
Chapter Eighty-Four

Imperial Base. Mojave Wasteland.

When Palatine Brigicia of the Adepta Sororitas, Confessor Olybrius Ferrandino, Sarah Lyons and I stepped onto the tarmac of what had once been Nellis Air Force Base we found that it had quickly been transformed into a proper Imperial garrison. Prefab buildings had been set up so as to house the fighting men and women, and there were many vertibirds around, far more than I'd expected. The Ad-Mech must have been able to salvage quite a few wreaks since we'd started our operations.

They'd even improved on the veritbird tech in ways I didn't understand allowing the aircraft to travel faster on less fuel, and I'd not thought that this was something the cogboys would do. Perhaps it was allowed because these machines were pre-STC tech? There would be some sort of theological justification for it and I didn't intend to bring it up in case they Ad-Mech people got annoyed about me prying into their business.

Upon landing we were met by Major Lutherus Gemim, who was Colonel Ionael's second in command and the officer in charge of parts of the regiment which had been posted here. We had less tanks and people in power armour than the regiment had back east, but we had a lot of men on horseback. This made some sense given how much of the Mojave was open space the patrols would have an easier time getting around on a good horse. Keeping the horses fed and watered would be a chore, thankfully it wasn't my problem.

Magos Thea Maxanid was already here having been sent to take charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus operations here in Mojave having been sent by the Archmagos. She seemed pleased with her new role and we would be working closely together as we recovered technology from this part of the world. Also the Ad-Mech would also be sending people out to help prove the infrastructure of the NCR and Vegas as part of our treaties with the NCR and Mr House, but this would be on a rather small scale since most of the cyborgs were needed else where.

As for Mr House he wasn't going to mind us taking over the air force base since the Boomers had not been friends of his and since Magos Thea Maxanid handed over possession of the Platinum Chip to me upon my arrival so I now had a perfect bartering chip. He would want me to go and awaken his robot army. Which was something I was wiling to do since Mr House would be far more interested in keep the NCR army from invading than keeping me out. Without the Legion as a threat the NCR might try to outright annex all of the Mojave. This would not suit my plans.

"Major" I greeted as the man and the support staff with him all offered salutes.

I introduced everyone with me to the Imperial Guard officers since that was polite.

"Everything has been calm around here" reported the Major as we headed into this base's command centre "We have patrols set up, but I've had to limit their movements so as to avoid the NCR bases and patrols".

This wasn't cowardice, it was a practical matter as not all of the NCR troops would know that we had an alliance set up with their leaders and I didn't wish to antagonise a faction that I was selling laser weapons to.

"I'll have to talk to Ambassador Crocker about our patrol routes" I said "We don't want them shooting at each other".

Mr House might soon drive out the NCR armies, but he wouldn't stop the NCR citizens from coming to Vegas to spend their money so likely the NCR military would maintain some presence here and so would the Imperium even after I was gone. Arrangements for that should be made sooner rather than later in case they weren't made at all.

"Any signs of super mutant activity?" asked Palatine Brigicia.

She and her sisters were eager to do some more cleansing. A whole squad of battle sisters had been assigned to this base so not only would the nuns with guns be carrying out operations they'd be trying to recruit as well. Finding healthy female children in the wasteland who had families willing to give them up or had survived without families would be hard work.

"Nothing concrete yet, my lady" said the Major as he gestured to a map "But we are looking into some reported sightings of mutant activity in this area".

The super mutants in these parts were different that the ones who had been plaguing the east coast for so many years, yet they would be cleansed all the same if the battle sisters found them, and I wasn't going to get between the power armoured fanatics and their targets.

"I'll need to met with Mr House as soon as possible" I told everyone while I moved the platinum chip between my fingers "Once I've finalised the details of our alliance we can begin offering some shore leave to the crew and members of the regiment who have earned it".

Only those with the best records would be allowed to go have fun at the casinos since there was simply no way to give all the tens of thousands of my crew and thousands of Imperial Guards some time off. But Vegas could handle a lot of tourists and once the NCR soldiers were driven out of Vegas then the city would need new gamblers. The NCR would return, but in less numbers and that would take time so a lot of my followers would get a chance to go gamble.

"Duty is its own reward" quoted Palatine Brigicia.

I didn't totally agree with that.

"Morale is an important factor for any army" I said to the battle sister "And sending our hard working men and women to enjoy Vegas will help to cement our alliance with Mr House".

Brigicia soon let the the matter drop since matters of politics were my dominion. As for me I decided to retire to what passed for my quarters in this base as I was tried and could do with some sleep before I met again with Mr House.

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