

Chapter 27


"Wait. What do you mean my spells are unethical in battle?" A fifthteen year old Vince asked frowning.

A young looking man with pitch black hair and black colored eyes turned to towards Vince with a serious expression. He currently wore a black business suit. "Your spells pack a lot of power but it takes to long to use and if you miss you'll be in big trouble. I honestly had no idea what your previous teachers were thinking letting you go through with those two spells."

The young man noticed Vince's expression but continued. "If an enemy knows your spells all they would have to do is get you to use it and evade the attack. Once they do, you will be out of energy and at their mercy."

Vince's expression darkened as he nodded. "I understand. I'll try to learn two new spells while refining the other two so it isn't a one time shot."

"Very well. Though I believe you shouldn't waste your time in those two spells you already know." He replied with a small nod.

"I think I can still use them someway." Vince answered stubbornly.

The young man shook his head in response. "You'll understand someday when you have some real experience in combat."

Vince looked slightly confused. "I thought I already had some with Rena?"

"No. Those are only spars. When you feel that someone is coming at you with the intent on killing you. You'll understand things much more clearly." He stated grimly.

"Right but-"

"That's enough on the subject." The young man interrupted. "As of right now you have to develop those spells you were talking about. Since you hardly have any compatibility with a spellbook look around and find a source of inspiration to draw it from. You can even use the anime and videogames you and Rena are so fond of."


The young man saw Vince walk away and took out a cigarette from his pocket. He lit it up with a small fireball that appeared on his finger tip and took a puff. "Hopefully by the time his Sacred Gear attracts trouble he'll be strong enough to stand a chance..."

Rena without wearing her disguise, noticed Vince looking at an anime while playing a videogame and blinked. "How can you do two things at the same time?"

"I'm good at multi-tasking. Why are you here?" Vince asked without taking his eyes off his game and anime.

"That's a rude question." Rena huffed as she looked at him. "I wanted to see if you were ready to spar again."

"I can't at the moment. I have draw in inspiration from other sources outside of those boring spellbooks your parents." He replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

"You do realize those are very rare and priceless spellbooks right?" She asked as her eye twitched.

"Huh. So outside of those boring books teaching magicians, they're also good for selling? Convienient." Vince stated in a dull tone.

"Jerk." Rena walked away from him with a fairly annoyed expression while Vince was engrossed in the anime and his videogame.

The young man gained an amused smile as he saw Rena walking away. "You know, with they way you're frequently asking for a spar from Vince it makes me think you just want to have an excuse to make physical contact with him."

Rena's face flushed considerably as she glared at the young man. "F-Father! It's not like that!"

"You could have fooled me. You should probably stop being in denial and ask Vince out. I hear he's keeping has an eye out on an girl older than him in school." He replied in a nonchalant tone, not caring about his daughter's expression.

Her eye twitched violently as she took in the information. She then shook her head and walked away.

"She acts exactly like her mother did back then." The young man replied chuckling.

Unaware to the two. Vince listened to the entire conversation as a small azure spark danced around his ears.


"Hey Reinhart! Stop day dreaming!" A voice yelled.

"Huh?" Vince blinked owlishly as he saw Saji right in front of him. He looked around shook his head. (Oh right. I got lost in my memories. I suppose I should get going now, it is after school and lying down next to a tree in the school courtyard isn't helping. Tch, I can't believe Rena's dad was right but he does have a point.)

"Hey are you even listening?!"

Saji was promptly ignored as Vince frowned, deep in thought. (I'm still working on changing my Jigadirasu spell into something more combat efficient. I was forced to use that spell on Kokabiel because I had no other choice. And I still haven't started working on a new spell to Leviathan since that spell leaves wide open after I use it. I want to work more on them but I can't because of that damned treaty being really soon. I'll most likely have to rely on what I have on me. Along with those two spells I developed for myself back then. Dammit this is not my week.)


"I heard you the first time. What is it?" Vince asked crossing his arms.

"Kaichou wants to see you, Reinhart." Saji said sighing.

"Kaichou? ...Oh you mean Sona. Is it important?" Vince questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Of course it's important! Why else would I be here?" He exclaimed.

Vince shrugged. "Because Sona said so, that's why."

"...Smart ass." Saji remarked with an annoyed expression.

"You did ask." He replied.


The two then walked towards the Student Council room in complete silence Saji turned towards Vince saw his bored expression. After a few minutes of walking he then spoke up. "So, did you really do it?"

"Do what?"

Saji groaned in annoyance. "The girl's locker room! Everything was completely flooded and all of the guys excepted you and Issei got beaten up!"

"...You think I did it?" Vince asked crossing his arms.

"Well yeah. That plan was to smart for Issei to pull off." He answered.

"Fair enough. In hindsight, I seem to be the biggest suspect." Vince replied while sighing a little.

Saji blinked and turn towards him. "So are you admitting it?"

Vince rolled his eyes in response. "I'm not admitting anything. I'm just stating that I see why you and anybody else would think it's me instead of Issei. He isn't exactly bright."

Saji smirked at the jab. "I agree with you."

"Was the incident with the girl's locker room that big?" Vince asked curiously.

"Of course it was. Every girl that was in the locker room were embarrassed from being seen naked and all of the guys were beaten up badly. Kaichou had a hard time keeping down the chaos." He explained much to Vince's slight surprise.

"I see."

"We're here." Saji knocked on the door and spoke. "Kaichou, I brought Reinhart with me."

A simple "Come in" was heard by the two. Saji opened the door and walked in with Vince. Who looked around and saw that the Student Council room was filled with paperwork on the deck causing him to let out a low whistle. "Busy season Sona?"

"You could say that Vince-san." Sona turned towards Saji and nodded. "Thank you Saji. You're dismissed."

"Do you need any help with the paperwork Kaichou?" Saji asked his eyes widening after seeing all of the paperwork.

"No I am okay. I'll see you tomorrow Saji." Sona stated as she sorted out a column of papers.

"Yes, Kaichou." Saji then turned towards Vince. "Don't do anything to Kaichou."

"Uhuh." He answered in a bored tone.

Saji's eye twitched at his tone but left after closing the door to the Student Council room. Vince crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. "I assume you didn't call me just to see how I was doing. So what is it?"

Sona raised an eyebrow. "I see. You're very straightforward and to the point."

"There's no point in stalling in what you're going to ask." He replied shrugging.

"Fair enough." Sona place a pile of papers towards the side and looked at Vince with a serious expression. "Did you cause the girl's locker room to flood?"

"I was at gym class the entire time. Not to mention their are cameras around the locker rooms. I'm pretty sure I wasn't there to mess with the plumbing." Vince stated with a small shrug.

Sona nodded. "True. But you specialize in water magic. You could have easily tampered with the water from a distance."

Vince however smirked a little. "While that is a possibility, I do recall that I am not the only one who specializes in water magic. For all I know, someone else could have done this. For example, doesn't the Sitri clan have a knack for water magic?"

"...Are you accusing me of flooding the girl's locker room?" She asked in a irritated tone.

"Of course not." Vince smirked a little as he crossed his arms. "I merely stated an example that I am not the only water specialist in school. You do know that right?"

Before Sona could respond a child-like voice was heard. "Heehee, Vince-chan really has you on the ropes So-tan."

"O-Onee-sama. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at work?" Sona asked her eye twitching in annoyance.

"I wanted to get away from work for a little while." Serafall then turned to Vince and grinned. "How are you doing Vince-chan?"

"...So who are you again?" Vince asked causing Sona to blink owilshly and for Serafall to facefault.

Serafall quickly got up and pouted. "Mou! You forgot about me already Vince-chan?!"

A sweatdrop appeared on Sona while Vince just blinked. "Vince. Are you serious? Did you really forget about Onee-sama?"

"It's more like a repressed memory but eh, close enough." He answered.

"I'm the Maou Serafall Leviathan. Call me Levi-tan." Serafall introduced making a pose.

"Can I repress this memory as well?" Vince asked after a few moments of silence.


Vince sighed and rubbed his temples. "If there's nothing else to talk about I'll be leaving now."

"Wait. There is another question I would like to ask you Vince." Sona turned towards him. "What do you think about the meeting for the treaty between the Three Factions."

Vince raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to know?"


"I'm neutral about the treaty in general. But personally I don't care much about it." He stated bluntly.

Serafall looked surprised while Sona frowned. "I see... I have one more question to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Do you mind explaining what is the source of the demonic energy that occasionally surrounds you? I've noticed that while it's surpressed it is still very noticeable." Sona stated with a serious expression.

Vince then crossed his arms. "Didn't Rias tell you anything?"

"I've asked her. But she said that it's a new weapon you've obtained from one of your trips." She replied frowning.

"It's a demon-sword." He answered simply, surprising the two.

"A demon-sword...? Which one is it?" Sona asked curiously.

"Let's just say, it'll give Excalibur a run for it's money." Vince answered cryptically.

"Aww! You're not telling us it's name Vince-chan?" Serafall asked pouting.

He shrugged in response. "No. Besides, you're most likely going to ask Sirzechs right after our conversation so what would be the point?"

"Mou! That's so mean! ...Wait does that mean Sirzechs-chan knows?" She asked blinking.

"Who knows? I guess that means you'll have to ask and find out Leviathan." Vince said chuckling a little.

"Call me Levia-tan!"

"How about no?"

Serafall huffed and walked away as Vince muttered. "Troublesome."

Sona's eyes widened at her reaction but shook her head. "You're very surprising."


"From what I know, no one has been able to get that type of reaction out of Onee-sama before." She stated.

"Huh... Just to get this out of the way do you have any other questions for me?" Vince asked sighing a little.

Sona raised an eyebrow. "You're offering to answer a few questions?"

"Might as well get it out of the way. Sooner or later, you're going to ask." He replied shrugging.

"I see. What is the identity of the demon-sword you discovered?" Sona asked seriously.

"Should have seen that coming... I'm going to keep the identity a secret, at least until the treaty is over the demon-sword's name would most likely cause the tension between the Three Factions to increase. Though, I can assure you it won't cause any damage to the school." Vince explained with a small shrug.

"Fair enough. But I will be expecting to know it's identity soon." She said in a strict tone.

Vince however snorted. "Yeah, good luck with that."

Her eye twitched for a moment before she sighed. "What is your relationship with the new transfer student in the college branch?"

"Oh her. Why didn't Rias tell you?" He wondered.

"Because whenever I ask her, she becomes sad and becomes jealous." Sona said crossing her arms.

At the moment Vince nodded and cleared his throat, feeling completely awkward. "...Okay then. To put it simply, Rena is my ex-girlfriend."

A look of surprise appeared on Sona's face as he shrugged. "Not much else to say about that. Well, I have some other things to do."

Without leaving waiting a response Vince promptly left the Student Council office.


Vince blinked twice as he saw Akari dragging Rias and Rena away from his house. "...Do I even want to know?"

Akari smiled and kissed Vince on the cheek much to Rias and Rena's dismay. "We're going to hang out at the mall."


"Yeah, afterwards we're going to see Elena. We want ask her a few questions." Rena said giving Vince kissing him on the lips.

He blinked twice before Rias pulled Vince into a heated kiss which caused Rena and Akari to glare at her. "So take care Vince."

"Right..." Vince walked away, oblivious to the jealous men that saw the entire scene.

Much to the confusion of the two, Akari adopted a triumphant smile.


Kasumi took a deep breath and exhaled as she calmed down. Dressed in a pure white elegant kimono dress with her hair no longer tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes went towards the door as it opened. She smiled as Vince walked into the house and into the living room. "Hello Vince, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright." Vince first noticed Kasumi's kimono as he looked around the house and noticed that the living room had two scented candles on the table with two plates filled with food. "...What's the occasion Kasumi?"

"I wanted to spend some time alone with you. We haven't had a chance to do that yet." Kasumi replied with a smile.

"Yeah, you do have a point." Vince sat down on a chair next to Kasumi.

The two started to eat, he took bite of the food using a pair of chopsticks next to him. "...Not bad. It's pretty good Kasumi.

Kasumi smiled at the compliment as the two started eating in silence. After eating the two stood there silently. Vince examined the tattoo on his hand while she continued to smile.

He then noticed her smiling softly. "Something wrong?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm happy that we can spend some time together like this."

"Oh." Vince replied chuckling a little.

"What's so funny Vince?" Kasumi asked curiously.

"I'm just remembering the time you first debuted in Dead or Alive tournament. You would not believe how many guys at my old school would gush over you. That and it was funny seeing you fight. The soft and clinging marshmallow actually fighting." He said snickering.

"That's not funny Vince." She said pouting.

"It kind of is. But to be honest, I am a bit surprised you grew up to have so many guys after you." He admitted.

Kasumi frowned and pulled on his left cheek, causing him to wince slightly. "Did you think I would grow up to be ugly?"

"No. I thought you would look exactly like Ayame-san." Vince answered removing her hand from his cheek.

To Vince's slight surprise Kasumi placed a hand towards her chest and took a deep breath and turned towards him. "Vince, can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?" He asked taking a sip of water.

"I-I want you to take my first Vince..." She replied with a noticeable blush on her face.

Vince promptly spat out the water he was drinking and choked on his breath. Kasumi quickly patted on his back as he continued coughing. After a few seconds of coughing he cleared his throat and looked at her. "You're kidding right?"

Kasumi shook her head. "No I'm not Vince."


She took his hand and placed it towards her chest. "You're very important to me Vince and I want you to be my first."

A small blush appeared on his face as he scratched his cheek with his index finger. "There are other guys out there Kasumi. You shouldn't make a hasty decision..."

"I'm not making a hasty decision Vince." Kasumi leaned towards him and looked into his eyes with a pleading look. "I want to do this. Please?"

Vince winced as he saw the look on her face. "...Fine. But try not to regret it afterwards Kasumi."

She smiled and kissed him on the lips. "I won't ever regret it Vince."

"That's really cheesy of you Kasumi." He replied chuckling.

"Geez, don't ruin the moment Vince." She said pouting.

"Yes, yes." Vince waved off the look on her face. "So, what about your parents?"

"Mother doesn't mind and you're the only guy father approves of." Kasumi explained causing him to blink owlishly.

"I understand Ayame-san but your dad too?" He asked looking at her.

"Yes but father was really stubborn about it. Until Elena-san asked if he would prefer to see me with another man that he hardly knew." A small blush spread across her face. "And mother brought up that I had a crush on you since we were little."

"I see. This is the last chance Kasumi. Are you sure you want to do this?" Vince asked seriously.

She nodded just as seriously. "I'm positive Vince. You don't have to worry though. I already took birth control pills."

"Birth control pills? Where did you get them from?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"From Akari. She found them in one of your dressers." Kasumi answered simply.

Vince nodded with a straight face while resisting the urge to facepalm. "Alright. Just one last question, did Akari have anything to do with this? She seemed more than happy to drag Rias and Rena away from the house."

"Yes it was. Akari came up with the plan for us to be alone. But in exchange I must do the same thing when she is ready." Kasumi admitted.

"Oh boy."

"Will you agree to do the same to Akari when she asks you Vince?" She asked curiously.

He remained silent but slowly nodded at her question. Vince took Kasumi's hand and led her to his room. Upon walking in Kasumi sat down on his futon while he closed the door and locked it.

(Lemon Warning. Skip to the next bold line if you do not want to read.)

Kasumi slowly took off her kimono while looking away shyly, showing him her large and perky breasts that bounced. "H-How do I look Vince?"

He took in the sight as he looked at her large breasts and petite, yet well toned body his gaze momentarily went to her firm ass before he shook his head. "You look great Kasumi."

"Thank you." She said blushing at under his lustful gaze.

Vince nodded and took off his clothes. Kasumi stared at him for a few moments and blushed at his muscular body.

He leaned towards Kasumi and kissed her on the lips she wrapped her arms around his neck as she returned the kiss. He traced his fingers across her soft skin slowly reaching towards her breast causing her to gasp. Vince took both of his hands and slowly massaged her breasts.

Kasumi moaned lowly as she felt her lust increase. She gasped when she felt something poking her in between her thighs. Looking down Kasumi noticed Vince's penis. "It's so big..."

Vince blushed a little as he continued to massage her breasts. His finger twirled around her nipple causing her to gasp.

Kasumi grabbed his dick and stroked it making groan a little. "How is it?"

"It's good." Vince then pressed both of her breasts together into his mouth and started sucking on them.

She brought his head closer to her chest as while stroking him as her blushed deepened. "You really like my breasts, don't you Vince?"

"It's not the only thing I like." Vince hands went towards Kasumi's firm ass and promptly caressed it.

A blush appeared on her face as Vince continued his ministrations. She started stroking him faster. "Vince... I can't..."

"Go ahead Kasumi." Vince said as he rubbed his index and middle finger against her clit causing her to moan softly.

Not long afterwards, Kasumi reached her peak and moaned loudly due to Vince increasing his tempo with his index and middle finger all the while still sucking on her nipples. Vince released his mouth from her breasts and took a deep breath.

The blush on Kasumi's face deepened as she smiled lustfully and panted, her fluids dripping from her womanhood. She lustfully pressed her lips against his, their tongues swirled against each other trying to dominate one another. After a few moments the two pulled back with Vince looking realitively surprised at Kasumi's bold move while she still had her lustful smile and noticeable blush.

"That felt really good Vince." Her eyes trailed towards Vince's manhood which look painfully erect. "It's not fair that only I feel good."

Kasumi placed his kisses on the tip of his dick while Vince's body twitched at the ministrations. She giggled as she gripped it and started stroking it while placing kisses on the tip. "How is it Vince?"

"It feels good. I'm surprised I actually flipped your switch." He answered in a surprised tone.

"I may be a kunoichi Vince, but I'm still a woman." Kasumi stopped stoking his dick, causing him to frown. "It's your turn, Vince. I hope you like this."

She cupped her large breasts together with her hands and pressed them in between his manhood. Vince groaned as he felt the soft sensation of her breasts, Kasumi giggled in response while rubbing her breasts against it.

(I'm not letting Kasumi do all the work.) Vince thought as he gripped her ass causing her to gasp.

Kasumi momentarily stopped and turned around to see Vince sticking his tongue inside her pussy. She moaned as she continued to rub her breasts on his dick. Vince's tongue swayed inside her core while he started to thrust into her ample mounds causing it to jiggle. Kasumi saw the tip of his dick and licked it as Vince continued to lick her womanhood while thrusting into her breasts.

The two continued their ministrations on each other until Kasumi started moaning more loudly causing Vince's manhood started spasming due to the sensation of her mouth and breasts. Right after Vince sprayed his semen all over her breasts, Kasumi released her fluids all over him to which Vince was quick to clean off by sucking on her womanhood, causing her to moan.

"Why did you do that Vince?" Kasumi asked panting with a blush.

Vince only shrugged. "I was thristy and wanted something good to drink."

The blush on Kasumi's face turned crimson. She nodded and lied down on her back while facing Vince. "Vince, I want you to take me now."

Vince nodded and sighed he placed his manhood near her entrance. "Kasumi."


"I'll start out slow and ...thank you." Vince said which cause Kasumi to smile in response.

He slowly slid his dick inside of her pussy. Kasumi flinched in pain as blood poured from her womanhood. "I-It's widening everything, it hurts..."

Vince winced in pain as he felt Kasumi's nails digging into his skin. He gently hugged Kasumi and kissed her on the lips. "It's okay Kasumi, we'll start when you're ready."

"T-Thank you." She replied in a pained voice.

The two stood still as time passed eventually, Kasumi began to slowly move her hips with Vince moving slowly to match the rhytem.

He held on to Kasumi's waist as she sat up and rested her ass on his lap. Kasumi lightly grinded on Vince's lap. "It's okay Vince, you can move now."

"Alright." Vince replied breathing a sigh of relief.

He thrusted into Kasumi's womanhood and she moaned while her breasts heaved from the power of his thrusts. Kasumi then started to grind her hips against his dick making Vince grunt in response.

Vince's eyes darkened with lust as he cupped Kasumi's heaving breasts together and caress them in his palms while Kasumi grinded her hips at a faster place in tandem with his movements. Kasumi dug her nails into Vince's back again as he took both of her breasts and roughly sucked on her nipples.

The two moaned loudly while Vince cupped Kasumi's ass and started caressing them, much to her delight. Vince continued to pound into Kasumi's pussy as she now started to scream he pulled his dick back before thrusting one last time into her womanhood. The two finally climaxed, no longer being able to hold it in.

(Lemon End)

The two breathed heavily drenched in sweat, as Vince chuckled a little. "We finally did it, huh?"

Kasumi smiled and lovingly kissed him. "Yes. It felt great."

"Yeah, it did. You're definitely a different person with your switch flipped." He replied with a small smirk.

Kasumi blushed and slapped his shoulder. "Don't be mean Vince."

"Yeah, yeah." Vince waved his hand casually he then looked at her. "Do you regret it?"

"No. I'm happy that you're my first Vince." She said smiling.


Vince's gaze went towards Kasumi's large breasts and plump ass to which she noticed and giggled. "Do you want to do it again?"

"...Yeah, before the birth control pills wear out." Vince said averting his gaze from her.

Kasumi nodded and wrapped her arms around him as she kissed him.


Akari knocked a door while Rias and Rena patiently waited. A few moments later Elena opened the door with slightly surprised look. "Oh hello. Can I help you three?"

"Hello, Elena-san." Akari greeted in a polite tone, surprising Rena and Rias. "If you have some free time can we ask you a few questions about Vince?"

"Vince?" A small frown appeared on her face for a moment. "Did he say something?"

"No, it's nothing like that-" Rena shaking her head. "We're just curious about Vince."

"We would ask Vince ourselves but he's very tight-lipped about himself. Can you tell us more about him, Okaa-sama?" Rias asked looking at her.


"Well, Vince and I are engaged so that would make you my Okaa-sama. Please take care of me." She said bowing her head as Rena and Akari gave her an annoyed look.

An amused smile appeared on Elena's face. "You do realize that only works if the other party agrees, right?"

A blush appeared on Rias' face while Akari snickered and Rena smiled.

"I-I understand, but can you answer our questions?" Rias asked regaining her composure.

Elena pondered about the thought for a few moments before nodding. "Yeah, I don't mind answering a few of them. You already know some of his secrets. But if you three want to know more, you'll have to ask Vince yourselves, okay?"

The three of them quickly as they got in the hotel room. Rias, Akari and Rena sat around the table with Elena. "So, what do you three want to know about?"

"I noticed that most of the time Vince usually detached and distant from almost everyone. Why is that?" Rias asked curiously.

A frown appeared on Elena's face as she crossed her arms. "To put it bluntly, Vince has a distorted view on people, he doesn't like or trust a lot of people. ...Unfortunately he experienced a darker aspect of how people act when he was younger and because of that Vince is usually aloof and even doesn't like himself that much."

"He doesn't like himself?" Rena asked frowning.

Her frown deepened as she crossed her arms. "Vince told me on more than one occasion that he hates himself for being related to his father. He isn't above hurting his own body during training up to the point of collapsing. It's also why I had to constantly monitor him training along with his teacher at the time."

A sad look appeared on their faces, Akari then looked at Elena. "What caused Vince to be like that?"

"Personal issues. As you three already know, the pain his father caused him is a main issue. My family hasn't helped much though, they made it worse." She said shaking her head.

"What they do to make it worse?" Akari asked wincing a little at the answer.

"They would talk behind his back and compare him to his father. Yeah, he has some traits from him but Vince mostly inherited his traits from me. It didn't help that Vince walked in and heard the entire conversation, that just made things ugly." Elena answered sighing.

Rias winced a little in response. "What did Vince do after he found out?"

"He didn't say anything and walked away. It was later discovered that all of the electrical appliances were drained of their energy and it no longer worked even if it was charged up, they had to replace the equipment the overall costs of the replacements went well over five hundred thousand yen." She explained with a small frown, surprising them at how much damage he caused.

Her frown turned into a small smile. "Vince has always been very observative at a young age and for some reason has been almost always accurate when being able to see if a person is good or bad."

"I see. It also explains why you're even having this conversation with us." Rena stated.

"Yeah. If Vince didn't say you were good people and I didn't know your parents very well, we wouldn't even be talking about this subject to begin with." She answered seriously.

"Elena-san, can you tell us how Vince got so strong?" Akari asked wanting to change the topic.

"Vince would train using his abilities whenever he wasn't feeling lazy. After Vince received training from his second teacher, he just lost motivation to do anything a few weeks after Ayame, Kasumi and Hayate left. Outside of that, Rena would constantly challenge him to a spar which would keep him in top shape." Elena explained much to their surprise, with the exception of Rena who nodded.

"Who was his second teacher?" Rias asked curiously.

She shrugged in response. "You'll have to ask Vince about that if you want to know more. I did say that earlier."

Rias nodded with a slightly miffed look. Rena then gained a thoughtful look. "Elena, who do you prefer to see date Vince?"

Rias and Akari's attention immediately went to Elena who smiled a little. "I don't have a preference on who should date Vince. I think all of you are good to date Vince, but I would prefer if all of you got along."

A look of surprise appeared on their faces as Akari blinked. "Wait do you mean-"

"Yes, I don't mind seeing Vince being in a polygamous relationship. Venelana and Sirzechs already explained the situation." Elena answered much to their surprise.

"Okaa-sama and Onii-san..." Rias grumbled.

"But. You three will have to convince Vince to accept being in a polygamous relationship if you three do decide to share him." She said to them.

"Why?" Akari asked raising an eyebrow.

"One of the main reasons why I left Vince's father is because he was cheating on me. Because of that incident Vince strongly prefers a monogamous relationship because he believes that anything otherwise would be considered cheating. He really has little to no tolerance to cheating." Elena explained causing them to wince.

"I see..." Rias said sighing a bit.

"It's also why Vince won't go back into a relationship with Rena or make a new one with anyone else. If he makes a relationship with someone he'll be hurting other people in the process." She answered.

"That's very surprising. I... I didn't even know Vince felt that strongly about the subject." Rena admitted.

"Yes." Rias gave Elena a small bow. "Thank you for telling us a bit more about Vince."

"You're welcome." She replied.

"Right, let's go. It was nice meeting you Elena-san." Akari said with a smile.

"You too Akari." Elena answered smiling.

Rena turned to Elena. "It was nice seeing you again Elena. Take care."

She nodded as she saw the three leave the room and closed the door. Elena sighed and sat down on a chair with a worried expression. (I hope I did the right with telling them a bit about Vince.)

(I did the best I could but even then, I feel ashamed of myself for my family messing up Vince along with that bastard father of his. He used to be so happy and so full of life. But now Vince is very cold and callous to almost everything including his own well-being.) Elena thought as a small tear fell from her eye.


The trio walked away from the hotel from where Elena lived with Rena contemplative look.

"Still thinking about what Elena-san said Rena?" Akari asked after noticing her silent.

"Yeah. Vince usually didn't care much about anything back then, it was kind of weird why but now I'm starting to understand a little bit more." She replied sighing.

Rias rubbed her temples with her fingers. "It also doesn't help that there's more than what Okaa-sama told us. She only gave us a basic explanation about Vince."

Rena looked irritated for a moment but she took a deep breath. "Yeah, Vince doesn't like or trust people because of his father and Elena's side of her family. We're supposed to ask him for the other stuff. But the only question is, how?"

"Vince is usually very secretive about his past so it'll be hard." Akari said sighing a bit.

"We'll have to find the right time to ask him. This is a sensitive subject for him." Rias stated with a frown.

"If we do ask him, we'll have to accept if he doesn't agree on talking about it." Akari said looking at Rias, to which she nodded.

"Yeah, I-" Rena's eyes narrowed as she looked at the house where Vince is living at.

"Is something wrong Rena?" Rias asked raising an eyebrow.

"I hear noises in the house." She spoke suddenly.

"Noises? What do you mean-" Rias immediately got what she was getting at and released a lot of killing intent. "Let's go!"

Rena and Rias ran quickly towards the house while Akari giggled and walked to the house at a leisurely pace. "Wow, I'm surprised Kasumi actually went through with it."

The two quickly entered the house they looked around and noticed the smell of sweat and screaming coming from Vince's room. Rias slammed open the door with Rena to see Kasumi on top of Vince with their bodies drenched in sweat. Vince and Kasumi turned their head to see Rias and Rena staring at them in shock.

"Huh..." Vince covered Kasumi top half with a blanket, unaware of what to say before shrugging. "Well, this is exactly what it looks like."

Rias started shaking with a furious expression. "VINCE!"

"What the hell are you two doing!?" Rena shouted with a furious look on her face.

"We're having sex." Vince replied dryly.

Before they could response Vince raised his hand, a stream of water came out of his palm and lightly pushed Rias and Rena away from the room. Kasumi quickly took a kunai with a piece of rope attached to it and tossed it at the door, embedding into it. With a quick yank with the rope the door closed.

"Want to continue until the birth control pill expires?" Vince replied after a few moments of silence.

Kasumi leaned down and kissed him. "Yes, I do."

"Alright." He said kissing her on the lips.


Vince sweatdrop as he walked to school in a feeling awkward. Kasumi lovingly held on to his arm as Rena and Rias glared at the two and Akari smirked. The two turned towards Akari and glared at her to which she innocently whistled.

Both the male and female students immediately started whispering to themselves causing Vince to shake his head. (Not this crap again. Now that I think about it Kasumi seems a little bit different. It's hard to describe it but she's a bit less reserve with showing me her affections. I still can't believe that happened. ...Sheesh, things are becoming even more coming complicated. First Yasaka and now Kasumi, and that's not counting the other ones that have an attraction to me.)

Akari went to Kasumi and tapped her shoulder gaining her attention. "I know you want to hold on to Vince longer but we do have to go to our classes soon or we'll be late."

"Oh right." Kasumi stopped holding on to Vince's arm and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking with Akari and Rena who didn't say anything.

Rias promptly walked passed Vince without saying anything. To the students surprise however they noticed Kasumi walking with a small limp. Putting one and one together they turned towards Vince who just shrugged and walked ahead, not really caring. (I have better things to do than to listen to them.)


After finishing lunch at a fast pace that surprised even himself. Vince looked up at the sky from the school roof. (I wonder who's going to attack in the treat. Someone is going to raise their hand and attack. The only question is who? I know neither faction can't afford another Great War there'll be a high chance of all of them going extinct if that happens. Hmm...)

Suddenly the tattoo on Vince's hand glowed. He gripped his hand in pain Vince went down on one knee as the tattoo now glowed violently. The bracelet on his arm released both holy and demonic energy. (Damn it. ...Why now?)

Both Lightning and water violently discharged from his body. Vince gritted his teeth and slowly got up, thinking quickly he extended both of his hands into the sky. A large beam of both water and lightning shot out of his hands. The water-lightning beam pierced right through the clouds, it continued to pierce through anything in the sky until it faded.

The beam faded from his hands and Vince fell to the floor, his body discharging electricity while his body was drenched in water. His body shivered as he felt the temperature in his body drop. He balled up his fist in anger and punched the floor making a small hole in the roof. Blood poured from his now badly bruised knuckles. (I felt something weird from Angel/Devil when that happened. I wouldn't be surprised if the seal is weakening. What do I have to overcome in order to be in complete control of my Sacred Gears? This ice element is a pain in the ass, I wish I didn't have it...)

"Vince!" Rena saw Vince on the floor discharging electricity and drenched water with blood near him. She quickly ran to his side, her hand went him. Before Rena could touch it Vince raised his hand weakly and shook his head.

"D-Don't touch me Rena. You'll shock yourself." He spoke in a ragged voice.

"I don't care about that!" Rena held on to him and got shocked. She gritted her teeth in pain and noticed his color paling considerably while the electricity that discharged from his body slowly receeded. "Hold on Vince, I'll heal you right up."

Rena took out a vial from her pocket and opened it. She opened the cork that was on the bottle and fed Vince the liquid.

He got up from the floor and shook his head. Vince thanked Rena and walked away, but before he could leave she grabbed on to his hand.



Rena crossed her arms and stared at him. "I want you to explain what just happened."

Vince shook his head. "I had another one unstable moments with my Sacred Gear. It was a little more dangerous than the other ones though."

Rena nodded sadly and hugged Vince. "Can you tell me with what's been happening ever since you came here? I want to know."

"Is it really that important?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"It is. I was really worried about you when I heard the news and the rumors about you from Rossweisse and the news the Three Factions put out."

"You mean like the engagement, me gathering powerful shinobi to kill Kokabiel and my abilities, right?" Vince guessed.


He sighed and looked at the sky. "Well, I suppose I should start when I was attacked by a Stray Devil..."

Vince then went into a descriptive explanation, telling Rena everything that has been happening up until now with the exception of a few intimate details he decided to leave out. As soon as he finished Rena sighed and shook her head. "You sure have been getting into a lot messed up situations Vince. But that does explain a lot of things though I feel kind of bad for Rias. A lot of incidents have been happening in her territory."

"Rias does have the home disadvantage." He replied snickering a little.

Rena lightly swatted Vince's shoulder. "Be nice."

"Yes, yes."

She turned towards him with a determined look. "Vince. I want to also attend the treaty."


"With how things are going and the current track record on how a lot of incidents happen here. I want to be there with you to help you out." She replied sincerely.

"The treaty isn't exactly open to the public. You can't go in. ...Unless..." Vince crossed his arms, deep in thought.

She raised an eyebrow from his statement, "Unless what?"

"The only way I can see you getting in, is if you go under the guise of being my bodyguard." He replied shrugging.

Rena giggled, "A bodyguard for you? That's a good one."

"Well, it's the only way I can think of you entering without much trouble. Do you agree with it Rena?" Vince asked.

"Yeah, I don't mind doing that." She said with a smile.

"Okay then." Vince expression turned serious. "Be prepared for tomorrow Rena. It's pretty obvious someone is going to try something with the treaty happening."

She nodded in response. "I will. By the way Vince, let's have a spar after school. I want to see how strong you've gotten."

"A spar?" Vince asked sweatdropping.

"Yeah. Don't worry about your weapon, I got it covered." Rena said smiling.

"Right... I suppose a spar wouldn't hurt." He commented in a hesitant tone.

The two stood silent for a few minutes before Rena spoke up. "Hey Vince."


"Why did you decide to have that scythe created? It may be a similar to what you're used to using but the size is way too big and the added feature isn't exactly safe." Rena commented frowning.

"I wanted to wield one and... it was mostly out of impulse. Though it was a pain training with it. I forgot how many times I nearly dislocated my shoulder using it." He answered shaking his head.

Rena rolled her eyes at his reasoning but smiled fondly as a small blush appeared on her face. "Can you do that? Like we used to in private."

Vince looked confused for a few moments before a sudden realization hit him. He looked at her. "You want me to do that?"

She looked at him with pleading look. "Please Vince? Will you do it for me?"

He saw the pleading look she was giving him and sighed. "Alright. Just once, okay?"

Rena nodded and smiled as she took Vince's hand, he placed his other hand on her hip. He twirled her around twice before stopping, Vince leaned down along with her and passionately kissed her on the lips.

Rena wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss while Vince did the same. After a few moments the two pulled apart. He let go of her and Rena blushed. "I'm glad we're alone right now. I don't want to show anyone this side of me. ...Except for you."

"Oh... thanks."

"Ara ara, you two seem to be having fun." Akeno spoke appearing in front of them.

"Akeno." Rena nearly jumped from being startled at Akeno's sudden appearance and Vince's eye twitched slightly and he crossed his arms. "You saw everything didn't you?"

Akeno giggled and placed his head in between her breasts. "I didn't know you were such a passionate man Vince."

Rena's eye twitched violently as she cleared her throat. "Do you mind letting go of Vince?"

"But I don't want to-" Akeno smiled and closely held on to Vince. "You had your moment with Vince-kun. It's a little unfair."

Vince got his head out of Akeno's breasts with a fairly annoyed expression. "It was hard to breathe in there you know."

"Remember what you promised me Vince-kun?" Akeno asked making Rena raise an eyebrow.

"I know. I'll go visit your house after school. I'll do that after my spar with Rena." He answered.

"That's good." Akeno giggled as she held on to him. "I'll personally heal any wound and bruises you get from the spar with my body."

Rena glared at Akeno while Vince rolled his eyes. "I don't mind as long as there's no whips involved."

Before Akeno or Rena could reply the lunch bell sounded off signaling the end of the lunch period. Vince got away from Akeno and walked away. "Later."


Vince sweatdropped as she saw the other members of the ORC along with Kasumi and Akari. To his surprise even the Student Council arrived a few moments later, each sitting on a bench near the gym after school. He turned towards her. "Why are they here?"

Rena sighed. "It was the only way for us to have a spar without getting in trouble that and I had to tell them what happened in the roof. They really seemed curious about our abilities though. I understand if it's just me though, but why are they curious about you?"

"I half-assed most of my efforts with the exception of one or two battles. It's much better for me if they do most of the work." He replied shrugging.

Vince turned around to see the annoyed looks of the ORC and the Student Council members. Much to their ire, he smirked.

Rena sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I should have guessed."

Rias rubbed her temples and shook her head. "Akeno set up the barrier."

"Yes, Buchou." Akeno spoke frowning a little at what Vince admitted.

A large barrier appeared covering the field Vince then turned to Rena. "So, what did you mean earlier by you got it covered?"

"This-" Rena placed her backpack on the floor and took out a white and blue staff. "You left it at my mother's house."

"Huh. This thing... wait how did you get this thing past airport security or in your backpack for that matter?" Vince took the staff and and examined it. The staff is colored white and blue with a spearhead on the top colored silver. The spearhead has a gap in between it, which one side of the spearhead being half of the length as the other one. At the bottom of the gap in the spearhead a black jewel-like orb was placed, being held by both sides of the spearhead.

"Magic." She answered simply.

"...Of course." Vince glanced towards the side and saw the slightly surprised looks at his weapon. (Looks like everyone else thinks this is a spear. That's good. This is a medium sized staff but it looks like a spear to throw off an enemy for a little bit before they realize it. That and the spearhead takes the magic I channel into the staff and compresses it, along with a few other things. Rena most likely has her weapon with her. It was made especially for her and with it she can channel her senjutsu into it. Better be careful of that it hurts a lot when it makes contact.)

"But as you know, I don't have your type of luxury." The spearhead of the staff pivoted 90 degrees to the right. A curved waterblade sprang from the bottom of the gap with the staff now resembling a scythe.

Everyone's eyes widen as they saw the staff turn into a scythe with the exception of Rena who smiled. "You still remember Vince."

"Change." Vince spoke. The water blade changed into a lightning energy blade and back into a water blade. "You don't forget something like this."

Rena then flicked her fingers, undoing her disguise showing her blonde hair, pointed ears and blue eyes. She took out a sheathed rapier from her backpack and placed it on the left side of her hip. Rena unsheathed an elegant looking rapier that is light blue colored with a dark blue gem on the side of the hilt. She pointed the rapier just a few centimeters away from Vince's neck. "I hope you can keep up with me Vince."

"Same to you." Vince's expression turned serious as he swiftly angled his scythe to be close to her stomach.

Rena backflipped over the scythe. She channeled senjutsu into her rapier resulting in the blade to glow slightly green.

"Ara ara, I didn't know Rena was an elf." Akeno said smiling.

"Eeeh!? Rena is an elf?!" Issei shouted looking shocked.

Sona frowned. "That would explain a few things."

"To be more accurate. Rena is a half-elf." Rias answered crossing her arms.

"Really?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. Her mother is an elf while her father is a human." Kasumi added, closely observing Vince and Rena's movements.

Koneko frowned as closely observed Rena. Before Issei could ask Kiba grabbed his shoulder and shook his head making Issei confused.

"How does Reinhart know her?" Saji asked sounding confused.

Rias gritted her teeth a little. "Rena is Vince's ex-girlfriend."

Saji's eyes widened in response. "What!? How the hell did Vince get her as a girlfriend?!"

Issei looked at Rena's breasts more closely and grinned pervertedly. "So that's how big Rena's oppai is in her real form. They're nearly as big as Buchou's! Man, Vince is so lucky..."

Rias frowned and smacked Issei upside the head. "Don't compare my breasts to hers. It's rude."

Issei rubbed his head and nodded."H-Hai, Buchou. Itai..."

Vince extended his hand and pointed it at Rena. To his shock, nothing came out she quickly took this chance and lunged at him. He swiftly brought his scythe up to redirect the rapier with the blade. The rapier grazed his cheek as Vince raised his foot and kicked Rena away.

(This isn't right. I can't use any ice magic at all. I'll have to ask Yume later.) Vince felt something wet on the side of his cheek. Placing his hand on his cheek, he checked his hand and saw blood.

Everyone watching from outside of the barrier's eyes widened when they saw a large gash on the side of his cheek with blood coming out of it.

Back in the barrier, Rena stumbled a bit but corrected herself and looked at him. "What was that?"

"I'll explain later." He answered simply.

She frowned but nodded. "Alright then."

Everyone watching saw that Rena wrapped her body in layers of senjutsu while Vince twirled his scythe. Her body was enveloped by a green colored aura, she swung her rapier causing the wind to violently move due to the force of the swing. "Just like old times, right?"

Everyone turned to Vince, who slowly stopped twirling his scythe. His body enveloped by a lightning aura while his is scythe generating a water like aura around it. Blue sparks occasionally shot out his body. He pointed his scythe at Rena with a serious expression. "Yeah. Let's save the small talk for later and get started."

"Fine by me."

The two then leapt towards each other at speeds that matched Kiba's. Upon reaching a few centimeters close to each other Rena thrusted her rapier as Vince swung his scythe downward.

The two weapons collided with each other causing violent shockwaves across the field with both senjutsu and lightning violently clashing against each other.


Author's Notes: I'm finally done with the chapter. Sheesh, it took a lot longer than I thought it would. But I didn't want the chapter to be rushed and now for the explanations.

At the scene with Kasumi. He couldn't really deny her because of the amount courage and effort it took for her to ask him that question Vince just couldn't say no to something like that. On a side note, despite my lack of experiences with lemons I did try my best to make it as tasteful as possible since it was between two childhood friends that care for each other. I apologize if it doesn't meet the standard.

As for the scene with Elena and the others. I wanted to give more backstory about Vince through the perspective of another mainly his mother. Elena is a good judge of character and trusts Vince's good judge of a character. If wasn't for that and her knowing their parents well she would not have said anything about that subject. To be honest, I wouldn't making another scene like this. I find it fun describing how Vince is through the perspective of another character.

The weapon Vince uses to spar with Rena will be explained a bit more in the next chapter along with Rena's rapier but I thought it would be good to give it a basic explanation about the weapons itself. I spent over a few days trying to figure out what weapons will be best suited.

That's it for the explanations I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. I wanted to upload earlier but my computer got fixed near Christmas and New Years so I had to upload this on a later day. Now I have something I want to ask, what do you think of the weapons introduced in this chapter? I'm really curious to see what everyone thinks about it. Let me know in the reviews and take care.

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