
Chapter 260: Learning Animagus

Inside the practice room of the Room of Requirement, Andy tried the effects of the Transfiguration a few more times.

"It's really different," Andy said excitedly.

Before this, Andy would need at least a few seconds of preparation time to complete a biological transfiguration - this was still the result of Andy's long hours of practice.

Just constructing the creature he wanted to transfigure in his mind was not a simple matter.

But when the [Thinking] attribute was raised, Andy's brain became quite active, and constructing transfiguration creatures in his mind became much easier.

Andy summarized.

Clear mind, fast thinking ability, superb memory and logical analysis ability ...

The improvement of [Thinking] definitely brought Andy no fewer benefits than intuitive talents like [Charms] and [Transfiguration].

Even, due to his brain becoming more flexible, Andy felt that his utilization of magical spells had also become more fluent. The fast thinking responsiveness could also improve Andy's practical combat ability.

In the past, Andy had always envied Cedric's reaction speed, but when Andy's [Thinking] was improved, Andy's reaction speed and responsiveness were also enhanced to a certain extent.

Finally, there was no need to envy others.

"A wave of epic-level enhancement!" Andy was satisfied.

In addition to these explicit enhancements, the biggest help to Andy from the increase in the [Thinking] attribute was the enhancement of his learning ability.

Those magic books that were previously incomprehensible, or difficult to understand, could now also be learned.

Andy waved his wand, and several transfigured critters instantly returned to their original state.

'This level of Transfiguration ... can already be used to learn Animagus Transfiguration.' Andy thought to himself

Closing the system panel, Andy got up and left the Room of Requirement.


"Sorry, Professor McGonagall, for bothering you at this late hour." After finishing dinner, Andy picked a suitable time to come to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Mr. Collins?"

Professor McGonagall was still grading homework and looked up at Andy when she heard him, "What can I do for you?"

Andy said with deliberation, "Professor McGonagall, it's about learning Animagus transfiguration ... You said before that you would guide me to complete Animagus transfiguration once my biological transfiguration reaches a certain level."

Professor McGonagall held up the glasses that hung down to the tip of her nose and said in a serious tone, "There is such a thing. Then ... before we officially begin our studies, I must ask you a question."

"What do you know about Animagus?"

Andy recalled the contents of the book, and then solemnly said, "Animagus is an advanced human transfiguration, the magic works by transforming oneself into a certain kind of animal, and there is no need to recite incantations or use a wand after becoming skilful at it."

"There will be a certain amount of risk when completing the transformation for the first time, so the learning of Animagus requires a little bit of luck in addition to a high level of attainment in Transfiguration ..."


Andy recalled the information he had read in the book and combined it with his own knowledge of Animagus eloquently.

Professor McGonagall listened attentively, and her expression grew more and more satisfied.

The more Andy knew about Animagus, it meant that Andy had done more homework. Instead of having a hot head and wanting to learn Animagus transfiguration with only a passion.

When Andy finished his explanation, Professor McGonagall said in a serious tone, "It seems that you know a lot about Animagus, so you should know that since the twentieth century, there are only seven registered Animagus so far."

"This is a very dangerous magic!"

At this point, Professor McGonagall glanced at Andy, hoping that Andy would be able to understand the danger involved.

Andy spread his hands and said, "The fact that there are fewer people registered does not mean that there are fewer people who have learned Animagus."

"If Animagus transfiguration is known to everyone, then this magic loses its greatest effect."

The biggest role of Animagus was to scout intelligence and avoid danger, Andy thought that there must be a lot of people in the magic world who hid their Animagus transfiguration.

As for the dangers of magic ...

To complete an Animagus transfiguration; it usually requires a long preparation time.

Such a long time was enough for Andy to increase his [Will] attribute as well.

Andy only had two points of [Will] right now and only needed [3] [Potential Points] to upgrade. With a full count, it would only take a little over a month.

Such preparation should be enough to learn Animagus.

Professor McGonagall did not persuade any further, but carefully explained the main points of learning Animagus to Andy. Andy quickly composed himself and memorized every step by heart.

The process of learning Animagus and its cumbersome procedures.

The first step was to hold a leaf of mandrake in the mouth and keep it there for a month.

One must carry it from one full moon to the next without letting the leaf leave the mouth in the middle of the month, or else one has to start all over again.

After a month, the leaf can be utilized to create a magic potion for transfiguration.

Finally, the potion will then be buried in a place that is undisturbed and out of exposure to the sun's rays, waiting for a thunder and lightning storm to approach before the potion is removed.

If the potion is blood-red in colour, it means that everything was done correctly.

At this point, it is time to drink the magic potion and begin the transformation of the Animagus.

It was complicated!

But compared to the tedious steps of magic transfiguration, Animagus was really considered simple.

"Professor McGonagall ..."

Andy asked tentatively, "There are a few things I don't quite understand. Why is it that the first time the Animagus is transformed, it has to be in stormy weather with thunder and lightning?"

"And is the magic potion ... magic potion also necessary?"

Until now, Andy didn't really understand the principle of Animagus transfiguration.

Magic potion, weather, can only transform into one animal ...

There were too many unanswered questions here.

"And ..."

Andy continued to ask: "Professor McGonagall, I've looked up the information, the magic school over there in Africa, it seems that they can learn multiple animal transfiguration ... What is the principle behind that?"

Professor McGonagall didn't get impatient by Andy's question, on the contrary, she was very happy that Andy was able to think of so much.

"I seem to have told you that Transfiguration will be the most dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall said seriously, "Unlike ordinary magic spells, Transfiguration involves the transformation between matters. And Human Transfiguration ... is one of the most dangerous of the Transfiguration spells."

"Animagus is different from ordinary human transfiguration, it allows the wizard to have an animal form, it can even be considered a permanent transfiguration."

"That's why we need to use some of the power of nature to complete the transfiguration."


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