
22. Salvation.

Charles entered the portal room with exhaustion weighing him down. The past two weeks had been rough, and as he opened the door to the room and pressed the correct button to transport himself to the castle in Ireland, he hoped that the voices that whispered to him were accurate this time. These spirits, whose origins he was unsure of, had been with him throughout his long life. They meant no harm, but they didn't always get things right.

Nevertheless, Charles had learned to trust them, and they were urging him to go to his personal room in the castle. In that room, he kept his herbs, tinctures, and various items from his past. It was a private space that provided him with a sense of tranquility. He hoped that there was something within it that could help him, and perhaps even them.

As Charles left the portal room and entered the castle in Ireland, the festive atmosphere had vanished, returning the surroundings to their usual state. Paintings adorned the walls, taken from Mimi's houses. Mariella had transformed this place into her own home, and maybe one day they could address the minor issues that bothered Charles. However, since Damon had been the pack leader, the responsibility had fallen on him, and the entire world, along with other dimensions, knew just how much he adored Mariella.

Charles didn't inform anyone of his presence, uncertain if the Salvatores could sense him. His radar showed that Mariella didn't have any major problems at the moment. He had kept his protector radar even during Annaliese's reign, but he could not take action. It had been a terrible time, and he had waited to see Mimi, only for his beloved hive queen to fall.

They were left unable to function, just like in the distant past. The vulnerability of the hive lay in its queen - if she was killed, the rest of the hive became paralyzed. While this had brought about a new direction in vampire evolution, they had struggled to cope this time.

He walked through dark halls and corridors, his steps silent on the stone floors, until he reached the door of his room. It was one of the unassuming corner rooms, originally intended for storing supplies, but Charles had made it his own. Taking the key from his pocket, a keychain that Mimi had bought for him, he stepped inside and flicked on the light.

The small windows opened into a shadowy backyard, making direct sunlight a rarity in this room. Dark panels lined the walls, and the unforgiving stone floor had once been cold, but Charles had added elements from his past. Thick rugs covered the cold floor, tapestries brought a sense of homeliness, and served as a reminder of his tribe and his roots, as they were woven by his tribe.

Shelves lined one wall, filled with jars, bags, and vials containing his herbs and tinctures. The spirits had urged him to come and see if certain herbs could be of help. He could still smell the faint scent of strawberries clinging to his skin and clothes. He had waited to be with her, and then this had happened.

The hive was unable to function as the queen was dead, and although a part of Charles knew that Mimi would eventually recover, he couldn't help but feel the hive's mourning for their fallen queen. They were devastated, barely able to function.

He was perusing the vials on one shelf when he heard footsteps and a voice from the doorway asked, "Hello, Cornick. I see you're free now. Good for you. What are you doing?" It was Number Five.

Charles glanced at him, continuing to take a vial and listening to the spirits to determine which one they wanted. It wasn't easy, as they could easily get distracted, and it was crucial for Charles to keep his mind focused on the problem so that the spirits could assist him, eventually. Sometimes it felt like dealing with a group of impulsive children, not entirely focused on the task at hand, but Charles was patient. This wasn't the right vial, so he reached for the next one.

Number Five said, "Well, do I have to ask Number One and Mariella to interrogate you, or will you answer to me?"

Charles grunted and replied, "I'm looking for something that the spirits want. Nothing extraordinary. Besides, I'm not in the pack, so Number One has zero influence over me. However, I am part of the hive. Mimi brought us in four weeks ago..."

His voice trailed off as he took out a small pouch. This was something the spirits wanted him to try, so he put the bag on his belt and moved on to the next one. There was still a lingering feeling that there was more to be done. They urged him to ask number five if he had any ideas on what to do, but Charles was hesitant. He didn't want them to know just yet, but he was desperate to get her back.

Charles cleared his throat and addressed number five, "In theory, as Mimi's former protector, what would you use if she were to overdose on opiates?"

Number five took a few steps closer and sat down, looking at Charles with contemplation. "Well, it shouldn't happen, since she's resistant to human drugs. But my teeth would probably be the first line of defense. Since her system processes them however it wants, it would require tasting her blood and reacting. Naloxone wouldn't be of much help either, as she would just metabolize it away. Right now, I'm not her protector since she has her hive. I'm not a part of it, so my radar isn't tuned in. I can't consult it."

Charles grunted and pressed further, "And if the teeth aren't the answer, is there a drug, chemical, or procedure that could help?"

Number five remained quiet for a moment, then spoke uncertainly. "Like I said, it should be possible. Unless you know something I don't?"

Charles fell silent. A few minutes later, he felt Mariella running towards him and wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her back, soothing her. She was his to protect, and despite being in the hive, he kept his radar open. Number five's excuse of not being Mimi's protector didn't sit well with him, but he didn't dwell on it. Mariella held onto him for a long time, expressing how much she had missed him.

She then asked him with concern, "Thank God Mimi has you back, but tell me, you're not okay. My radar is picking up on several different things - you haven't eaten or rested, and you seem broken-hearted. What's wrong?"

Charles remained quiet. Just as he was about to respond, Damon, number one, spoke up from the doorway with a steady voice. "Tell us, even though you're in the hive, if I drill into your mind, it will hurt."

Charles replied, "It's a hive thing, nothing to do with you. You don't want to be in the hive."

Number three interjected, "It's not that. We were frightened when the power hit. We didn't want to go back under her control."

Charles's voice carried a coldness as he spoke, his expression sharp and unforgiving. His mouth formed a tight line, and his dark eyes almost appeared black. There was a slight smell of fire, indicating that his vampire side was near the surface.

"Bullshit," he began, "you have an issue with Mimi being the leader. If you had her back, you would have imbued your telepathy and powers into the hive bond. Instead, you created your own web, attempting to take over Mimi's hive, dismantle the whole structure, and destroy Annaliese. But guess what? It's not that easy. The hive, we, have a plan, but it will take time. And we don't need you. You can continue to live in here like the weak losers and betrayers that you are!"

Damon's gaze fell to the floor, realizing that his actions had once again put Mimi in deep trouble. It was unbearable, and he longed for Mariella's comfort. However, she remained by Charles's side, hugging her protector.

Damon watched them closely, meeting Charles's eyes as he spoke. "Guilty as charged. I messed up the whole thing, and it felt unbearable to be under any female or part of the hive that wasn't mine. Then the power hit us, dislodging us. But I've had time to get my mind back on track, and I'm ready for round two. This time, I will help the hive and be the king of the hive."

Charles's voice remained neutral yet slightly arrogant as he responded, "No need. We, the hive, can manage. It will take time, and we have our own problems. But we need those who are fully committed, not just when they feel like it. To us, being in the hive is an honor, a safe place, not a prison like the pack sometimes felt when we were forced to do things we didn't want."

Charles's eyes briefly flickered to the paintings on the walls, causing Mariella to feel guilty and look away.

Damon's tone grew sharper, his expression filled with rage as he questioned, "Now, tell us, you clearly have some crisis. And what about the question of Mimi's opiate overdose? It shouldn't happen since she's resistant to fentanyl, morphine, and other human drugs. Unless there's some new formulation."

Charles responded, "You're no zoo vet, so you have no idea about drugs used in animals. But fine, look up substances like carfentanil, etorphine, sufentanil, and lofentanil. These are animal drugs used to sedate and even euthanize elephants and rhinos - powerful enough to affect Mimi."

Damon's voice grew even sharper, his expression darkening with rage as he exclaimed, "You mean there are substances potent enough to harm Mimi, and no one bothered to tell me? What the fuck!"

Mariella silently handed Damon her phone, having already looked up the drugs mentioned. Her expression mirrored his somberness as they both absorbed the information.

Damon cursed under his breath, frustration boiling over as he glared at Charles with piercing, ice-blue eyes. "Please tell me she hasn't been dosed with these," he muttered, his brow furrowed. "I have no idea what her system will do with this stuff. It could put her in a coma for nine months or turn her into a rage machine. It's not good if she unleashes her anger on the hive. Start talking to me, Cornick, and I mean now. I may not have my radar, but I've been her protector long enough to make a pretty damn good guess. This is not good, not at all!"

Damon left Charles with no choice but to spill the complete story. His fury hung in the air like a palpable force, much like Mimi's white-hot rage. After all, he was still her biological half, and they were strikingly similar. Charles turned around to face Damon, and Mariella moved closer, attempting to calm him down. Charles took a deep breath, looking tired as he began to speak.

"Mimi got us out two weeks ago at the party. We snuck into the hive for a week, all four of us. It was excruciatingly painful for her. It was a banquet, and Annaliese had drugged Wulfe even more. The elders were getting furious because Annaliese had also poisoned Mimi's food. They didn't appreciate her drugging Wulfe either. Colin was making sure it was safe for Mimi to eat, and Mimi trapped Annaliese. Then, during the night, Lepard got Number Four, but Mimi was needed to help pull him in. He's still oozing into the hive, but slowly. He's trying. I can feel it. We've been trying to help him, but Lepard can only do so much. Annaliese is trying to stop him from entering, but she can't pull him back. So, it's difficult for him to get in."

Charles paused, taking another breath, maintaining a calm demeanor as he relayed the events as clinically as possible. He didn't want his emotions to surface just yet.

Damon's expression was filled with impatience as he eagerly awaited Charles to continue his story. He was eager to hear what had happened and was hoping for more details. However, for now, he just wanted a summary of the key points so that he could take action, make a plan, and try to help. He also wanted to know how bad the situation with Mimi had become, as he felt responsible for dropping the ball once again.

Charles took a seat on the bed, his voice growing quieter as he looked down at the floor and began recounting the events. "Annaliese drugged Wulfe with etorphine. As Mimi attempted to include Number Two in the plan, even though it was incredibly painful for her, Annaliese attacked her. She used Wulfe's power, meaning that she is not as strong on her own, but she can control those under her influence. Annaliese froze everyone, preventing Number Two from entering, so he slipped away. Annaliese had a syringe, 5 ml, filled with 10mg/ml of etorphine, and she injected the entire syringe into Mimi's heart. Mimi collapsed and reverted back to her human form, no longer a vampire. She is now clinically dead but on life support, with a ventilator and heart-lung machine. Wulfe went into a frenzy when he saw her dying, dead. He managed to break free from Annaliese and teleported us back to the mansion, where the queen was incapacitated. We were all unable to function," Charles explained, his voice filled with pain.

He still vividly remembered Wulfe's anguished cry of "nooo" as Mimi lifelessly fell to the floor. Wulfe was devastated, rocking Mimi gently as he was heavily affected by the effects of etorphine and was not truly himself. 

Damon spoke softly, "Life support, huh? Fuck."

He shook his head, and Charles nodded in agreement. "To fully immobilize a grown African elephant, it takes about 15 mg of etorphine. Mimi got 50 mg, so it's bad. Wulfe keeps us going, using his powers to make us function. He insisted on putting her on life support. He sits by her bedside, talking to her when he's not giving us orders. It's not so bad, though. We rely on his guidance since we have no initiative. But Wulfe says once Mimi wakes up, he'll change the hive so we can retain our faculties if this happens again."

Charles sat there, his voice quiet and pained as he missed Mimi too. Damon could smell Mimi on Charles's clothes, so Wulfe wasn't the only one near her.

Mariella chimed in, "You mentioned having a plan? Care to share so we can see how we can help too?"

Charles sighed, keeping his hands in his lap and absentmindedly twisting a keychain in his fingers.

He explained, "Number Four is the key. He's the one who has to kill Annaliese. Constantine explained it to us. He was Damon's surface self when you were turned, and Damien had already pulled you down to the core. So, one of her own, someone who hates her, has to be her undoing. We need that dagger. Number Four will channel his hatred, just like Mimi did to Damien, and that hatred will be imbued into the dagger. Then, it'll be time to act. But before that, we need to free as many Salvatores as possible. It's hard and painful for Mimi. It's likely that we'll need several hive members to bite them at the same time in order to pull them in."

Damon nodded and said, "Good thing we have a plan. Let's go to the hive and see what we can do to help Mimi. Can we wake her up and then expedite Number Four's involvement? Mimi's coma might actually work to our advantage, as it would be painful for her. The young lady will also learn that she needs to inform us about these kinds of drugs, so we can be prepared too."

Mariella found herself once again drawn to Charles as she noticed his pain.

Damon smirked at her and said, "Darlin', let Charles have some space. I know he's been away from you, and he needs to eat and sleep somewhere other than next to Mimi. He reeks of strawberries. He's around her, and I suspect there are others sleeping next to her as well. We need to enter the hive, make some changes, and then bring Wulfe in. That's when things will start to happen."

Reluctantly, Mariella let go of Charles. Damon sauntered closer and examined his jars and bags.

After smelling several jars and opening a few bags, Damon spoke calmly, "I've never seen these before. It would be useful for me to know about them too, considering I'm Mimi's protector."

Charles spoke up, his voice sharp as he protected Mimi, "No, you're not her protector at this moment, and I'm not sure when you will be. You don't have to know everything. These are mine, and the spirits want me to try something. It just takes time because they get easily distracted."

Damon began sifting through the bags and jars, selecting several to take with him. Charles tried to say something, but a flash in Damon's eyes silenced him. Well, he would have to find out more later. Mariella entered the room, admiring the tapestries and rugs. She sat on the not-so-big bed, while the wolves entered in their wolf forms. They enjoyed being in their natural forms from time to time, even though they had spent a long time in human form. This was who they truly were.

After Damon had obtained everything he needed, he said, "Come on, let's go see her and figure out what we can do for her."

Charles responded, "It's not that simple. Wulfe is always by her side, not allowing anyone to get too close to her for a long time. You'll have to get him on board before he lets you do anything to her."

Damon rolled his eyes and sighed, and Mimosa chimed in, "Let us help. Let's go and see if we can calm Wulfe down and assist Mimi in some way."

Charles added, "Colin is also there, and he knows. Mimi told him about several veterinary drugs she has gotten the FDA to tighten the permits to get them. It's not easy to obtain them in large quantities, and she confided in Colin that sometimes those drugs are found in missions. She's even taken dangerous substances like carfentanil and stored them in her own safe. She has told no one else about these drugs. She gave Colin a list of the drugs and how much it takes to affect her."

Damon sighed inwardly. She had known for who knows how long, but refused to tell him. At one point, it was what defined her - a strong alpha female, much more feline than him. Her tendency to hide her vulnerabilities was more pronounced than his. But then again, he was her doctor, and this information would have been crucial for him to know. Not to exploit her with drugs, but to understand what options were available for her and how he could assist.

However, Damon was a realist. He understood these drugs must not have been pleasant for her, which was why she kept them hidden. But opioids usually induce euphoria, so what was wrong with them?

He asked, "Do you have any idea why she concealed this information? Has she experienced them before, or was there an adverse reaction? These are fentanyl derivatives. They should have given her euphoria. So what's the issue?"

Charles looked at Damon, surprised, and replied, "Are you honestly telling me that you don't know? Come on, you are her protector, her doctor. Surely you must understand."

Damon furrowed his brow and said, "What? I have no idea what you're talking about." 

Charles said, "You honestly don't know that she doesn't experience euphoria. Her metabolism works differently. It has been like this for over 100 years, as long as I have been her doctor. I find it hard to believe that you missed this." 

Damon frowned and responded, "Well, I had no idea. I mean, I've used velvet or my teeth, sometimes xylazine, in small doses, but nothing like what you're describing. Now I understand. They render her helpless, with no euphoria. No wonder she kept them a secret. But I need to know, and I need to know right now." 

Charles replied, "Colin has a list that Mimi gave to him. Carfentanil is the worst, sufentanil and lofentanil as well. They hit her like a freight train, sometimes causing an overdose, killing her, and keeping her sedated for a long time afterward. She has said nothing about it, but could Damien have used those in his jelly or something?"

Damon nodded and said, "Anything is possible, but we need to go and see what we can do. My teeth might be able to help. We have to determine how much drug is in her blood. Would bloodletting help at all? It is stressful for her, but still..."

Even though it wouldn't be easy, something inside him welcomed the upcoming challenge. He wasn't sure if it was his love for Mimi or his innate need to care for her, but he felt an almost painful urge to go to the mansion and help her. At the same time, the mere thought of seeing her on life support brought back many memories, both good and bad.

It was time to take action, to heal and help. And when the young lady would awaken again, it would be time for a long and difficult discussion about keeping things from him. He somehow sensed that Wulfe was just as angry at her as he was, so he wouldn't be the only one.

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