
Qingyi's Embarassment

What's gotten you so embarrassed?"

Yang Chen stopped moving and grabbed the hands which were covering her face. He spread them apart and smiled upon seeing the bright red blush on her face.

Xie Qingyi avoided his gaze and turned her head to the side, but after seeing her sister who was feigning sleep, the blush on her face spread to the tip of her ears.

She didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of her. However, It was just beginning and she had already cummed once.

Normally, her body won't be this sensitive and because of her mental age, she had a better control over her carnal desires than Zhu Jia.

'Only if I didn't share feelings and sense with her, there's just no way that I would come sooner'

She was busy with her thoughts and trying to recover the dignity that she didn't notice his hands coming towards two huge and firm mountains.

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