
6. Roar of Man

next morning infront of the Long Family Manor, stood 3000-men ready for war usually the parent or the guardian of the young lord would send them off, but knowing the situation, no one sent either Lingxu or Taidu off which both of them just keep for them self.

before setting off, Lingxu stand on top of his horse while watching his Men preparing for the march and coming war.

"Soldier of Heilong unit hear my words, I am Long Lingxu will be your commander and officer for this battle, follow me and open path for me in the battle field so that the name of Long will be etched in today battle as the biggest contributor, and lastly I gave you 1 order which you cannot disobey, STAY ALIVE, that's it ready to move" saying that Lingxu walk his horse forward followed by Taidu, Yue, Sulan,Feng, and Juton marching to their very first battle.

after marching at a steady pace, they arive at the checkpoint where they will start their march to Keiyo where Gan Castle were at even after predicting that Keiyou would fall, it is out of questions if they would disobey military command by just a mere prediction, so they greet the commanding officer Baku Koshin and reporting how many man they bring.

after the formalities are done, they march at a steady pace going to the Kaiyou where they would wait for further order.

while Gan Castle is in view, a reports come in saying that they would reroute to Asui where they would regroup with the first and second army.

"My Lord, it is as you said, are you sure about this" Asked Juton clearly worried for his Lord Safety.

Lingxu on the other hand just change direction without care and nod at him while followiing the order to march to Asui.

a while later, they almost arive at Asui where they got the exact order to head into Dakan Plains to met the Wei army Head on, Long Lingxu who see this gave order to inform the commanding general to gave him the authority to act independent.

"Sire Long, command from the General, the Heilong Unit shall act as spear and vanguard the attack after the enemy are in range" a man gave out the message which Lingxu nod and sent the man away.

while the army are orginizing after the plan are gave out that we will fight in the Dakan Plains "MOVE OUT, THE MOUNTED CAVALRY OF HEILONG IS PASSING" shout someone.

it is always been like that because the mounted cavalry is given such an important speciality because of their prowess and Heilong is a famous one at that, while walking he sees a servant boy staring at him intently.

"something bothering you my Lord?" asked Juton

"no, I think I just found Feng brother" while pointing at shin which look quite comical making all the companion laugh in unison except Feng himself.

after grouping the army, a man shout loudly the leader of 4th division unit "ALL TROOPS CHARGE" which gave Lingxu a bit of confusion.

"they are sending meat shield" said Lingxu to himself

"Taidu, ready up, get 500 Heilong cavalry and assist them from the left, grind past it until the mid part and then retreat back" said Lingxu

"At once" said Taidu and gave the signal for some man to follow him and then charging forward as the Heilong Cavalry wreck havoc lifting some burdin from the 4th division.

"Juton hear me" summoning Juton at his side.

"take another 500, help the right side and grind past, retreat after you have enough fun but don't go too deep" he said calmly to Juton.

"By your order" Juton just cusp his Hand and march to the designited order his lord gave him.

"Yue, Sulan, go back to the camp and ready the reserve unit for some unforeseen circumstances" Lingxu said not wanting to be ambushed or defeated by some stupid baboons.

after a bit later, Lingxu saw that the middle part are getting some momentum forward which pique his interest, by then he saw a boy no more than 15 leap forward into a captain cart and slay him on the spot.

"is he? idiot? what an interesting fellow, its been a while since I saw someone funnier than Taidu" said Lingxu chuckling away.

after the Captain of Wei got slain, a rumbling voice were heard from a distance, and then Lingxu saw something which even surprised him, a chariot in that, its even modified to be used in battle.

"lets take a closer look" he said then order out "Yue you are in command, I'll take 500 man to go to the middle, after Juton and Taido are back, they are yours to command" order Lingxu while readying up his man, hearing her Lord command Yue cusp her hand and shout "By your order"

Riding away to helo the 4th division infantry he saw that the chariot already wreck havoc upon the formation, while he were at it he saw that some part there are corpses fortress or some like a genius plan to go against the war chariot.

"hmph, 200 of you scatter and go hunt, the rest of you lets face them" Lingxu ordered his man with his 2 100-man officer cusp their hands and rode away scattering to search for prey.


Meanwhile on shin side of battle, they managed to defend the chariot using the corpse but still haven't found a way to actually eliminate them, but before they even think of one, another rumbling sound are heard from the right side.

Shin GO-formation unit saw something so terrifying yet soothing, it is the black armored cavalry that they saw while forming the ranks.

3 chariot are running after them, but their leader the one who wore different armor than other soldier easily dealt with it by breaking of the chariot with the handle of his glaive, following up slaying the man who is thrown down by the broken chariot.

which gave shin an idea to use a spear to forcefully break the chariot wooden tire which surprisingly works, the man clad in black armor march trough him while glancing at what shin did and give the boy a simple nod and proceed to order his man.

"hunt them down" a simple sentece that make the black Cavalry move their horse like a demon searching for prey.

after a short while and seeing the state that middle infantry were ok, Lingxu decide its time to head back and prepare for immediate order "enough, lets go back " before going back, Lingxu stop infront of the boy who is now riding one of the broken chariot horse.

"your name?" asked Lingxu, "Shin, only shin" Lingxu heard his name and nod at him "I am Long Lingxu, good work on surviving" then Lingxu left after saying his word.

shin who is still puzzled by what he meant and why the man asked for his name suddenly startled by what the people around him are screaming.

"He is surname Long, Black armor calvalry, no wonder" said one of the surviving man

"he is quite famous alright, he should be the leader of the Heilong Cavalry, a 3000-man Commander which focussed on the cavalry might, and elite unit I must say, but looking at him, it seems the rumor that the Heilong is Falling must be true, the passing of General Long Sulan must damage the unit so bad" said Tou

shin who listen just look at the departing man who said good work because he survive just now and also thinking 'is it really falling unit? he seems strong though' he thought but think that just let the matter slide

To be Continued

(while I must say that for the first engagement the Heilong army not really took a big part in it and some of it still follow trough the original, you should remember that 3000-Man commander is not a general, the Heilong being put into special category unit is because of the fame and merits Long Sulan amass and not because the world know Long Lingxu might, so wait a bit and partly I don't want to just outright change a lot of shit at the beginning)

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