
Chapter 116 Summer Holiday Promise

'Maybe...Harry didn't have enough negativity!'

Andy inexplicably thought of the Sharingan Eye, opening the Sharingan Eye also required a huge amount of negative emotions to stimulate the evolution of the eye.

... Your hatred is not enough!

If Harry didn't become an Obscurial because his negative emotions weren't strong enough.

So could it be that the reason the Patronus Charm is so watered down is also because the positive emotions aren't strong enough?

"Happiness ..."

Come to think of it, although happiness is a type of positive emotion, it can't be considered high on the scale of all positive emotions.

Love, guardianship, justice, perseverance ...

'Is it possible to incorporate all the positive emotions into the Patronus Charm?' Andy couldn't help but think.

That would be too difficult as well!

Although Andy had increased his [Mind] talent to [5] points, he could mobilize his emotional power more easily. But to mobilize all the positive emotions at the same time ... that was not something Andy could do.

Not to mention Andy, even Dumbledore could only do it in his dreams.


It suddenly occurred to Andy that the Obscurus was actually a parasitic creature, it was not a power of the wizard itself, it could even be categorized as a magical creature.

And the appearance of the Patronus ... Patronus was also an animal!

More and more similarities made Andy more and more convinced that the Patronus Charm was the magic that ancient wizards had researched based on the Obscurus.

'Dumbledore's Patronus is a phoenix...'

'And he also studied the Obscurus!'

Andy thought of Dumbledore, who had also studied Obscurus, perhaps which was why his Patronus Charm was so special.

'Does Dumbledore's Patronus have any special functions?'

Andy frowned slightly.

There were no rumours about this in the wizarding world, so perhaps Dumbledore's Patronus was just a bit more special in appearance.

But this was enough to prove that the Patronus spell could be upgraded!

With hope comes motivation.

Andy was not afraid of difficulties, and the thing he was most afraid of was not seeing a bit of hope.

In the wizarding world, there was Nicolas Flamel who had lived for hundreds of years, there was also Voldemort who claimed to have conquered death, and there was even a powerful wizard like Dumbledore who stood at the ceiling of the wizarding world.

All of these people were targets that Andy wanted to surpass.

'I wish I could put Dumbledore in my pocket and turn him into a portable old grandpa.' Andy sighed at this more than once.

It was a pity that Dumbledore would never belong to Andy.


A few days later, the school announced the test results.

Andy's Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Flight and Astronomy classes were all perfect scores, while Herbology and History of Magic were E (Exceeds Expectations), which was considered to be slightly pulling the hip.

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class ...

Professor Down has been transferred to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, and although the school has arranged for substitute classes, the exams have been cancelled.

Even so, Andy still achieved first place in the first year.

Because Hermione just barely passed her Flight class.

Hogwarts only had flight classes in the first year, and as long as it wasn't a failure to fly, Madam Hooch would usually give a pass. If one flew slightly better, getting an O could be considered quite simple.

This shows how bad Hermione is at flying.

The young witch was sad about it for the whole day.

"Wait until next year, you won't be so lucky," Hermione said defiantly.

"Yes, yes, yes, I only got first place by luck. I'm so sorry for stealing your first place." Looking at the puffed-up little witch, Andy even took a few more bites of his lunch.


The little witch fiercely glared at Andy, "I'll let you be slightly complacent this year! I won't give you another chance for the next six years."

Andy smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

What Hermione said was also the truth, unless the school increased the difficulty of the practical test, otherwise, Andy could never surpass Hermione.   

Even if he scored full marks in theory, he could only tie for first place.

But such things can only be thought of.

Andy had heard that many young wizards did not perform well in the practical test. If the difficulty of the exam was increased further, not many people in the entire Hogwarts would be able to pass.

"Why are they coming over here?"

Seeing that Harry and Ron were walking towards their side, Hermione frowned, her tone was somewhat unfriendly.

Andy looked up.

Ron cocked his head at the sight, signalling Andy to go out and talk. Harry also looked at Andy with an anxious face.


Andy sighed inwardly.

"I'm heading over there!" Andy said.

Walking out of the great hall, Andy saw Harry and Ron waiting for him in a corner.

"Can I help you?" Andy asked as he walked over.

"I...I was going to say...I wanted to say..." Ron flushed red and couldn't say a complete sentence despite trying his best.

Harry saw this and rushed to say, "We came to say sorry, we shouldn't have said that the other day."

"It's fine!"

Andy spread his hands, "Those are things of the past."

Although Andy didn't really want to get in touch with the two of them, no matter what, Andy would not lose his temper with the two kids, much less say hurtful words such as 'let's cut off our friendship'.

That would be too unseemly!

So what else could be done? Forgive them, of course!

"It's good that you don't mind." Harry sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry, Andy! I shouldn't have been so impulsive the other day." Ron said.

Andy nodded, "If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way."

"Andy..." Ron opened his mouth to say something when Harry suddenly pulled Ron back.

"What's wrong?" Andy was taken aback.

"No, nothing!" Ron looked at Harry and then shook.

Andy didn't bother when he saw this and turned towards the great hall.

When Andy walked into the great hall, Ron said with some dissatisfaction, "Harry, why are you stopping me?"

Harry was helpless, "It's not for us to interfere with who Andy is willing to make friends with."

Ron glanced away unconvincingly but didn't say anything more.

On the other hand, as soon as Andy sat down next to Hermione, he heard Hermione ask, "They came to apologize to you?"

"Yes!" Andy was a bit helpless.

But this was good, although Ron had apologized, Andy understood that the two couldn't get along like before.

But with this apology, at least the two of them would not be too awkward when they met.

That would do.

"Where were we before?" Andy asked.


The little witch grunted, picking up a drink and gulping it in one gulp.

Andy touched his nose, "In a few days it will be summer break, well ... let's say July 10th, I'll meet you in London."

"July 10th?"

Hermione looked surprised, "Shall I pick you up at King's Cross Station? And I am not sure if my dad is free that day."

"Don't worry about it!"

Andy laughed, "The magical world also has transportation, Isa and I will take the Knight Bus to your house, you just need to tell me the address of your house."


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