
Chapter 273 Andy: Hermione, use the Killing Curse

In fact, Andy thought carefully, within Hogwarts, there were not many people who could obsessively investigate him.

That person who investigated the place where he practised magic either had a thirst for strength or a thirst for fame.

As for curiosity ... there shouldn't be anyone other than the Weasley twins who had such curiosity, right?

And the twins are not suspicious, they have always acted together.

If it is a thirst for strength ... to be honest, there is no one in the whole of Hogwarts who particularly craves strength except Andy.

Then his purpose was to gain fame.

The fusion of mind and magic power, the research results that pushed the development of magic, the powerful strength, the unique magic in the history of magic, the spell that many experts believe that it is unlikely that there will be a second case ...

Andy's Patronus Charm has been labelled with many titles.

There are even people who say that Andy has the potential to become the greatest wizard in the magic world after Dumbledore.

For Andy, who graduated from Hogwarts with all the honours, it was not impossible even if he wanted to become the Minister of Magic.

These were indeed tempting!

Speaking of fame, Andy thought of one person.

And with that person's identity, it was also easy for him to approach Ron.

To be clear, Ron was inseparable from Harry most of the time, so it wasn't that easy to attack Ron.

'But Ron has no memories of seeing that person ...'

Andy frowned slightly, 'But in any case, it's most likely that the one being controlled is in Gryffindor.'

For the second half of the Charms class, Professor Flitwick left the young wizards to practice magic on their own.

Andy wrote a note and folded it into a paper crane and controlled it to fly to Harry's desk.

Harry glanced at Andy while unwrapping the paper crane.

--Did you guys check out the clues?

Harry thought for a moment and picked up his pen and wrote, 'Not yet. Ron and I have been investigating Snape, but he's been pretty normal for a while now.'

Upon receiving the paper crane, Andy was speechless for a moment.

They're really messing with Snape here.

But then again, Harry had been investigating in the wrong direction, so how could Dumbledore guarantee that Harry would be able to confront Voldemort's Horcrux?

The old smooth talker couldn't have found the target already, could he?

Andy didn't pass another note, but not a moment later, Harry took the initiative to pass a note to Andy.

--Andy, is there any way you can get a word out of Malfoy? Also, Ron and I are thinking of going to Snape's office again tonight, do you want to come along?

Andy: "..."

No matter what happened, the only suspects in Harry's mind were always Snape and Malfoy.

There was no point in saying no, these two were really hell-bent on giving Slytherin a dirty laundry.

'Leave the Malfoy to me, what do you want to ask?' Andy replied back.

Harry quickly responded back, 'I want to know if Malfoy was the one who attacked Justin and the other.'


Andy gave an 'OK' sign.

After burning the note, Andy once again realized that working with Harry would definitely be a very stupid decision.

It is still best to work on his own!

For the sake of the [Will] attribute raise, Andy did not want to miss this opportunity.

Fighting Voldemort's Horcrux in Dumbledore's territory, there couldn't be any safer life-and-death situation than this.

After the Charms class was over, it was time for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class with the Slytherins.

Joseph Leddy was decent, at least there was no problem with his teaching. He would often bring some dark creatures to class for the young wizards to practice.

"Turn the textbook to page 183 ..."

Professor Leddy's words were only halfway through when he heard Malfoy blurt out, "Professor, there have already been two attacks in the castle, can you teach us some spells to protect ourselves?"

In the past two days, Malfoy was panicking.

Although he hadn't been attacked, he always felt that someone wanted to attack him.

Ever since Halloween, Malfoy brought his two followers, Goyle and Crabbe, with him wherever he went. He was afraid that if he was left alone, the culprit would take the opportunity to attack him.

Malfoy had asked Snape for a leave of absence, he wanted to go home, but Snape hadn't given him one.

He had written to his father.

However, before he went home, Malfoy thought it would be safer to learn a few spells.

"Yeah, Professor, teach us some spells that can be used to protect ourselves!"

"Especially a spell for fighting dark wizards."

Malfoy's words were quickly supported by the crowd, and everyone wanted to learn a few spells that they could use to protect themselves.

"Is that what everyone wants?"

Professor Leddy closed his textbook and said, "Alright then! Today I'll teach you all a defensive magic spell - Shield Charm!"

"Hmm ..."

Professor Leddy swept his gaze around the room, looking for a young wizard to come up and demonstrate.

Andy leapt at the chance.

Professor Leddy naturally ignored Andy, "Miss Granger, can you come up and help me demonstrate?"

"Of course!" The little witch gave Andy a smug look and walked up to the podium with her chin up.

Andy: "..."


Andy was depressed, why can't I go up to the podium and demonstrate?

"The Shield Charm is an extremely practical defensive magic spell, it can defend against most of the spells in the magic world, the incantation of the Shield Charm is Protego!"

Professor Leddy explained while gesturing for Hermione to stand about five meters across from him, "Miss Granger, you can attack me with any of your spells."

Andy took the opportunity to interject, "Hermione, use the killing curse!"

Professor Leddy, "..."

"The killing curse can't be used."

Professor Leddy hurriedly said, "Although the Shield Charm can defend against most spells, the Killing Curse is not included."

Hermione ignored Andy, "Professor, be careful."

The young witch quickly raised her wand.


A red beam of magic flashed quickly.


Professor Leddy waved his wand calmly and easily blocked Hermione's attack.

Reciting the incantation ...

This was the main reason why Professor Leddy didn't want Andy to demonstrate on stage.

Think about it, a student could cast a spell silently while a professor had to recite an incantation - he, Joseph Leddy, had a reputation to uphold.

"Beautiful disarming charm, two extra points for Ravenclaw!"

With the professor's new two points, Hermione walked back to her seat with gusto.

Professor Leddy looked around the crowd and continued his lecture, "In battle, the Shield Charm can be used in advance, which will always protect you from being attacked by malicious spells. Besides that, the Shield Charm can also be used to protect others."

"A very practical magic, but the Shield Charm is extremely difficult, and even employees of the Ministry of Magic may not necessarily be able to effectively use the Shield Charm."

"Does anyone else wish to give it a try? This time, I will ask two of you to help demonstrate and test the effectiveness of using the Shield Charm to protect others."

Andy silently raised his hand.


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