
C04 - Future plans. *re-written*

'Inner dialogue/thoughts'

"Normal dialogue"


[Diary entries]

(Word Count: 974)

~ With Natasha and Fury ~

"What is our next course of action?"

Facing the enquiry from Natasha, Fury responded, "Before that, what do you think about the contents of the diary?"

"Although the diary is full of detailed accounts and vivid descriptions, I hope that the contents are fake. Because if it is true, then there is a possibility of what happened in this parallel universe happening to ours. As to whether I believe in the diary. I don't know.

After all, just the opening of the first entry is about the desperate situation they were put in. But if the Hawkeye and Clint mentioned in the diary are the very same person that we know, then the Natasha mentioned should also be me.

So, if what was written is true, then that means that I…" Natasha let her words hung in the air.

She had also come to the same conclusion that Fury had made earlier. There were only two candidates after all, and she knew Laura was no fighter and should have been kept in a safe and secure location during any fights. That meant that the one who had died should have been her.

Wanting to ease the atmosphere, Natasha joked, "So, the fearsome Black Widow would be the first to die in a team filled with empowered individuals. I mean really what could a normal human like myself bring into this team known as the Avengers".

Facing the melancholic smile from Natasha, Fury could not find the words to encourage her and remained silent.

After a brief moment of silence, Fury slowly began, "The Avengers was a concept that I had formed. Born out of necessity, I had envisioned to bring together and unite individuals with exceptional abilities, with the very purpose of being the protectors of this world – as mentioned in the diary.

I had brought up this concept towards those who stand above, yet only I have the sole knowledge of the name of the team, Avengers. This concept was rejected and was never brought up again, that is until the appearance of this diary. That means that there is at the very least some credibility to what is written in the diary." Natasha could not help but be surprised that her boss, Nick Fury, had shown some inclination to believe in what was written in this mysterious diary.

Looking towards Natasha, Fury relayed his orders, "Effective immediately, Agent Romanoff you are hereby relieved from any and all ongoing tasks."

Once again, Natasha was caught off-guard as Fury continued, "You are hereby assigned to a new mission. Your task is to investigate into the owner of this diary. If the content in this diary turns out to be true, then the owner of this diary, Luke, will be considered a high-value target and must be found and protected. His knowledge of the future from a parallel universe will be crucial in our continued survival. This will be treated as an off-the-book level 10 mission and you are to only report to me, am I understood Agent Romanoff?"

"Loud and clear," Natasha replied. "Taking into consideration that we know his name and he had appeared out of thin air within the last two months, it should help to narrow down my search from seven billion people to at the very most a few thousand people. Not many people in the world with the name Luke would have popped up in the last two months with a blank past. I should be able to make observations from there and form a primary report soon."

"Good. Since the first entry only just got released, there should be some time waiting for the second entry to be written. Take this period to begin your investigation." Said Fury. "Hopefully, the upcoming entries will not take too long to appear and with it, we can narrow down the investigation further."

~ With Luke ~

Looking at his system prompt, Luke was surprised to see that the most paranoid holder was the one with the highest trust rating. Currently, Fury had the highest trust rating with fifty-seven percent, followed by Wanda at forty percent, and lastly Natasha at thirty-five percent.

'It seems that dropping the name of the Avengers and inputting my involvement in the team has worked in my favour with the bald pira- I mean Fury. Damn, I have to stop referring to him as a bald pirate.

But for Fury to be higher than Wanda. Now that is a surprise. I had thought that Wanda would have been the easiest to increase the trust rating thanks to her young age. But no worries, I have a way to increase hers further and the man in the tin can 'Iron Man' will play a huge role in that.' Luke mused.

Looking out his apartment window and onto the streets of New York City, Luke was brought back to reality. Where was he? He was situated in the Marvel hot seat location where almost everything takes place at. Considered to be in one of the most dangerous known multiverse, Luke still did not feel too helpless at his current state.

Even he has not yet realized that he was a living person in an actual universe, instead of playing a character in a fictional universe. In Luke's opinion, all he had to do was complete the system requirements to receive his power-ups. If he runs into any dangerous situations, surely, he could just make contact with the Avengers since they should have some form of belief that he was an Avenger too, albeit in a "parallel universe".

With all this in mind, Luke finally prompted for the system to begin administering the rewards he got from writing his first diary entry.

- End of Chapter 4 - 


In the MTL and many other copy paste 'translator' versions (I '…' translator because let's face it, all these people are just copy pasting the MTL with minor and infrequent edits here and there), I see many comparisons about S.H.I.E.L.D and something called SPEAR (???). I found out that SPEAR is actually like a Chinese version of SHIELD in Earth-616. Huh, you learn something new every day. Anyways, since this whole setting is in the MCU, it felt weird to have that sudden out-of-pocket comparison between SHIELD and SPEAR and also the whole MC being a part of SPEAR. So, I just removed it entirely and added my own two cents of how I think this scene in particular should have played out. Like I mean there was a long ass saga in the original MTL about how it would be hard to find Luke and blah blah Chinese idioms and blah blah. Hope I at least made it bearable for the general audience out there! And if I have, maybe can I get some cookies! This Takodachi needs his daily dose of WAH!

TheWandaShipcreators' thoughts
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