
Ch. 16

In a mysterious lab, there was Dr. Milley who was researching Sheila's blood with a few scientists around her. Long time ago, Dr. Milley was a notorious scientist known for her studies in genetics and human anatomy, and she was currently focused on analysing Sheila's blood in an effort to understand its unique properties.

Of course, for humanity to achieve its breakthrough and win against its nemesis, a little unethical experimentation seemed justified. Dr. Milley was not afraid to cross some moral boundaries in pursuit of scientific progress, and she was determined to find out the secret of Sheila's blood no matter what it took.

It appears that the secret of Sheila's blood was not as simple as it seemed at first. The regeneration property was there, but there was something even more sinister lurking within the cells. It seemed that the cells were attacking everything and replicating like a cancer, but instead after they destroyed the cell they proceed to rebuild it into something new.

"something" was even more ominous than just normal regeneration.

"Dr, this cell property wasn't possible in a human body" Said one of Dr.Milley Partners.

"No, it shouldn't be," Dr. Milley agreed, looking at the evidence in a mixture of fascination and concern.

The cells were doing things that shouldn't be possible in a normal, human body. They were spreading like a cancerous tumor, but instead of causing harm, they were actually destroying, repairing and enhancing the body in a rapid paced.

"Could you imagine, a zombie inside a living body? Something like you death but also lived at the same time" Dr milley said uncertain with the results of the anatomy.

"This cell was the reason it could stop the Creepers contamination within his little brother body, even after decades we could only halt something the inevitable. And yet, this cell was fighting, and could win against it."

"With our current level of scientific biology advancement, we have achieved incredible things such as regenerating limbs in weeks or months, but this cell is on a whole other level."

"This cell had the power to completely rebuild its host from the inside out, changing their physique and improving its functions beyond human capability. It was something far more than just another stage in tissue regeneration"

"But, there's a downside to it" One of the Dr milley partners science said.

"Yes, as you can see the host would undergo a rapid mutation within a minute, replacing everything inside the body and making the host killing everything in his sight"

"The phenomenon of undergoing a mutation when you piloting an Einjards, I'm I correct Dr? " Dr milley partners said confirming the results.

"Yes, spot on".

After careful consideration and planning, Dr.Milley was ready to conduct an experiment with a dead arm, one that had been recently severed and was still in fresh condition. The goal was to see if the cell could work its magic on a limb without a living body and if it would be just as effective.

The dead arm was placed on a table and attached to devices that would keep blood flowing to the tissue. The cells were injected directly into the arm and the waiting began.

Suddenly, Within just mere seconds of the cells being injected, the dead arm was already going through immense changes. The dead tissue and bones were being regenerated at an alarming rate, it was as if the cells were fighting against the inevitable death that the severed arm had been headed towards.

The arm's regeneration keep regenerating at seemingly unnatural speed, the cells replicating out of control and transforming the tissue and bones into something entirely different than they had been originated. It was beginning to look more like an alien life form than an ordinary human arm. The scientists were in awe and horror at the same time, not sure of whether this should be celebrated or feared.

Suddenly, the arm made a loud noises, as if something inside of it had gone terribly wrong. It kept twisting and twisting itself, as if in a desperate attempt to fix whatever had gone wrong.

The twisting and turning grew louder and louder, until finally it exploded with a loud noise, making the box inside of it full of blood. Dr milley and it's teams were shocked and horrified by what they'd just witnessed, and the room fell into silent shock for a moment.

"Dr, what happened?" Ask one of the teams.

"I don't know Yeon, maybe just like you said it's undergoing a rapid mutation" Dr Milley answered while pondering what the hell just happened.

After a while pondering the possibility, Dr Milley and her teams set their sights on a living animal as a test subject for the cell injection. They decided to try the same procedures and see how the cells would respond to living tissue rather than dead tissue. Hopefully, this would yield more predictable and controllable results.

"Are you sure doc? " Yeon said while looking straight into Dr Milley figures.

"Do it, the moment it's went rampage just use the safety measure"

"Copy" Yeon said.

The scientists followed Dr. Milley instructions and prepared the necessary safety measures before injecting the cells into the living animal. The animal was placed in a secure chamber and monitored closely for any signs of instability or unpredictable behavior.

At first, the hamsters reaction to the cells was completely normal, showing no signs of unusual behavior or aggressiveness.

But a few moments laters, It started out small with minor things like staring off into the distance for too long or losing track of time, but the weird behavior soon escalated into a crazy sight.

Suddenly, It started slamming its head into the glass box that contained it, repeatedly inflicting injuries on itself as if trying to kill itself. The hamster seemed to be undergoing a rapid transformation both physically and mentally, becoming more aggressive and volatile.



The scientists were growing increasingly worried and concerned about what they were witnessing as it seemed to be spiraling out of control.



The hamsters was screaming and slamming its head against the glass repeatedly in a more volatile manner. The hamster was visibly distressed by something, and kept repeating the same action over and over again.

The hamster's body suddenly began to grow and expand at an unnatural rate, growing larger and larger within just a few minutes. The hamster was going through an intense and violent transformation and it seemed like it was trying to rip itself apart from the inside out.

It started gnawing and chewing at its own body, trying to get away from something that was hurting it. The sounds of it ripping its own flesh apart and chewing at its bones were horrifying to hear, and the scientists were terrified by what they were witnessing, they'd never seen anything like it.

"Dr! Its already 10x bigger than it's normal bodies!"

"Kill it" Dr Milley said with unbelievable eyes.

One of the scientists quickly followed the order and ended the suffering of the hamster, but the haunting image of its transformation still lingered in everyone's mind.

After witnessing this bizzare transformation, Dr Milley could only ponder what could happened if she injected it into a human body.

"Why Sheila was fine?" Dr Milley said pondering what the hell just happened.


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