
rescue mission part 2

There were a lot of survivors inside, and there he spotted Roy's father. He looked pale and even skinnier than he was already. Roy ran up to him and hugged him with tears flowing down his face. Both son and father stood there but Roy's father didn't seem to have any tiers to shed 

his father talked not in his usually cheerful voice but rather a dry one, as if he had aged 100 years. He said you were alive and fainted Hruday quickly handed out the bottles of water he brought along with his coffee candies. sensing that Roy's father has run out of sugar in his bloodstream!

 He didn't have any time and the patience was out of reach to count. A large number of people were fainted. he woke them up, gave them candy and helped everyone walk back with others coming He quickly transported them upside down; they were all sent back to his apartment right away and the rockets were already roaring and lighting the ground 

yes they weren't just rockets; they were baby rockets, which were cheaper version of rockets that didn't explode into brilliant, sparkling colors but rather just reached there These were combined with bombs, snake crackers and various others that were tied to the rocket body, as rocks would be launched far towards to the ground. These crackers, which had slow reaction time, would activate after reaching the ground or halfway through, and as long as it made sound and showed color, it was alright 

meanwhile, the left wing was done setting up time, sound distraction, and taking care of nearby ones, and with a few clicks, they could now distract some zombies that would inevitably arrive first and now we're assisting in transport materials for right-wing group 

Hruday felt tensed as he saw yellow light from the building moving in a circle; it meant zombies were too near It wasn't that this was an easy thing; by exploding all the crackers, they were inviting the nearby zombies towards them and due to rockets not reaching far, the zombies were moving forward, although at a slower pace but much faster than anticipated, as northeast zombies would move forward whenever they shot one to the south 

they still had to break open a medical store that was in a left-wing area and they also hadn't even completed the first store yet.

Hruday went running towards the right wing, where Hector was banging the wall with the sludge hammer and various other tools that they got in the water tank present in the operation room in the apartment. Hruday was tense as people were moving makeshift wooden carts; some didn't even have a proper wheel; they just constantly dragged and loaded them thanks to extra steady ropes found in the store. Their movement now was fast and efficient, but Hector was banging the meat store's wall, laughing. He seemed to enjoy this tense situation. Almost everyone was coming to transport, only looking outside the barrier once in a while. 

sweat was running down his body as he looked as if he were working in the rain Hruday Hey... stop Hector finally stopped after Hruday came in the way 

Uncle, don't break this meat shop. The entrance is open Do you want all the zombies outside get inside? Hector replied haha my bad but meat would go waste. i really want some meat, you know

Hruday was flabbergasted OK, leave it. We will try to take it when we are almost done what about the medical store on right side? Hector replied that it could hardly called a wall. The wall these days are so weak that it's done 

then red laser light flashed, which meant everyone ran back, draggin the cart. Hruday asked why there were two doors in a shop. It seems like they had divided the shop into two, one for storage and another for delivery. Thanks tro that, we were able to take all grains and other things 

Hruday asked, does that mean we didnt get any packed food? Hector replied ya should i breach meat store or break the door? Decide which one is important 

just as they said, the door inside the general store opened scaring Hruday and he found 4 people coming out, asking, are you here to rescue? Hruday said if you guys were any late, we would have left you 

go straight there; you will find people and they will carry you Before you go, carry as many goods as possible and take small dieries and torches. The first rest is upto you, and then he left 

Hector i choose both lets breach the meat shop We need to be quick. i can hear growls of zombies Let me help them first rest for a minute. i will be back 

Hruday ran carrying a large box filled with books tourch and electric mosquitos bats, along with ramen and choclets packs 

he came back dragging Tory, Michael, and three carts whose wheels were broken He brought half a bottle of water to Trevor and ran tory Tory. You will fill all the carts; if not, you will be the last one to climb up 

tory cursed fuck Why, why me ? oh Michaelyou too, bro Michael replied, i knew it You are still pissed that i called you shut in slow poke Sorry, i did it for fun, man Hruday left without saying anything 

as Hector was banging the wall, Hruday threw bombs as far away as possible. It was too late Some exploded right neartt him because they hadnt tore the paper in the craters crumb, so he had to be fast He had never risked doing this in his life, but he had too. Rockets had run out. Now everyone were doing the same, and bluetoth speqakers did not seem to be having any effect It was understandable 

as he felt his ear numb due to so much sound and zombies seem to be in fenzy banding everything, Hruday backed off as zombies tried to come too close to the barricade 

he asked, was he being too greedy and risking too much? Heck no, because for mouths, he wouldn't be able get outside after attracting so much attention, and some of his hoorific assumptions seem to be coming true 

the wall was broken they ran inside Hruday quickly smacked and kicked couple of zombies He got bit twice, once in back of his holders and twice in his arm He douged any bite and directed it towards his patted arm. Their bites were terrifying. He never realized humans had such a bite force Hecter, meanwhile, killed the meat-feasting zombie by smashing its brain into bits 

Hruday glanced at his weird-looking brain, his stomuch confusion. He quickly took 2 chicken cages, staking and hugging them He took the big fighter cock and ran Michael and Roy had already left; the baricade was broken and zombies were poreing in today. They quickly ran with Hector in back 

Hruday 's asthama, which hadnt triggered, seems to trigger now, although this one was rather mild. He ran, reaching the building full of hanging roops He looked up, a red light flashing to his eyes 

he quickly tied up everything but it was too late The zombies from right wing had broken the barrier much faster; it had even broken 2 additional barriers and carts 

Hruday heart now felt the danger. With the cart and no weapon in hand, he started to kick and push, using his sledgehammer to push He looked exhausted, and his swing were getting weaker Others were attacking by shooting arrows, throwing big carts, and Molotov, but arrows werent making any difference 

then Hruday felt the inevitable Hector pushed Hruday and said, go moving forward He grabbed the rope loop, tied it to himself and threw another loop on Hector's arm and then they were pulled. He then started to throw his miltove but Hruday in the initial situation, failed to see that his thin rope was getting thinner, and due to pulling and missing his strength, he had threw it near Hector 

hrudaty quickly screamed rope Hector

Hector barely dodged the Moltov but his rope didn't give in!! Hruday screamed but the zombies, who didn't care, started to grab him Hruday felt miserable but many ropes came, some holding zombies but only 1 rope was able to lock on the fighting Hector's neck They pulled him quickly Hruday screamed no neck and then another came on his legs They quickly pulled him up

after reaching the top, Hruday looked at unconscious Hector, his face swollen red, his legs armor ripped and 3 layers of his shirt torn They removed the remaining 3 layers; he had broses all over, and his skin ripped 

Hruday couldn't imagine just how terrifying those zombies were. Even though Hecter was stuck barely for a minute, he quickly stopped himself from thinking and checked everyone with his friends; they were safe Just as he was wondering why he felt some thing was missing, he remembered survivors he rescued 

Hruday asked Sphiya and mark where the survivors were to his report; they hadnt sent them without checking and most of them were inside the building shop He slowly walked down the stairs holding his weapon just in case but he was just too paranoid after checking, except for a girl who had a bite mark but everyone said she had it before apocalypse so he told her to wear mask or helmet in public places. He felt he had it enough and took a small nap as everyone transported the materials 

left wing pov Hector, who was banging on the wall of meat store, was stopped by Hruday Unckle. The store is opened from outside and it is near the zombies hector didnt stop 







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