from training to offer his support.

Eventually, Luke and the other pilots boarded their X-Wings, where their signatures in Imperial airspace would be cloaked so as to not track their origin.

Luke actually rather liked his X-Wing.

It had a long nose designed for aerodynamic acceleration, four fusial engines, and four blaster cannons mounted upon each of the S foils or wing like strike foils.

Luke's partner for the mission would be a chirpy little R4, a red astromech droid loaded into the seat behind where Luke sat.

Ground crews began to flag the pilots to begin their flight path, and leave the secret hangar Kota was able to maintain.

Luke was able to view the hustling and bustling mining and manufacturing city of Fondor as he soared upward, leading five other young men piloting their X-Wings.

After passing through Fondor's upper atmosphere, Luke eventually began to position himself in the middle of the other X-Wings, holding the direction needed to go towards the Imperial station that could soon harbor the Executor.

"This is central command." One of General Rahm Kota's officers could be heard in the earpieces of each of the pilots. "Red Squad is a minute and closing to the target."

Luke gave his command in reply. "All wings report in."

"Red 4 standing by."

"Red 5 standing by." Luke gave his call sign for the duration of the mission.

"Red 3 standing by."

"Red 1 standing by."

"Red 2 standing by."

"Red 6 standing by."

They continued to curve around the atmosphere of Fondor, just waiting for the opportunity to engage.

"The second you see the base blow, you unleash every bit of firepower onto the other Star Destroyer! Hold nothing back." said Luke.

"Copy." Red 1, a grizzled X-Wing fighter veteran said quietly.

The Imperial base came into view, and Luke instantly gave his order.

"Lock S foils in attack position and accelerate to attack speed!"

"Copy Red leader."

The Imperial base was a circular building in Fondor's orbit. Luke had the pleasure of watching the docked Imperial Star Destroyer be detonated from afar.

"That's the signal, begin the attack!"

Luke released his proton torpedoes, and the other five X-Wing fighters tried caking the sides of the bridge with repeated blaster fire.

It became clear that it wasn't effective.

"Her shields are still up!" Red Two announced.

Before Luke could react, a live hologram message appeared on his console. "Red Leader, this is the captain of the ground crew. The mission is still not a failure, we have a chance to still disable the shields, give us more time."

Luke could feel their plight through the Force. They were struggling, but on the verge of victory nonetheless to disable the shields and escape.

Through the hologram it was clear that the mission was all but bungled regardless on one mistake, exchanging blaster fire with storm troopers on deck the Star Destroyer.

Their cover had been blown.

Luke got another transmission as he instinctively prepared his X-wing for another run at the bridge. "Luke, this is General Kota. Abandon the mission and return to base now. That's a direct order."

Luke instantly felt he had two options. Stay and fight, or run.

Did he go with his gut instinct and fight it out, or leave? Abandoning his friends to almost certain failure without the correct success of exploding the Star Destroyer and letting Rahm Kota know to send transports to pick up the remaining rebels.

"I'm not playing here boy," said Kota, "Return now or you'll be-"

"I'm staying to fight this out." Luke began to hit a few switches on his console, gripping the joystick for the X-Wing's main controls better. "Anyone wanting to stay is welcome to join me or fly back."

"We're with you Red 5." said Red 1.

"That's right Luke, no matter how this plays out, we'll buy the ground team some attention away from them."

They need time. That was the main objective Luke had in mind, the cry for help through the Force he sensed.

"All wings, fall in after me."

Luke had his buddies form up right behind him and they began their assault on the shielded warship.

"Those are rebel fighters!" the head officer on The Ultimatum yelled. "Get me Naval command!"

The bridge was in general disarray. "Our comms are jammed sir!"

"Sir! Our team sent to dispatch the rebels in the main engine bay haven't returned!"

The bridge had to physically dive for cover even if they were probably safe.

All six X-Wings began to fire in unison, releasing their payloads all at once hoping the shields might crack.

"Damage report!"

"Eighty three percent shield capacity sir!"

"Forward and light batteries, take those fighters down at all costs!"

"Sir yes sir!"

Luke spoke calmly into his earpiece to his fellow X-Wing pilots.

"Stay with me but avoid fire!"

Anti aircraft cannons all along the Star Destroyer's starboard sections began to fire in unison.

They began to light up the high orbits of Fondor with showers of green, the X-Wings far too nimble, and their pilots far too skilled to be struck with anything meaningful.

"I hope you know what you're doing boy." said Kota, not angry with Luke's decision for the moment. "May the Force be with you."

Luke's friends returned fire when they had the opportunity.

Luke was scoring [Proximity EXP] for being the squad leader of pilots able to disable cannons on the bottom side of the Star Destroyer.

He used his targeting computer and focused on a laser cannon.

Luke squeezed the triggers to deal damage to the ship landing perfectly.

[You have gained 400 EXP from disabling a hardpoint!]

"Nice shooting rookie!"

"Cut the chatter Red 3." Red 1 said, spinning in air to avoid missile fire. "Keep your eyes on your scopes for enemy fighters." he grunted out.

Luke could tell Red 1 was in serious trouble. "You okay back there?"


Luke saw a small explosion behind him.

"Red 1!"

"I'm okay, one of engines took a hit."

"Can you stay with us?"

"Just about, my droid's working on the repairs as we speak."

The Ultimatum's lead deck officer had had enough.

"I want every pilot we have to bring those fighters down!"

"They're already on their way sir."

"Luke! Enemy TIEs approaching at point two six A."

"I can see them, let's see what they got boys." muttered Luke.

The X-Wings and TIE fighters began to clash, and immediately it was evident to the deck officers who had the edge.

The Rebellion was significantly better in the air than the Empire. Except the raw number of fighters they could field vastly outperformed the Rebels.

The Empire's TIEs were fast and had powerful cannons, but not much else. Only the sheer number of them made it an issue for Luke and his friends.

"Red 5, you've got company."

"I see him."

Red 2 was distracted by missile lock and his need to shake it, so Luke was left alone.

"Can't help you out much from back here. You're on your own."

"I can't shake him off me!"

Luke sighed, sweating beneath his helmet.

The TIE fighter following him was a skilled opponent, forcing Luke to dive along the Star Destroyer at full speed to avoid being shot, constantly swaying left and right to avoid being shot.

Luke was fully throttling, hastily wondering how he was going to get out of such a sticky situation.

There was just too much input.

The other pilots in the background trying communicate to carry out the mission under enemy fire, the missile lock sound, diving to avoid green laser fire, his droid beeping.

Luke remembered his training. He focused on one thing alone.

Using his raw instincts trusting in the Force.

Luke switched all power in his X-Wing to the shields and stopped dead in the air, reversing in the middle of his chase.

This gave the enemy TIE fighter pilot a split second choice:

Dodge, or die.

The TIE fighter chose dodge, but then he was going to die.

Because now it was Luke who was in the chasing position.

He stayed on target, instantly zero'd in on the enemy TIE fighter pilot, and blasted away with all four laser cannons. In a flurry of red charges, the TIE fighter exploded in a violent display.

"Great shooting Luke!"

[You have unlocked a new skill!]

[Your piloting has improved by 1 LV!]

Luke barely saw these updates. But when he did, he noted how much the Gamer rewarded his skill.

He was already locked in, but now he was far more aggressive.

Luke knew his reflexes were better than those of any pilot in any TIE Fighter, all he had to do was show it.

He picked his moments.

"Any help!?"

Red 3 saw a white blur past him sail into where a TIE fighter just was before Luke simply shot it out of thin air.

"Uh. Thanks?" Red 3 said, confused by the degree of skill Luke was showing.

Luke liked the EXP he was getting for all the TIE fighters he was shooting down, and went after his third target.

He spun hard to avoid missiles, and kept them hot on his tail.

However, Luke was so brave, and so fast with his X-Wing, that he would fly directly at the faces of TIE fighters in triple formation, and not even give them a chance to react.

As Luke bailed, diving upwards as hard and suddenly as he could, the missiles still tracking him kept their course.

And bang, two TIE fighters were shot down with one feint.

Luke could outfly TIE fighters coming in from behind, turn their own rockets against themselves, shoot from any angle, save his friends.

He ended up leveling up again from the seventh TIE fighter he shot down.

And the minutes he saved the ground crew paid off.

"Those shields are down, come get us when you get back to the surface."

"I'll let General Kota now, for now boys. Follow me!"

Luke smiled, hearing the other pilots holler and cheer in his ear for what was sure to be a successful mission.

In unison, him and four other X-Wing fighters loosened proton torpedoes that exploded the bridge of The Ultimatum.

Luke had trusted himself and the Force.

When he returned to the hangar, the other Rebel crew and pilots surrounded him, lifting them into the air.

They froze a little when General Kota appeared, arms crossed.

"That was a reckless thing you did, disobeying orders."

Luke swallowed. "I will never turn my back on those who need me."

"I know."

They lowered him down, no longer hoisting him up.

General Kota appeared to be sizing Luke up, unlikely for a fight, but clearly staring him down.

Then, Kota lifted Luke's hand. "I give you, the new Hero of the Rebellion!"

Everyone in the hangar then gave a collective cheer.

"I heard you shot down eight enemy fighters." Obi-Wan approached Luke as the festivities in the Rebel camp continued well into the night.

Luke shrugged. "I did what you taught me. The Force showed me the way."

"Then I must ask you now, what way do you feel is next?"

Luke looked up at his mentor, thinking cautiously.

"That ship, the Executor. It's a threat to the whole galaxy." said Luke quietly. "I'll help Rahm Kota destroy it forever. And then."

Luke sighed.

"I'll use the money I make to start my own faction to replace the Hutt clans. But I'll make the Outer Rim better for it, not worse."

Obi-Wan explained. "So you realize now what power you have in the eyes of others."

"Tonight taught me that. Yes." said Luke. "I'll be there for the rebellion, but Master Kota said he'll help me."

"You are mastering the ways of the Force more every day now. But you are not a Jedi yet. Leading this fighter pilot mission helped, and I'm sure your abilities grew. But when soon you will pass into becoming a Jedi Knight."

Luke lit up with elation. "Really?"

"I can't give you a date. But you'd need to pass a serious challenge."

"I can't wait."

Obi-Wan smiled, clinking glasses of Bantha milk with Luke's. "Enjoy tonight, focus on training some other day for a change."

Luke left the campfire, hugged his mentor, and walked off to do just that.


So yes, I can still write chapters for this fic. How was it? Feel free to be honest.

I felt it necessary to show how Luke Skywalker would and should be one of the most skilled fighter pilots in the history of the galaxy. Not just because his dad was Anakin Skywalker, but because in his first ever real mission:

He blew up the Death Star.

Sure that might've been the movie magic of A New Hope, but still.

I hope this fanfic and this chapter especially have been scratching the following itches:

Star Wars Gamer Content

Legends and Expanded Universe

Original Trilogy fanfics

as well as Rational Fics explaining canon better as I did with more fighter pilot development for Luke.

I feel like Luke Skywalker is massively underrated, especially when so many fanfics have OC characters and others become so popular. Not that those are bad things don't get me wrong, but without Luke, Star Wars never would've become this super franchise.

Please give me your thoughts in the comments below. Shoutout to ManyAMask and DarthOblivious for your comments, as well as everyone else who commented. Your support helps keep this fanfic alive.

Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and supporting this fanfic everyone. Stay safe!

MiyazakiFan_18creators' thoughts