
Chapter 177 Animagus Transfiguration

Andy touched the walls of the Room of Requirement and some of the furnishings in the room.

It was very real, just like a real one.

'Is it the principle of Transfiguration?' Andy guessed.

The Room of Requirement could transform into a variety of rooms according to the user's needs.

But these rooms could not be real.

Because Hogwarts simply didn't have that many rooms.

So the only explanation was that it was all changed through Transfiguration.

But Andy had checked the facilities in the room and could not see any traces of Transfiguration at all.

"Forget it!" Andy was ready to give up.

In terms of Andy's current magic attainments, it was simply impossible to check the principle of the Room of Requirement. Instead of making things difficult for himself, it would be better to seize the time to improve his magic level.

As long as his strength and insights were raised up, Andy believed that he would be able to crack the secrets of this place sooner or later.

The time was already very late, and Andy did not have the habit of staying up late to practice magic.

After trying the mechanism of the emergence of the Room of Requirement one more time, then headed back to his room and laid down on his bed to prepare for sleep.

"Mischief managed."

After putting the Marauder's Map away, Andy closed his eyes and went into dreamland after emptying his brain.



The Ravenclaw had no classes this morning, and in the afternoon it was a Herbology class and a Transfiguration class.

It was a nice day, so Andy and Hermione grabbed a few books and found a spot outside the castle to read them.

Glancing at the book in Hermione's hand, Andy said with slight surprise, "Are you still reading books about Basilisk?"

Hermione gave Andy a blank look, "If you're really planning to enter the Chamber of Secrets, I think we should be fully prepared."


Andy was a bit touched, "I'm actually fully prepared. For example, ... a few roosters, and the Fiendfyre Curse."

The Fiendfyre Curse was an unexpected one, but it appeared promptly.

Andy just didn't believe that a bit of Fiendfyre couldn't burn a mere Basilisk.

"Fiendfyre Curse!?"

Hermione looked at Andy with wide eyes, "Andy, you actually secretly learned dark magic."


Andy blinked and defended, "It's not dark magic, it's Fiendfyre. And I only know the method of casting that spell, I haven't tried it yet."

"Luckily, you haven't tried it yet."

Miss Know-it-all officially came online, she just said in a stern tone, "The Fiendfyre Curse is a very dangerous Dark Magic spell that summons demonic flames that are not under the control of the caster. Historically, there have been countless wizards who have been devoured by the Fiendfyre they summoned."

Andy sighed.

The little witch is good at everything, it's this character ... When Hermione grows up, she won't become like Professor McGonagall, right?

When Professor McGonagall was young, she might have been a little beauty, too.

Andy shivered.

"Thanks! I'll be careful." Andy said.

Looking at his [Charms] talent that was as high as [6] points, Andy felt that he should be able to control a small-scale Fiendfyre.

It was not that Andy thought highly of himself.

It was really because, in recent times, Andy's efficiency in learning magic spells was just too high.

For some simple magic spells, Andy could even use them just by reading them once.

What's more, in a month or so, Andy would be able to save enough [7] potential points. If he could increase the [Charms] talent to [7] points, Andy's certainty would be even greater.

Seven, a number with magic power.

Hermione stared at Andy with an uneasy face.   

As soon as she heard Andy say this, she knew that Andy would definitely learn the Fiendfyre Curse.

"Remember what you said, I'll keep an eye on you," Hermione said in a serious tone.

Andy made a gesture of raising his hands in surrender.


After surviving a Herbology class, Andy walked into the Transfiguration classroom with a sense of relief.

The second-year Transfiguration class could be considered a child's play for Andy.

Andy had now begun to learn the fourth-year knowledge on his own.

According to this current progress, in at most one more year, Andy would be able to take the Hogwarts graduation exam.

Of course, it was impossible to graduate.

At Hogwarts, the most important thing was never the little knowledge taught in class.

The seven-year program at Hogwarts could only teach you the basic means to survive in the magic world and allow you to find a decent job after graduation.

Nothing more than that.

The real gem of Hogwarts was actually the thousand-year-old collection of books in the library.

Those books were the most valuable wealth of Hogwarts.

As far as Andy knew, the previous Dark Lord, Gellert Grindelwald, was an undergraduate who was expelled by Durmstrang.

From this, it could be seen that textbooks were really just the most basic knowledge.

After a year of study, Andy's Transfiguration had already reached an extremely high level.

Just by holding his wand and gently pointing, he completed Professor McGonagall's requirement.

Professor McGonagall proudly awarded Andy two extra points.

Hermione also quickly finished the Transfiguration.

In the last year, Hermione had been following Andy to practice magic. The little witch's magic attainment now had somehow gotten much stronger than those little wizards who didn't even bother to do their homework.

Professor McGonagall could only add two more points to Ravenclaw.

She then had a look at the other little wizards ... Forget it, it's better not to look at them, the heart feels stuffy.

After class, Andy did not immediately leave the classroom.

After Professor McGonagall packed up her textbooks, she looked at Andy and Hermione with some surprise, "Is there something wrong with you two?"

Hermione looked at Andy, who stood up and said with deliberation, "Professor McGonagall, do you think that with my current level of attainment in Transfiguration, I can learn Animagus Transfiguration?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Andy with a serious face, "Mr. Collins, I have to remind you that Animagus transfiguration is a very dangerous transfiguration magic, once an accident occurs in the transfiguration, it will produce irreversible and terrible consequences."

"I'm ready for it," Andy said in a serious tone.

In the book "Secrets of the Darkest Ar", there was a large portion that depicted magic transfiguration.

And the prerequisite for magic transfiguration was the mastery of highly advanced transfiguration spells.

Especially Animagus Transfiguration.

Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment and finally said bluntly, "I can certainly instruct you. But ... I think it's still a bit too early for you to touch Animagus Transfiguration right now."

"Before learning Animagus, you should at least learn Living Transfiguration."

Saying this, Professor McGonagall took out her wand and aimed it at the podium.

Under the effect of the magic, the podium twisted for a while and finally turned into a fat white pig.

"Mr. Collins, if you can reach this level, only then will I instruct you Animagus."

Professor McGonagall looked at Andy and said in a serious tone, "Don't blame me for being too strict in my demands, even with the best preparation, the possibility of failure exists in Transfiguration."

"If you really intend to learn Animagus, you must minimize the possibility of failure."


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