
33. Sitting Down Here.

I've been extremely busy for over a week now, and I had little time to be with my babies. A flurry of missions all over America had been taking up my time. I know that Mariella had come back, and several Salvatores were in the middle of the acceptance process. As for my foursome, they're not really mine anymore, but who knows what will happen? I had not even been thinking about anything relationship-related.

I was just happy that we're about to have a few more individuals I could direct in certain missions. We had several high-priority missions, and those I chose very carefully. Magnum had been busy assessing everyone, and I overheard him telling Murdock that he needed more zip ties. They seem to be in demand with the Salvatores. Good for them.

My missions had ranged from saving to blasting, and there had been a few liberation gigs. This time, I had to take my babies with me when we were in the middle of a gig. We had a lot of people protecting us, and my twins were able to do what they were meant to do. Of course, they were easy enough to teleport to safety, unless there was a teleportation blocker active. It took time for us to destroy it, so safety was paramount. I just couldn't trust that I could teleport them to safety.

As soon as it was safe, they would be teleported to the nearest base. I refused to think about any relationships or what number four had made me feel, what he had awakened in me. I was trying to remain professional and focus on my work, not daydreaming about wild sex in my office. I do remember he few times remarked to me, seeing me all work-oriented, he was getting lusty for that, so no, I was not thinking about him coming to my office, locking the door, and taking me against my table and my chair.

I was putting a charge up in one facility. This wasn't a mercy mission, but a blasting gig and a hot one. Meaning there was shooting happening all the time. Maybe because this had been one of six main enzyme facilities on the south side of the states, Sark had invested heavily in these. I had been on gigs for over a week now and had not been really aware of where we were with our recruits. I knew they were being evaluated. We already had several wounded, and as soon as I could get this in place, I could get out of there and make sure that the complete team was safe. It's more or less time to blow this thing up.

What I was happy about was that there were full files and a lot of results from my enzymes, and I had got it all. I would have time to read it at some point. I was not just going to hand it straight to Colin. I wanted to read it myself first to get the information in my mind. So if the need would come, I would have the information already.

Mariella's heart raced with excitement as she stood on the base, her senses heightened. However, fatigue weighed heavily upon her, leaving her feeling utterly drained. Her irritation simmered beneath the surface, but she pushed it aside. The grueling day had begun with seven hours of intense gun training alongside Murdock. Afterward, she had spent three hours in deep conversation with Jarod, delving into the intricacies of the pretender side. Colin had then conducted a series of health checks, taking up a few more hours of her time. Finally, she had a moment to review the mission plan, examining what had been considered, proposed, and ultimately discarded.

Yet, her focus was abruptly shattered when Taylor, a tall, blonde man, strode into the base and whisked her away to the gym. The training session turned into a brutal confrontation, with Taylor's words piercing like a sharp blade, mocking her and urging her to improve her skills and speed. Just as she thought the ordeal couldn't get any more challenging, Wulfe made an appearance, forcing her to wield her magic while simultaneously trying to fend off Taylor's relentless attacks. It was a grueling test, pushing her to her limits, but the rewards were tangible. She could feel the progress etched into her skin, a tangible sense of improvement after just over a week of dedicated training.

As Mariella persevered, Mimi, a fellow operative, would be soon returned from her missions, accompanied by a recent addition to their team, number four. Their initial interaction involved a visit to the medbay, where Colin's presence created a harmonious atmosphere. Number four and Colin get along well. Soon, substantial orders began flooding in, prompting thorough examinations of Mimi's files and frequent health checks.

The protocols implemented by Colin and Damon quickly spread to other bases, and Mariella couldn't help but feel a secret satisfaction. Colin went to other bases to see them through, leaving number four being charge in here. The anticipation of Mimi's return and the doctor's meticulous attention to cleanliness and protocol in the field excited her. She knew he would not tolerate any negligence, especially when it came to field surgery. Number four was eager to educate Mimi on proper procedures, even contemplating joining her on missions to witness her recklessness firsthand. It was a necessary step to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Despite the lingering scent of gun oil, gunpowder, sweat, and various other odors that clung to her, Mariella reveled in her progress. The unmistakable praise from Murdock, even if just a slight smile, filled her with a sense of accomplishment.

She had had a few fighting times with Dexter too; he was merciless and a killer and in his role; he was scarily creepy, so she had to keep her mind clear and not let that creepiness affect her. It was just one part of that test.

Mariella had put more messages and numbers one and two had answered too that they would tell her when they would get free. They missed her and wanted to spend time with her. She was just smiling smugly. She might not be free for them not at first, but she would get them on board too. 

I carefully positioned my explosives and swiftly exited the area, leaving behind several wounded comrades. The nearest base was in Tallahassee, but uncertainty lingered about Colin's presence there. I knew I had to perform a quick surgery en route. Climbing into the car, I felt the vibrations of the engine as it roared to life.

Grabbing my mic, I transmitted urgently, "This is Flealeader to base. We have multiple wounded, requesting medical assistance. Do we have available staff?"

Taylor's voice responded, "This is base, acknowledged. Medics are prepared. How many casualties?"

I replied, "Five, four stable, one critical. Trying to stabilize the critical one during transport, might require immediate surgery."

Taylor assured, "Roger that. We will be prepared." 

My focus shifted to my teammate, Dante. A native of Italy, he had tragically lost his parents during Sark's testing, and I had previously saved him. Opening the first aid kit, I applied pressure to his gunshot wound in the abdomen. The armor-piercing bullets had been slowed by Dante's vest, but they still managed to penetrate. I contemplated whether I needed to remove the bullet or stop the bleeding.

Anxiously, I inquired, "How much longer until we reach the base?"

Jacob, our driver, replied, "Approximately 8 minutes, Flea."

I grunted, feeling the tension building within me. 

As we sped towards the base, I opened Dante's vest. He lay on the stretcher, and I pressed my palm firmly against his wound. However, the bleeding persisted, unaffected even by my own blood, thanks to a substance that neutralized vampire blood, developed by Sark or someone else. I frowned, discontent with this new development.

Straddling Dante, I maintained pressure on the wound, desperately waiting for us to reach the base so I could intervene further. Dante's complexion grew paler, and although I had sedated him, the effects were wearing off, causing him to moan in pain. 

Finally, we arrived at the base, and the men swiftly took us to the backdoor designated for medical emergencies. I continued applying pressure, muttering curses under my breath.

Then, a familiar voice spoke, "Alright, looks like you need a lesson in field surgery and proper hygiene, but hold on for a moment. We'll take over."

Number four stood nearby, dressed in scrubs and hurriedly pulling on multiple pairs of gloves.

He grunted as he approached the stretcher and commanded, "Move now."

I obeyed, stepping away as he swiftly worked, using a tube of blood-clotting foam to staunch the bleeding. Relieved, I walked over to the nearest sink and began rinsing my bloodied hands, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination. 

I walked away, seeing other wounded brought in, and I heard number four giving orders in a snappy voice and it seemed that we had quite many medics in medbay. I was tired as fuck but as soon as I walked up a big space, again people came at me. I saw Mariella too; she was talking with Taylor about something.

It took again 45 minutes for me to answer all of them, walk one table from to the other, and look through this and that. I saw Mindy, one of our crew, bringing twins as well. She had been the one caring for them. She had lost her own children in an accident and she was good with these two. I took the strollers and started to push them into my office. I was still fully geared up and wanted to take them off, sit a bit, and maybe be with my babies.

Doing about ten days or so missions with little respite was hard even for me. I walked into my office; The babies were sleeping, so I took them in my arms and put them in their crib. Not sure when it would be time to give them to Magic House, but as we still had liberation gigs, they were needed. I was tired as I was taking my gear off. Putting in just on my sofa and putting my guns on the table. I had my bag on my chair too. There was that very thick file of my enzymes and several types of bullets that I had found in one room. It would be Magnum's job to look at them throughout. I would put them in my safe and then when Mr Magnum would come in, I could give them to him. 

I had just gotten my outer gear off. I had been thinking about going to shower, but not just yet. Someone was knocking on my door. I took a deep breath, making myself look more alert, and said," Come in."

Number four stepped in. he looked me through clinically. I had quite a lot of stuff on me, but he saw my hands and my face.

He said, "Fine, you have medical coming up, so gear up for that."

I could see the frustration on his face as he spoke. The room had a sterile smell, a mix of antiseptic and disinfectant. I looked in the mirror and realized that I must look awful, my exhaustion clear in my haggard appearance. 

"Dante and others are fine," he continued, "they have been moved into another facility." The sound of his voice was filled with concern. "So no treating in base, only in hospitals."

His words hung in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in. This specimen had brought change with him and, knowing his ways of persuasion, he must have gotten Colin on board, too.

Before I could reply, Jill started to wake up, her cries filling the room. I hurriedly went to her, picking her up gently. As I lifted her, I noticed the familiar smell of a full diaper.

Number four came up beside me and said, "And of course, baby, I will check these little ones out, too." His voice was soothing, almost melodic. "Hello there, you are a cutie pie, aren't you?"

Jill cooed in response, sensing Damon's magic. She reached out for him, her tiny hands grasping in the air.

I took hold of her hands, trying to explain, "They are siphons and she senses your magic and tries to get it."

But before I could finish, Damon swiftly took her from my arms, shushing her gently.

I pointed to the changing table, saying, "Her diaper is full. There is a changing table over there."

Damon didn't say a word, but his focus was solely on my daughter. He walked over to the table, taking what he needed and casting a spell to keep her still.

In the midst of this, I heard the door open, and Mariella stepped in. She glanced at Damon and smirked, commenting, "I see you have a childcare business here."

Her voice had a hint of amusement. "Number one and two are coming someday nearby. How about if I let them pick me up from here? They don't know me being a flea, and it would be the best way to lure them in."

I grunted in agreement, cautioning her, "Fine by me, but be careful. They might not believe that the facilities are rotten, so don't reveal anything critical."

Mariella smiled and replied, "You look tired. You should take it easy."

Her concern was clear in her voice. I sighed, realizing how drained I felt.

"Well, I have been on missions for the past ten days, and we had a few liberation gigs as well. There was no time to wait for the facility to clear up, so I had to have extra staff to keep the babies safe. Plus, Sark's new invention..." I paused, trying to remember where I had put it.

I reached into my vest pocket, feeling the fabric against my fingertips. I searched and finally found the bullets with the vampire blood-neutralizing component.

I held them up for Mariella to see, explaining, "Bullets with a substance that neutralizes the healing of vampire blood."

But before I could show her more, Number Four swiftly approached, taking the bullets and enveloping them in some sort of energy.

He warned me, "Do not handle experimental bullets with bare hands, preferably not at all. You have no way of knowing if there is something very dangerous for you in them. Sark and many of your enemies are well-versed in your sensitivities. There could be traps laid out for you."

I sighed, again, something that had not crossed to my mind. Or if it did, I had not cared. Again, my immortality, and my arrogance for being invincible, were hindering my reason.

I opened my bag and took that thick file, putting it on my table, and took several cases where there were different bullets laid out with some sort of code and showed them and said, " I found these from one facility. Magnum can look these through once he is free, again there are a lot of experimental bullets out there."

Number four took the cases and said, "Nope, I will take care of these. I can protect myself and others while examining these."

He put Jill back in her crib, as she was still sleepy.

I said, "They are sleepy after liberation for up to a few days, so nothing to worry about."

Mariella wandered to my desk and opened that file. She read it, frowning slightly and said, "You tell me, Mimi, that you would not read this first, but give it to Damon, right? Damon, this is an in-depth analysis of Mimi's enzymes and their uses. They have studied a lot of enzymes in her."

Number four took the file, looking at me sharply, saying quite tersely to Mariella, "Feed her, and once I am ready, I will let you know when that specimen is time to have her physical, now as Wulfe is around, he can come and keep her in place if she is not cooperating."

Mariella nodded and smiled.

I sat behind my desk, which was strangely empty, but I knew my people knew I was around, so work was coming my way once I opened my laptop and saw my email. There was a lot of work to be done, too. I noticed Mariella had gone, and I was still contemplating taking that damn shower, but I could see a few of these emails first.

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