
Chapter 516: When Meteor Showers Descend on the Pirate Kingdom

Chapter 516: When Meteor Showers Descend on the Pirate Kingdom

The Rorsted Archipelago, a pearl in the vast ocean, was known for its calm waters and numerous islands, making it an ideal stopover for passing ships. It was also a favorite haunt of pirates, causing most merchant vessels to avoid the area unless absolutely necessary.

Recently, news of pirates establishing an island kingdom had spread throughout the coastal regions. Rumors circulated that "the returning descendants of Emperor Roselle would use the pirate kingdom as a starting point to establish a new order and future."

The territory of this new pirate kingdom was to be centered around the Rorsted Archipelago as its capital. To build their new realm, pirates disguised themselves as merchant ships carrying various goods, occasionally leading to incidents of pirates robbing other pirates.

The capital of the pirate kingdom had been meticulously designed, allowing even the most inexperienced pirates to contribute effectively to its construction under proper guidance. During this time, Star Admiral Cattleya and the newcomer Ice Marshal Edwina Edwards were particularly proactive, earning them the nickname "the flawless dual pillars of the new pirate kingdom" among their peers.

At the bustling yet orderly construction site of the capital, Cattleya often found herself glancing at the Ice Marshal, whose extensive knowledge encompassed astronomy, geography, architecture, management, and even sewer design. Despite her own considerable intellect, Cattleya felt outmatched by the Ice Marshal's breadth of expertise across various fields.

When Cattleya privately inquired about the Ice Marshal's motivations for serving the queen, she received a thoughtful response: "To closely observe the birth of a new kingdom from nothing is a fascinating endeavor. How order and rules gradually form and take root, how the social atmosphere of the pirate kingdom will develop, what laws and systems the ruler will establish, and in what direction it will evolve... Being able to participate in this process is the greatest reward I could ask for."

This selfless answer left Cattleya feeling humbled, understanding why the queen held the Ice Marshal in such high regard, often engaging her in late-night discussions on various matters.

With the capital's construction no longer requiring her direct involvement, Cattleya decided to check if the queen had any further instructions. The first structure completed on the Rorsted Archipelago was the queen's temporary palace—a fairytale castle nestled within a dense forest, brought to life by the queen's extraordinary abilities.

The palace, primarily constructed of wood, vines, and an array of flowers and trees, resembled a castle from a storybook. Only those close to and approved by the queen could pass through its gates. Cattleya, being one of the select few, made her way along flower-lined paths and vine-covered corridors to the heart of the palace—a massive tree over twenty meters tall.

In a spacious courtyard near a swing, Cattleya finally found her revered queen. Gone was the queen's usual casual attire, replaced by an elegant burgundy court gown. A pearl and emerald necklace adorned her swan-like neck, with a small diamond flower brooch at her chest. Her chestnut hair was simply styled in a bun, crowned with a jeweled tiara, with a curled strand falling gracefully to her chest. The overall effect was one of regal elegance and irresistible charm.

The queen, radiating allure, held a copy of the "Intis Law Compendium," her brow occasionally furrowing in concentration or lost in thought. Cattleya knew the queen was grappling with the monumental task of establishing laws for the kingdom.

Governing a pirate kingdom posed unique challenges compared to land-based nations. Convincing pirates accustomed to pillaging and lawlessness to abide by royal edicts was no small feat. For the past six months since arriving on the island, the queen had been pondering solutions to this dilemma.

While the Ice Marshal's arrival had helped resolve some issues, she could only offer ideas on this particular matter, as she was primarily focused on overseeing the capital's construction.

Cattleya quietly observed for a moment before heading to the kitchen to prepare a cup of Danshen and Goji berry tea—Emperor Roselle's favorite blend, which the queen had also come to enjoy. She had often prepared this tea for the queen during their time in the Intis Republic's palace.

Reminiscing about those days, Cattleya returned with a smile and placed the tea on a nearby table supported by pea vines. The queen, Bernadette, instinctively took a sip before returning to her contemplation of legal matters.

Cattleya stood by silently, not wanting to disturb her. After more than an hour, she glanced at the time and returned to the kitchen to prepare some suitable pastries. Despite it being lunchtime, the queen had a peculiar habit of preferring snacks and pastries over proper meals when troubled or in a bad mood—a habit that even Emperor Roselle had failed to correct.

Cattleya preferred being here, closest to the queen, rather than busying herself outside. After sampling a few pastries and sips of tea, Bernadette finally set aside the law compendium. She sat composed, briefly closing her eyes, a rare hint of fatigue crossing her face.

Cattleya's heart ached at the sight but hesitated to speak, fearing to disturb the queen's moment of rest. After three minutes, Bernadette reopened her eyes, all traces of fatigue vanishing as her piercing, majestic gaze returned.

"How is the progress in the capital?" the queen inquired.

"It will take another six months for initial completion, and approximately a year for a fully finished capital," Cattleya reported.

"Any unexpected issues?"

"Everything is proceeding smoothly. The Ice Marshal is very reliable," Cattleya added, offering a fair assessment despite her reluctance to mention others.

"Mm," Bernadette nodded, then after a pause, "Anything else?"

"Nothing at the moment."

"You may go then," the queen said, then, perhaps realizing the coldness of her words, added, "Your world need not be limited to my side. You have the ability to accomplish much more. In terms of knowledge, you are no less capable than the Ice Marshal."

"I just wanted to..." Cattleya began, but her words were cut short as the clear blue sky above suddenly filled with a dazzling meteor shower.

The scale of the phenomenon was unlike anything Cattleya had ever witnessed. Before she could fully appreciate its beauty, horror dawned in her eyes as she realized the trajectory of the meteors was directly towards the Rorsted Archipelago.

"Ah, how beautiful," the queen remarked, though Cattleya sensed a bone-chilling coldness beneath her words.

In the next moment, Bernadette was airborne, standing atop a peculiar flying machine capable of free flight. An airplane, Cattleya recalled from the queen's previous explanations.

It was said that this device could carry many people through the sky, allowing even ordinary individuals to experience the sensation of flight. This marvelous flying machine existed only in fairy tales, a futuristic creation imagined by Emperor Roselle in his stories.

In the real world, this concept had evolved into the creation of airships as weapons of war. But in that simple, beautiful fairy tale, the pilot of the airplane was a mouse named Shuke.


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