
Taming the fire

As Wallace's hand touched the orb containing the Ember Phoenix Chick, a massive flame erupted, engulfing his vision. 

The intense heat was overwhelming, but he remained steadfast, determined to face the challenge head-on. 

The flames formed shadows in his eyes, and soon those shadows transformed into vibrant, living fire. 

He was transported into a vivid vision, the life of a phoenix unfolding before him in all its fiery splendor.

The vision began with the hatching of the phoenix from a smoldering egg nestled within a nest of molten lava. 

The newborn chick, barely more than a ball of downy feathers and flickering flames, chirped softly as it looked around its searing hot environment. 

Its first days were a struggle for survival, learning to control the intense heat that radiated from its own body. 

The young phoenix would dip its beak into pools of liquid fire, absorbing the energy and strengthening its inner flame.

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