

Their vibrant appearances gradually waned, their bodies lost weight, and despite their strong constitutions, they appeared increasingly gaunt each day until it was discovered that all three were pregnant.

Dust saw a new light of hope in the three women. They regained their will to live and seemed slightly dazzling, although never as vibrant and brilliant as when Milcar was present.

Two years ago, it was discovered that Milcar had been kidnapped by the demon lord and was imprisoned in the demonic kingdom. The entire populace of the city of Axel was ready to take up arms and charge recklessly to the front, all to recover the lord of the city.

However, thanks to the leadership of Kyouya and Kazuma, the situation was contained, and the army of the city of Axel and the kingdom of Belzerg took a slightly defensive position, almost like a snake poised to strike.

Aqua, Eris, and Darkness had given birth shortly before this news and didn't hear about Milcar's capture until a year ago. As expected, they made a scene, almost declaring they would run to the demonic kingdom to kill the demon king.

Still, thanks to Lady Wiz, everything was contained, and the three began to think clearly again.

A year ago, the war between the gods and the demon king began. Milcar had resurfaced at the front with incredible power and, together with the gods, attacked the demonic kingdom. However, the battle extended, and no one knows if it has ended or what the outcome of the war is.

Dust, sharpening his sword, slightly recalls the moments when Milcar was present before letting out a sigh of resignation.

Yet, from the distance, a small figure becomes visible. It approaches as if flying, and in just a few seconds, it will reach the main gates of the city of Axel.


In a somewhat luxurious room, Darkness, Aqua, and Eris were playing cards while three small children not far from them rested on a large bed.

Although they were playing cards, their nervousness was evident. Dark circles under their eyes and disheveled hair adorned their beautiful faces, and their clothes seemed somewhat dirty.

"Hmph... Two", Aqua squinted her eyes, seemingly trying to find a word but unable to think clearly. Her gaze shifted to her little daughter, almost three years old, sleeping on the big bed. She was a healthy girl with blue hair and bright sea-colored eyes. Next to her was a boy with white hair and a confident face, and on the other side rested a girl with blonde hair and a silly smile on her face.

Aqua smiled slightly before blinking. Her eyes felt like two small balls of hot iron being dipped in cold water. She observed her two friends, who had the same appearance, and couldn't help but sigh with some resignation.

"Lord Milcar has returned from the war!!"

"Lord Milcar has come back victorious!!"

"Humanity has risen against those damn demons!!"

Several shouts could be heard outside. Aqua squinted her eyes for a moment before assimilating those words. She opened her eyes, and almost as if struck by lightning, she jumped up before running to the nearest window. The pedestrians in the streets were moving quickly, many of them flying and some using special abilities. However, they were all shouting something similar, "Milcar has returned."

Aqua was left speechless before observing her two companions, who were in the same state. For a moment, the anxiety, depression, pain, and anguish were erased from their tired bodies. Almost with the vitality of a young man, they let out a cry of surprise among themselves before using their abilities to verify if what was said is true.

At the main gate of the city of Axel, a man with three women behind him smiled as he observed the guards he hadn't seen in so many years.


Milcar, flying over the sky, cleared his throat slightly.

What kind of speech should he give?

Milcar could feel the enormous number of people mobilizing to come to the main gate sector.

Milcar thought for a moment but couldn't find a good speech in his mind. Then, before he could say a few simple words, three familiar figures pounced on him.


Milcar is surprised, though not entirely, by three beautiful women jumping to hug him tightly.

A slight trace of guilt passed through Milcar's heart as he felt the warmth of these girls. In his mind, various thoughts raced, and his body seemed to react to these three girls.

However, Aqua, Eris, and Darkness, who had pounced to hug Milcar, didn't notice any of this. Like children reunited with their mothers, they couldn't help but shed tears while rubbing their faces against Milcar's clothes.

What can be said?

Insane dependence?, Maybe. But could that be wrong?

Aqua, Eris, and Darkness are now addicted to Milcar. Their hearts beat, and their brains analyze various feelings poured into their souls like intoxicating touches of a drug that seems unmatched in this world.

Does it matter if what you live is real or fake?

Both Eris and Aqua prefer to live addicted to Milcar than to live a life where their days are simply about managing the reincarnated as goddesses in the divine plane that no longer exists.

Anxiously drinking non-existent cocktails of different feelings that, when separated, overwhelm the soul and torture the body while filling you with bliss and healing your wounds. Smoking these non-existent but so real feelings interpreted by the mind of a god or a human, both Aqua, Eris, and Darkness smile happily while their cheeks are flushed, and they look at Milcar with narrowed eyes.

Milcar could feel the feelings that fill the souls of the three girls before him with bliss and joy, feelings that until recently seemed like their jailers and torturers.

"Is that so?", Milcar wondered in his mind. There was no need for words for what is conveyed with a look. After all, human language is simply about sharing ideas through sounds, or also, through empathy.

The slight feeling that something was wrong and Milcar's slight headache ceased at this moment and disappeared. The slightly blurry memories in his mind were accepted and archived.

After all, although Milcar initially didn't want to come to this world, What's wrong with it?

Milcar smiled. It's a magical world and a universe of which he barely knows this planet, and yet, this planet still holds secrets for Milcar.

"Cough...", Behind Milcar, Yuiyui coughed slightly, not achieving her goal. She simply moved a bit closer to Milcar to hug him from behind.

A human experiment, "What does it matter?", Yuiyui smiled mischievously. At this moment, she was eager to meet her real self in this world. However, she simply couldn't let Milcar stop loving her.

After all, she already has two children with Milcar, Right?

"Hmph", the four women hugging Milcar let out slight moans of satisfaction and didn't seem willing to let go of Milcar for the moment.

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