

"Tell me Eliza, what are these plants?", Milo asked. 

He was crouched down, running his finger along the pearly white petals of a long, red flower. The row of them growing from a small tray nestled in beneath one of the rocks where he had been training with Ewan gave off a rather peculiar scent. 

Milo inhaled a deep breath, trying to make out the unique smell, and where he had smelt it before. 

"It smells like … cake", Milo said, his mouth salivating as he thought back to the fluffy cakes he had eaten for breakfast with the king. 

"Ellalite flowers, sir", Eliza responded, shuffling up towards Milo she gently placed her finger at the root of the flow and plucked it. 

A single petal fell into her open palm. She lifted the petal and placed it on her outstretched tongue, allowing her saliva to cover it. With a single gulp, she swallowed the petal and Milo felt the mana in the atmosphere almost vibrate with a radiant warmth. 

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