
Chapter 179 This Year's Hufflepuff Is finished

According to what was written in the book, the deeper a wizard's magic power was, the lower the danger of magic transfiguration would be.

"Speaking of which, how is magic transfiguration so similar to the body tempering written in cultivation novels?" Andy suddenly muttered.

The so-called body tempering was actually using spiritual energy, mana, qi & blood and other energies to temper the physical body and make it stronger.

Magic transfiguration, on the other hand, was a special kind of human body transfiguration.

In the process of performing human body transfiguration, a special method was used to make the wizard's physical body more adapted to the operation of magic power, thus achieving the effect of enhancing magic power and increasing the power of magic.

It's just that, to put it bluntly, magic transfiguration is still a kind of Transfiguration.

Transfiguration?... is to become faceless.

For details, please refer to Voldemort.

"Is it true that everything will transform?"

Between his thoughts, Quill had already finished copying the book Secrets of the Darkest Art Revealed.

Remembering that tomorrow was Saturday, Andy ran back to his dorm room and grabbed another notebook, then re-cast the spell on the quill to make it copy the book "Magic Transfiguration, The Higher Forms of Wizards" as well.

"What a treasure!"

Andy's eyes were on fire as he looked at the bookshelves.

These could be Dumbledore's special collection of rare books, each one of them is a premium book that is true to what it states, completely different from those sassy cheapies in the ordinary section of the library.

Andy swept his eyes around and picked another book that introduced the theory of magic and continued to look at it.

Whether it was cutting-edge dark magic or magic transfiguration, they could only represent Andy's future. Only the most basic magic theory could allow the current Andy to rapidly increase his strength.

The increase in strength, in turn, represented the advancement of talent.

This was the most beneficial virtuous cycle for Andy.

That night, Andy spent until after two o'clock in the latter half of the night, before he left the Room of Requirement with great fondness.

Standing in the corridor of the seventh floor, Andy lazily swept a glance at the Marauder's Map.

"Snape ... has gone to bed?"

Andy's spirits perked up.

"Right! No matter what Snape's routine is, as long as I stay up until the latter part of the night, he has to go to bed and rest."

Should I make my move?

Andy shook his head.

Not yet, I am not ready yet.

Shoe covers, gloves, and a smell-clearing potion were all necessities if I wanted to go to Snape's office and steal the potion materials.

In terms of Snape's level of craftiness, as long as Andy left a single clue, it was possible to be traced by Snape.

"Potion ... let mom prepare it!"

Andy was prepared to write to Helen tomorrow, and as soon as the potion to remove the odour was in place, he would immediately start the operation.

"Mischief Managed."

Closing the Marauder's Map, Andy returned to the dormitory and snoozed after covering himself with the quilt.


At noon the next day, Andy struggled to get up from his bed.

Glancing at the alarm clock on the nightstand, Andy was satisfied, "Just in time to go to lunch."

After writing the letter addressed to Helen, Andy changed into his wizard robe, first went to the Owlery to mail the letter, and then went to the great hall to prepare to sacrifice food to his organs.

The great hall wasn't too crowded at this time of day, so Andy found a seat and yawned as he ate his lunch.

"Hey, Andy! Looks like you didn't sleep too well yesterday."

Hearing the sound of someone speaking, Andy looked up, "Good afternoon, Cho!"

"The Quidditch team try-outs are next weekend, and I'm planning on competing for the seeker position."

Cho Chang looked at Andy and said, "I heard that you're not bad at flying, how about accompanying me to practice this afternoon?"


Andy answered, then questioned, "Why don't you find that Cedric guy? He should be more experienced, right?"

Cho Chang glanced at Andy with a blank look as she said, "Cedric is Hufflepuff's Seeker, and we're Ravenclaw."

Andy's eyes lit up at his words.

There would be no Hufflepuff this year!

Granted, Andy didn't like Quidditch much, but Andy was a Ravenclaw after all, and there was still a bit of collective honour at stake.

After all, no one liked their team being at the bottom of the list year after year.

"Go for it!"

Andy encouraged, "Whether we can win the championship this year, it all depends on you."

Cho Chang said unhappily, "Don't put pressure on me. Don't look at how confident I seem to be, the thought of the competition makes me nervous."

Andy spread his hands, Andy could not help with this kind of thing.

Before they finished eating, they saw Hermione walk into the great hall with a stack of books, and after her eyes circled around the great hall, the little witch naturally walked over to Andy's side.

"It's really rare for you, you usually get up so early." The little witch was a little conspiratorial.

Andy glanced at Hermione.

The messy hair looked like it hadn't been taken care of properly, there was no makeup on her face, and she was holding a large pile of books in her arms ...

No matter how you looked at it, she looked like a nerd.

Like Andy, she has always paid attention to her image. Usually, even if she got up late, she would take the time to organize her hair, and her clothes were even more meticulously taken care of.

--After all, Andy was a person who even honed his spell-casting posture.

"I stayed up reading last night until after two in the latter part of the night."

Andy yawned and continued, "I'm going to help Cho practice Quidditch for a bit, do you want to come along?"

"Yeah!" Hermione responded with gusto.


After lunch, Andy, Hermione, and Cho Chang went to the Quidditch practice ground together.

Since the team selection for each house was next weekend, many young wizards who aspired to join the team were practising their flying skills here.

"How can I help you?" Andy asked.

"I'm competing for the Seeker position, and the Seeker's job is to catch the Golden Snitch."

Cho Chang said, "I've watched many matches, and I've found that the most important thing in catching the Golden Snitch is the confrontation with the opposing team's seeker."

Andy gestured an 'OK' sign.

No wonder, Cho Chang was looking for him to help with the training, so it was to train the confrontation ability.

"In terms of physical confrontation, girls are innately at a disadvantage."

Andy suggested, "That's why I think you should practice some flying techniques, aka fouling techniques."

"Of course, I know my strengths and weaknesses." Cho Chang nodded and said.

"Then let's do it!"

Andy mounted his flying broom and flew into mid-air, glancing at Hermione sitting on the bleacher, Andy's death-defying soul was burning, "Hermione, want to come up and fly two laps?"

The little witch pulled out her wand directly.

Andy then accelerated and flew far away, the little witch's temper is a bit big lately!

"Here we go!"

Andy took out a stone from his coat pocket while pulling out his wand to turn the stone into a Golden Snitch, "Cho, let's see who can catch it"

Cho Chang didn't reply and sped up and dashed straight out.

Andy raised an eyebrow and put his wand away before controlling the flying broom to chase after it as well.


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