
Chapter 25 Yaoyao is Missing

After the going through the ferry wheel Anlan felt her mood lit up a little, she wasn't feeling that feeling of something bad wanting to happen it was a happy moment she didn't want to let go of 

"wasn't that fun?"Chengxiao asked Anlan with an eyebrow raised

"it was so much fun"Anlan replied smiling reminiscing the ride

"Then let's go again"Yaoyao exclaimed happily

"oh I wish I could but mum has to go to work"Anlan said with a disappointed look

"Anlan when would you start attending University you're such a smart student and you got a scholarship to one of the best school in the country.. I don't think it's something that should go to waste"Chengxiao said calmly putting on one of his serious time look which Anlan loved so much

"I'm not letting it go to waste I just decided to settle down properly before I start..I would resume on Monday"Anlan said as they walked back to where Han Jing was 

"That's great I was just worried"Chengxiao said

"thanks for caring"Anlan said smiling warmly at him , Chengxiao body went numb for a minute her smile was charming and captivating he smiled back shyly touching his hairs

"mum I want to go use the restroom"Yaoyao said dragging Anlan's hand

"okay let's go... I'll be back Cheng please"Anlan said

"okay I'll be waiting"Chengxiao said and Anlan left, when Anlan was able to locate the restroom after several questions she told yaoyao to go in while she waited for her outside just as she was waiting her phone rang

"hello Zichen .. how is everything?"Anlan asked

"hmm"Zichen replied from the other side

"you haven't changed from your cold character have you?"Anlan said jokingly

"how is school?"Zichen asked and Anlan's body stiffened she didn't know want to tell, if she tells him that she hasn't started yet he was going to cause lots of problems and might even accuse Han Jing of not being responsible

"well it's great"Anlan replied

"i hope it is"Zichen said

"how is mum"Anlan finally asked calmly

"she's alright and misses you alot"Zichen said

"I miss her too"Anlan said with tears slowly dropping From her eyes

"you don't have to think too much about what happened okay?"Zichen said with a caring voice

"i won't bye"Anlan said and Zichen disconnected the call, Anlan looked around wondering why yaoyao wasn't out yet so she decided to go in to look for her , when she got in she didn't find anyone inside Anlan was surprised did yaoyao leave without telling her, of course she couldn't she was sure going to tell even if she was making a call, she was getting scared could it be that what she had been trying to avoid had finally happened

she rushed to where Han Jing and Cheng xiao was but yaoyao wasn't there at all she looked around worriedly

"Anlan what's wrong?"Han Jing asked noticing her expression

"d-did yaoyao come here?"Anlan asked sharply

"no wasn't she with you"Cheng Xiao asked

"yes she was but I can't find her...I don't know where she is I even thought she would have come here while I was on a call with Zichen"Anlan asked already panicking 

"you don't have to be so worried okay she could be anywhere let's check around"Chengxiao said trying to convince Anlan

"i will go this side while you both go the other side"Han Jing said pointing directions

"okay"Chengxiao said and took Anlan's hand and walked out

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