
The Library Of Secrets

Tristan's POV


I gave Alexander the dust and told him to try practicing. "Be careful not to have distracted thoughts or you will end up dying. Not that I care anyway".

Leaving the meeting room, I headed for the Great Bookery. I had already informed Alexander that I would like to use the library to study more about the quantinite rocks.

I still haven't talked to Damien though. I couldn't believe that we were fighting. We had never had a fight where we would stay angry and not talk to ourselves for more than a day.

But I just couldn't accept the fact that he was in love with Lyra. Frankly, I didn't know how I felt about Lyra but all I knew was that I liked having her around. And one thing I wouldn't do was share her with anyone.

While leaving the meeting room, I heard the commotion going on in the palace but I paid no attention to it as it was none of my business, and besides Alexander would handle it.

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