
The Execution


The sound of trumpets, the crowded crowd and the presence of more than a hundred officers were witnesses of what was soon to happen.

In particular cases like this one, in the city of Luesia, the citizens gathered in the central square were allowed to see from not far away what would happen inside a mansion that was in front of the square.

One could hear the people exclaiming complaints in a loud voice.

We know they are inside! Get them out!

Make them pay for what they did to us!

Give me back my husband! - shouted one woman.

Others added terrible exclamations mingling among the tumult of villagers who were present in that square of Luesia.

That girl is good for nothing!

Yes, bring us her head too!

- We know the boy is a beauty, give him to us first so we can have some fun with him! - shouted a group of not-so-graceful-looking women.

The facade of the mansion boasted a dark white color with elegant designs that were highlighted by the garden that bordered it and a protective metal fence.

Appeasement officers surrounding the site outside the metal fence, armed with shields and non-lethal offensive weapons, stood ready to guard the site.

Both officer and press vehicles were present; but, more interestingly, certain vehicles were present within the grounds of that mansion with a garage large enough to hold about 25 vehicles.

The entrance to the garage, as well as the interior of the mansion, was covered with more officers guarding the interior.

More cars were arriving and entering the place and, as they exited the vehicles, a group of elegantly dressed people appeared, they seemed to be people of great importance.

The surroundings of the square and the mansion were accompanied by several buildings of different types such as clinics, commercial areas, restaurants, among others; but, that day, all of them were closed to the public.

Inside the mansion, in a large courtyard located in the back, was located a wooden stage and seats around it as if it were a stage for a show. The distinguished guests settled in that place while greeting each other.

As the minutes passed and the preparations came to an end, the entire audience watched as three officers were positioned on the stage near a certain device. One of them began to speak, introducing himself as 'the gentleman from Luesia'.

The clothing of that man was different from that of the other officers; he wore a dark trench coat and a brigadier's cord.

That man announced the reason for the attendance of those present: the execution of two criminals for the alleged kidnapping of approximately 50 people and the murder of more than 14 people.

The guests talked more than before and told each other rumors they had heard before arriving.

- Is it true that a woman murdered more than 9 people?

- It seems to be ... but what is more surprising is that they say she is still a minor.

- No, you are wrong ... she is already older, but actually they say that who they really found at the scene was her accomplice.

- Yes ... but is it really possible that those two could do all that?

- Well, they actually say they belong to a criminal organization. They probably had others supporting them from the shadows.

- I think the same thing, otherwise how is it that in so many months they could not find anything about them?

Those present were still talking trying to speak as quietly as possible, but the crowd was about 40 people which did not allow the place to be silent, then it was when a voice was heard.

- Bring them in!

The audience immediately fell silent.

From one of the entrances of the mansion, a handcuffed woman was being brought in, accompanied by two officers. One in front and the other behind her.

The public did not believe it; that woman bore a graceful and beautiful appearance in contrast to the horrible crimes to which she was attributed.

- Oh ... who knew, so it was true ... what a waste.

- Come on, if I had known it before, I would have had a run-in with her.

- What do you say man, wouldn't your wife hang you by the neck if she found out.

- It is said that wives are for marriage and lovers are for love.

- I am of the same opinion; besides, I was not going to live much longer; so what sin would we be blamed for.

The male audience commented as they watched the young-looking woman walk up to the platform where she was awaiting a date with the guillotine, a device that was next to the officers.

Already on her knees in front of the frightening apparatus, the young woman could hear the officers say- It seems that quartermaster Ruben wants to get this over with quickly, although he still has to please these guys.

- If ... Miss Victoria doesn't want us to drag this out any longer, the order to finish before noon might be hard to do. - commented the other officer.

- We only have about twenty minutes left ... and they still haven't brought the other one in.

- Yes ... apparently, the chief doesn't want to keep feeding the morbid curiosity of these people ... it's hard enough to restrict the entry of citizens.

While the officers were still talking, the woman kneeling on the platform, with a look of great concern raised her eyes and asked herself- How did it come to this?

It was then that another cry was heard- Bring the other one! - which again made everyone fall silent.

Just as the woman had entered, the second condemned man came out of the mansion, with his two hands cuffed behind his back, and was accompanied by two officers.

This time it was a tall man of slim build, but with a somewhat disheveled appearance, who appeared before the public. Everyone was amazed at the appearance of the long-haired man.

A few seconds passed as the convict walked to the stage in front of him, but the silence was broken when the comment was made:

- I-is he serious?!

Subsequently, a series of questions and sayings spoken by women manifested, overshadowing the whole place.

- W-Who is that? Where does he come from?!

- How beautiful!

- Hey, this can't be true... How can such a man be a criminal?

- What are you talking about?

- I want to take him home.

- Alas ... if only I wasn't married.

Different opinions and exclamations were expressed by most of the women present in the place, and certainly the men showed a certain dislike for that man.

The women went to the extreme of wanting to throw various items of clothing as a sign of their passionate intentions for that man in formal dress, as he was wearing a dark sleeveless jacket, a shirt and a pair of pants.

The officers at his side were trying to ask the public to behave themselves as they led the condemned man to the place of his execution.

- Hey, hurry up the pace! - exclaimed one of the officers escorting the second prisoner.

- Quiet, please! - using a megaphone, the gentleman from Luesia spoke.

That man, although judged as a criminal, walked solemnly until he reached the place where his companion was waiting.

It was forty-six minutes past eleven o'clock when the two sentenced men had entered the stand.

The couple was placed on their knees on the stand and in front of them was the waiting guillotine.

The intendant positioned himself behind them and began to read, supported by a microphone, a small book that he had been carrying in his hand since before; that book contained a series of acts for which the couple was blamed.


On this day, February 28, 2096, the execution will take place of two criminals found in flagrante delicto who for more than five months have unleashed a series of horrible crimes against our community.

The Mayor's Office and the Municipality of Luesia led by Mayor Victoria D. Hans and the head of the Department of Information and Security have decreed, according to tradition and popular vote, the method of execution and to make public the execution considering that the main witnesses are people who have contributed in recent years to the restoration of the city.

Continuing with the protocol, the series of acts for which the woman known as Alicia Enid Fonseca, who already has a history of vandalism since the early age of 11 years old, and the man known as Arias D. Aren, who has the observation of having falsified identity documents, are accused of will be detailed.


After having read about eight sentences, the gentleman from Luesia, Mayor Rubén Blades, went on to add a final remark.


It is worth mentioning that, due to the seriousness of the crimes and the evidence demonstrated, they have been partially and/or totally denied the following rights:


Right to legal assistance

Right to present a defense

Right to presumption of innocence

Right against self-incrimination

Right to appeal if the procedural and due process rights of the accused were not respected.


The man finished speaking and immediately ordered the man to be placed first on the guillotine; however, the women present demanded that the woman go first.

By the pressure of the crowd, the woman was placed first.

- Hey ... this is no fun at all. - commented in a low voice, Alicia.

- ...

- Why are you being quiet! - the woman asked again.

One of the officers exclaimed- Silence! - giving a blow on the woman's head.

- I'm sorry, Aren ... but if you could do something ... please. - Alice, between resignation and hope, made a plea.

While she was being taken to the guillotine, the woman turned her gaze to her back where the long-haired man was looking serenely at the floor. Alicia turned her gaze back to the front and her neck was placed in the opening that would immobilize her at the moment of lowering the great blade.

The young woman sighed- ... I guess this is the end ...- and commented as the gentleman from Luesia mentioned the time of execution while another officer stood next to the equipment where there was a lever that would activate the mechanism.

The voices and shouting of the citizens who were outside the mansion could be heard watching what they could from outside the security gates.

It was then that a voice was heard in the midst of all the hubbub- ... tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are.

As if it was a hint, Alicia reacted- Huh? What?! Do you have a complaint or something?! Come on tell me before I get filleted! - and expressed angrily. Again, she was pinned by the officer.

The young man sighed and added- With dignity ... until the end.

- Dignity? Your dignity I'm going to shove it up your ... ! - when answering again, this time the officer hit her with a baton he had at hand.

They did not delay any longer, when the order was given through a shout that indicated to pull the lever.

Alicia was beginning to tear up as Aren looked up and spoke.

- There I go San Pedro.

The blade swiftly descended and a shot rang out.

The execution had taken place at one minute past twelve.

Their first trip and already worth D.

Ilustre_Elcreators' thoughts
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