
Elimination Operation Part 1

"Help! Send help; we are being attacked by numerous people; they're coming in helicopters; damn it."

After that, communication was lost, and the room where Teddy was remained in dead silence. No one said anything; Teddy just smiled a little and then touched his chin, thinking about what he should do.

"Well, it looks like everyone is dead," Mike said as a cold sweat ran down his chin.

"Not a big surprise; their base was a place even dogs could pass through unnoticed." Teddy stood up, and just as he was about to say something, the sound of gunfire was heard outside the mall.

"What the hell?" A man peeked out and saw the chaotic scene happening outside.

Just as he was about to say something, a burst and shake were heard from the sky, and suddenly numerous groups coming from inside the mall could be heard immediately.


A few minutes earlier, several helicopters with specially prepared containers filled with walkers were being transported by cables.

These containers would be dropped inside the mall, and the way it would be done was by letting them fall through the completely glass roof. The purpose of this attack was to draw the attention of Teddy's refuge and thus launch a full-scale attack from the outside.

"Zz... We are seeing them, proceeding as the plan indicates."

"Zz... We're approaching to drop the package, and then we'll circle the place to deal with less visible threats."

"Zz... This is ground; proceed with your established mission; you have a green light."

When the helicopter pilots heard this, they simply confirmed it and flew effortlessly until they reached the mall. Due to the chaos, this happened quickly, and soon several containers were dropped in the center of the mall and some outside.

These containers, which fell from a considerable height, contained hundreds of intelligent walkers who quickly emerged from the broken door. Some crawled on the ground as their limbs were broken, but the advance was slow, and soon the people inside, who were bored, noticed the anomaly.


Dominic and his group stopped, and when the building shook, they realized that the main attack had begun.

Now that they were exposed, there was no need to continue hiding. Dominic signaled, and everyone raised their weapons, entering tactically and beginning to attack the enemy head-on.

Bang! Bang!

Cold bullets fired from the gun, and Dominic led his group onto the fourth floor. The first shot was aimed at the guard in the hallway, and the rest at the guards who ran in panic.

Except for the guards in the corridor, the rest of the people were attracted by the sudden sound of the air defense and gunfire, not detecting the intruders inside.

But before the guards in the hallway could send a warning message, a bullet pierced directly through their heads, killing them instantly.

Then, Dominic turned to the side and changed the magazine of his weapon, and with his group, he shot at the alarmed guards. After firing a few precise shots, the situation became clearer.

"Quick! Up!"

"Damn it, those are changelings!"

"The enemy has entered the refuge; we need to be careful!"

At that moment, loud shouts and a series of hurried footsteps came from the lower part of the staircase passage. Obviously, the guards below heard the movement above and rushed up quickly.

Seeing this, Dominic signaled, and a soldier pulled out a grenade, removed the pin, and threw it down the stairs.

The glass shattered and shrapnel pierced the walls, with some incendiary grenades covering the entire staircase passage for a short time, preventing people from below from coming up.

After resolving this issue, Dominic quickly walked towards the room at the end of the corridor, but when he slowly approached the door, he did not open it immediately, and he entered.

Although the door in front of him was tightly closed, he could clearly feel a very loud breathing sound behind the door.

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Dominic stood sideways against the wall, holding the doorknob in his hand, and violently pulled it.

Bang Bang Bang!

The moment the door opened, with a roar, bullets flew out from inside the door, hitting the ground and the wall.

Dominic also watched the time and stepped aside. His eyes quickly met a burly, tattooed man in the room. He aimed his gun at the opponent's hand and pulled the trigger.


The bullet almost accurately hit the palm of the shirtless man, and the pain made him let out an involuntary scream, and the gun fell to the ground when he could no longer hold it firmly.

After knocking down the opponent's weapon, Dominic rushed directly, kicking the shirtless man hard in the chest and not giving the opponent time to breathe.

The struggling man received a strong kick to the chest, and before the shirtless man could scream, he flew face-down and landed on the glass coffee table behind him, breaking the fragile coffee table into pieces.

Looking at the man with bare shoulders who had rolled his eyes, Dominic noticed that the lower half of his body was wrapped in a bath towel, the broken glass cutting his skin severely, and blood dripping from the wound.

The soldiers behind Dominic wasted no time, quickly positioning themselves and engaging in a shootout with some people ahead. Some entered the room directly, hoping to find something of value in this place.

Dominic, who had lowered his weapon, had enough time to check the situation in the room and saw that in the fairly spacious room, at first glance, there were four naked women huddled on the bed, and next to them was a lot of food and drinks, as if the people in this place only existed to enjoy the little they had.

Seeing this, Dominic couldn't help but sneer and turn his gaze back to the shirtless man lying on the ground, only to see that the man was awake at that moment, looking at him with resentful eyes.

This didn't matter to Dominic at all, and he said coldly, "You only know how to enjoy trash; I really don't know how you've survived until today."


While speaking, Dominic did not wait for the other party to respond, raised his hand, and shot again at the other party's thigh.

"Ah!" The severe pain made the shirtless man scream again. After joining Teddy's cult, he had not suffered as before. His toughness and survival skills had become rigid. How can he endure so much pain? The cold sweat on his forehead dripped down, and then his whole face turned extremely pale.

Slightly turning his head to look back, Dominic could feel many people gathering in the staircase passage behind him. He signaled his people, and they prepared to eliminate them.

Knowing that he was running out of time, Dominic squatted in front of the shirtless man, saying, "Answer me one question, and I'll spare your worthless life."

Perhaps because he heard that he could still live, or maybe he was frightened by the shooting at this moment, the shirtless man changed his resentful look to a flattering one and said, "Y-you... your question!"

Dominic was in no hurry to ask, pushed a chair, and dragged the shirtless man to it, letting him lean against the door before asking, "I want to know where Teddy is; where is he hiding?"

Hearing this, the man with bare arms unconsciously thought that these people were here for Teddy, so he pointed to the wall next to the door and said, "Fifth floor, his office is in that place. On the wall, there is a map; you can guide yourself to where Teddy is."

When he said this, he secretly sneered. He didn't care if Teddy died or not; the resources should already be on the way, and by the time these people realized it, they should already be dead.

Seeing that the other party exposed his only lifeline without even thinking about it, Dominic raised his eyebrows in surprise.

But after thinking for a while, he understood what was going on, and instead of taking the radio, he took out his precious revolver and aimed it at the shirtless man.

"You, what are you doing?"

Seeing the muzzle of the gun suddenly pointing at him, the shirtless man's pupils suddenly contracted, and he shouted, "You said you would let me go!"

"Oh, don't worry, killing you will dirty my hands. But right now, I'm in a hurry and can't let you live."

Seeing the cowardly look on the other party, Dominic chuckled, the barrel of the revolver slightly lowered, pointing at the door, and said, "If they don't die by my hands, the walkers will."

After saying that, he pulled the trigger hard.


The loud gunfire was deafening, and the soldiers in the room opened fire simultaneously, killing a dozen guards who were about to enter the room without even giving them a chance to shoot.

"Damn it! Fire!"

Faced with the bullets suddenly fired from inside the door, the remaining guards screamed and fired in panic.


Bang Bang Bang!!!


The roar of the guns was accompanied by a sharp scream, and the door of the room was shattered in an instant, and blood slowly flowed from inside along the door gap.

"It's done..."

After killing everyone, Dominic looked at his people and signaled to move up to the room where Teddy was.

"Let's go!"

"Yes, sir!"

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