
Chapter 113 Three Useful Tools

Jingwei is Animagus ...?

Andy scratched his head, this is also ... well; if you understand it from the perspective of magic, it makes sense to say so.

"Animagus transformation needs to wait until stormy weather, that was actually discovered later."

Hermione explained, "The story of the Animagus took place thousands of years ago, a time when the magic system may not have been perfect. Jingwei thought she could practice Animagus on the beach, but the magic failed, and she never changed back."

Andy: "..."

That sounded kinda plausible.

Being fooled by Hermione like this, Andy even had some doubts that the world he lived in in his previous life really had mystical powers.

If one interpreted some myths from the perspective of magic, it could actually make sense. As for those myths that were somewhat exaggerated - perhaps the rumours were distorted.

After all, there weren't many ways to record words in that era, and a lot of things were passed down by word of mouth.

"By the way, how's your duelling practice going?" Hermione suddenly asked.

Cedric smiled a little awkwardly.

If Cho Chang was not around, he would have been able to openly admit that he hadn't beaten Andy calmly and frankly. But in front of his crush, Cedric didn't want to lose his honour in any way.

Sensing the distress signal sent by Cedric, Andy blinked and said, "Neither of us can do anything against each other, Cedric is a Seeker, and he has a very fast reaction speed."

Cedric was touched, "Andy is also very good, his magic attainment is very high."

Andy and Cedric were considered two types.

Andy belonged to the hard practice type, and his level and skills exceeded Cedric's. While Cedric's manoeuvring was strong, even if his attunements were worse, he could still fight Andy head-on.

Andy and Cedric boasted about each other for a few moments and roughly described the process of the duel.

Hermione and Cho Chang were interested in this.

Hogwarts didn't have practical classes, both the Charms and Transfiguration classes were just practicing magic in class, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had hands-on practice, but each person could only practice once.

As for during the weekdays...that all depended on everyone being self-conscious.

The most important thing was that the use of magic was not allowed in the corridors.

This situation led to the fact that many of the young wizards had really poor levels of skills in magic.

The situation led to graduates not being able to use the Shield Charm is not an exception, it was almost the norm at Hogwarts.

You know, the Shield Charm was the most basic defensive magic, especially in battle, except for the killing curse, the Shield Charm could defend against most of the magic.

"If you guys are interested, we can start a duelling club."

Cedric suggested, "Although the magical world is at peace, dark wizards haven't disappeared, we always need to learn ways to protect ourselves."

"I have no problem with that."

Andy agreed, "Even if we don't form a club, I'll drag you to practice duelling."

Below the fifth grade, Cedric could be considered the most high-level young wizard.

This was a very good use of a tool man.

Practising magic in a duel was much better than practising alone by yourself.


Hermione was a little hesitant, "The exam is in three months, and I still have to review the material for the exam."

"It's not like we're practising every day, we can just organize a gathering a few times a week, it won't take up too much time," Cedric said.

Cho Chang thought about it, "I'll join."

"Alright!" Hermione said, "I'm actually quite interested in duelling, and with the recent attacks on the school this semester, we do need to learn ways to protect ourselves."

Cedric perked up, "Great, the meetups can be scheduled on Saturday and Sunday afternoons."


In the evening, a group of four people came to the great hall together.   

After the formation of the Dueling Club, the relationship between Andy, Hermione, Cedric, and Cho Chang immediately drew a lot closer.

Andy was very satisfied.

Hermione, with a strong memory, is known as Miss Know-it-all, who you can ask anything you don't know.

Cho Chang, the information about the Chinese magical world, needs to rely on her to return to her country to collect it.

Cedric has good strength; at least can fight with Andy back and forth.

They're all very good tool people!

If anything was lacking in the club, it might be the lack of a prodigal fool who would provide the funds for the event.

With money, the four of them could get together once in a while for a meal, or buy protective gear for practicing duels.

Without protective gear, a lot of dangerous magic couldn't be used in a duel, and the fight wouldn't be much enjoyable.

"I'm off to Hufflepuff." Cedric waved his hand and headed towards Hufflepuff's long table.

"You two probably don't want to be disturbed, right?" Cho Chang teased, "I'm off to find my roommate, see you next time."

Andy and Hermione glanced at each other: these two are too rotten.

"You don't get along with your roommate either?" Hermione asked with some curiosity as she took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"It's okay, I just feel like they're too childish, and they don't adapt to the intensity of studying like we do."

Andy said indifferently, "It's just a relationship of meeting and greeting, you can just pay attention to maintaining it usually."

Hermione said with an approving look, "I feel the same way, I'm not interested in the topics they talk about at all."

Hermione's relationship with her roommate was actually quite good, but she always hung out with Andy, and there was always a feeling of alienation when she usually got along with her roommate.

"Just go with the flow when it comes to things like making friends."

Andy laughed, "Maintain the relationship if you get along, and distance yourself if you don't."

"Take Ron for example, we knew each other before we enrolled in school, but I've never taken the initiative to find him, he's just the kind who I have trouble getting along with."

Hermione thought about it for a moment, she had indeed never seen Andy actively seek out Ron, instead it was Ron and Harry, who had been coming to Andy a while back.

"That's okay." The young witch smiled lightly.

"Of course, it's okay, if you can't get along with someone, why force yourself."

Andy said nonchalantly, "Although connections are important, in the magical world, I prefer to speak with magic. Although Voldemort is not a good person, he has a quote that I actually agree with."

"What quote?" Hermione wondered.

"Magic is might!" Andy said.

Just look at Malfoy, after tidying him up, he said whatever he was asked.

Hermione glared at Andy with a disapproving look on her face.

"Of course, that routine doesn't work on everyone, and I don't actually mean bullying."

Before Hermione could say anything, Andy continued, "In human relationships, we always have to use our strengths. Some people can communicate well, some people have money, some people have authority, and magic is just one of those kind of advantages."

The young witch opened her mouth.

Hermione was from the Muggle world, and she could actually understand what Andy was saying. It was just that the little girl was still a bit naïve, and Andy saying it so bluntly still made it a bit hard for the little witch to accept.

Andy lowered his head to eat.

Changing the little witch's three views should be done at every opportunity.


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#Erwin Connor, Thanks for all your love and support.

Read advance chapters on P@treon. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me at P@treon: www.p@treon.com/Crazy_Cat.

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