

Chapter 7


Vince sighed as he got up from his futon. "Mornin' Yume."

[Good morning Vince, how are you?] Yume asked cheerfully.

"I'm doing okay now, I got over what I did yesterday. It was a little hard, but I know it was going to happen eventually after I saw what happened with Asia." He replied with a bitter smile.

Yume nodded sadly, knowing what Vince was talking about. [Unfortunately as long as you have a Sacred Gear, people will try to take it from you. Especially in your case since you have two. I'm sorry Vince.]

Vince raised an eyebrow, "What are you apologizing for? It's not like you started it and a few good things have happened since I activated my Sacred Gears."

[Thank you Vince.] Yume said with a smile.

"Sheesh. I swear you're just like Kasumi, as soft as a marshmellow." He said rolling his eyes.

[Geez, that's not what you say to a girl, Vince.] Yume replied pouting.

"Yeah, yeah." Vince walked into the bathroom with a barely noticeable smirk on his face.

A few minutes later Vince walked out of the bathroom, dressed in his school uniform. His gaze then passed towards the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, as it was wrapped in a black strap. After pausing for a moment he then shrugged and picked it up. "Might as well."

[Wait, you're going to take the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi to school?] Yume asked in disbelief.

"I don't see why not. The seal is on the thing so it can't release any holy energy until I unsheath it and I don't want to risk someone body stealing it." He answered.

[What if the seal accidently falls off or something?] She asked in a concerned tone.

"Then I'll explain to the others since I'm sure they would have noticed and incase that happens, I can always use this katana to give them message that I don't want to be in a peerage." Vince replied with a shrug.

[I see. But you know this will probably have Rias to try to convince you to join her peerage again.] Yume responded with a sigh.

"If that happens, I'll just remind her that I'm already in her club. Anyway, this is only incase it slips out that this is a holy-sword." He said folding his arms.

[It's good to see that you already thought that far ahead Vince.] She stated with a smile.

"I guess. As you know, I already did that when I was younger. I started doing that more often after training with Hayate." Vince pointed out with a small sigh.


Vince walked to school with wearing the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi on his back, with the katana covered in a black sleeve. (I gotta admit, carrying this sword makes me feel calmer.)

The students quickly noticed Vince carrying the katana on his back as their eyes widened greatly.

"What is he doing carrying a katana to school?" A male student spoke in confusion.

"Maybe he's a apart of the kendo club?" Another male student offered.

"No, remember he joined the Occult Research Club with the two great Onee-samas." The male student replied in a jealous tone.

"He looks pretty cool carrying that katana like that." A female student admitted.

"No kidding and he looks handsome too." Another female student said.

Vince rolled his eyes as he heard the conversations about him. (Oh brother. Well, at least it's better than having the my katana stolen from me.)

"Good morning, Vince-kun." A feminine voice spoke up.

(...And now that's debatable because she's now talking to me.) Vince turned around and looked at Akeno with a bored look. "Morning. What is it?"

"You don't sound too pleased to see me." She spoke looking at him.

"What was your first clue?" He asked sarcastically.

"That's a very mean thing to say Vince-kun." Akeno then noticed the katana on Vince's back. "Ara ara, where did you get that katana?"

"A friend of mine gave it to me when I was away." Vince stated vaguely. He then turned around and walked away with Akeno walking besides him.

"Is everything okay Vince-kun? You were spacing out a lot yesterday." She asked in a concerned tone.

Vince raised an eyebrow at her concerned tone, but shrugged. "I was remembering something I didn't think I would. That's all."

"Do you want to talk about it Vince-kun?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"No, it's private." He replied, rejecting the offer.

Akeno nodded in response, "Buchou wants you to come the club today at lunch."


"Everyone is worried about you, since yesterday. You kept spacing out with a melachonic expression." She answered.

Vince paused for a moment before he nodded hesitantly. "Fine, I'll come."

"I'll tell Buchou then." Akeno answered with a smile.

(Lunchtime ORC: Clubroom)

Vince sighed with a slightly irritated look as he sat down on a chair. Which was next to Akeno, much to his slight ire. (Why am I sitting next to her 70% of the time I'm here?)

"I'm glad to see you join us Vince. How are you doing?" Rias asked curiously.


Rias sighed at his short answer but nodded. "Where did you get that katana and why are you carrying it around school?"

"A friend gave it to me. I'm carrying it because I don't want it to be stolen by anyone." He answered vaguely.

"Was it the same friends you were looking for Vince?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"No. I haven't found her yet."

"Vince-kun, can I hold your katana for a moment?" Kiba asked politely.

"No, my katana is sentient and it would be a bad idea to let anyone else hold it." Vince lied smoothly. (Totsuka is partically sentient but if I let anyone else hold it, they might tell it's a holy-sword.)

Kiba nodded at the reasoning and went back to sitting down on the sofa as Issei spoke up. "Do you miss your friends?"

Vince didn't say anything but took out his cup of instant ramen and started eating. The look on his face was enough of an answer.

After finishing his cup of ramen, Vince stood up from the sofa. "I'll be leaving now."

"Ufufu, you sure eat fast Vince-kun." Akeno spoke.

"There's still ten minutes before class starts, do you want to stay here?" Rias asked him.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Vince opened the window and jumped out of it. He grabbed on a tree branch and jumped off of it, landing on the floor.

Vince then stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked away. (I know they mean well in their own weird way, but they ask too much questions.)

[Vince, was it necessary to jump out of the window like that?] Yume questioned.

"It was either that or kick a hole through the wall and jump through that." He replied with a shrug.

[You know, Kasumi and Hayate wouldn't like to have seen you act like that.] Yume said with a sigh.

"I reached my breaking point and got tired of them asking me questions about touchy subjects." Vince answered with a frown.

[Well, I can see why you would get tired after all of the constant questions.] She admitted with a sigh.


(After School)

Vince got up from his seat and was about to leave before he turned around to see Issei and Asia.

"Ano, Issei-san and I we're going to the clubroom, do you want to come with us Vince-san?" Asia asked him.

"I can't today. I have to go home and call a friend of mine." He replied shaking his head.

"Couldn't you call your friend during the club?" Issei asked curiously.

"No, it's something personal I have to ask my friend." Vince said to them.

"Oh... Will you go tommorow, Vince-san?" Asia asked curiously.

"I suppose I could, later." Vince then walked away from both Issei and Asia.

"Vince-san, may I talk to you?" Sona asked seriously.

Vince turned around to see Sona and Tsubaki together, then sighed. "Is it really important?"

"It is."

Vince nodded and walked along side of Sona and Tsubaki, after the two reached the student council room Sona closed the door.

Vince leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. "So what's the problem Sona?"

"I would like to know why you're carrying a katana around school." Sona stated as she looked at the katana in the black strap.

"A friend gave it to me. I'm carrying it because I don't want it to be stolen." He said simply.

"I see. Is the katana that valuable?" She asked in a slightly curious tone.

"Yes, you could say that the history behind it, is what makes it valuable." Vince stated vaguely.

"What is the history behind it?" Tsubaki asked, now curious.

"I can't talk much about it. But I will say that it's very dangerous in the wrong hands." He said folding his arms.

"I would like to ask one last question." Sona stated.

"What's the question?" Vince asked, now opening his eyes.

"Why haven't you joined a peerage yet? With your abilities and your weapon, you would be a good addition." Sona stated, looking at him.

"I'm a freelancer Sona, not to mention I'm neutral. Being reincarnated into a Devil will just screw me over in the long run. Besides, I know Rias already told you I can turn into a devil. It would be pointless to be reincarnated as one." He explained to her.

The two nodded at the reasoning, seeing his point. Sona then spoke up. "I understand Vince-san, but be warned that once others learn about you, they will try to recruit you with or without your cooperation."

"I know. But I'm already prepared for that, especially for Devils that want to." He said with a small smirk.

"What do you mean by that Vince-san?" Tsubaki asked looking at him.

Vince said nothing but only pointed to the katana on his back. "Anyway, I have to get going later." He then walked out of the student council room.


[Vince, did you really mean what you said earlier?] Yume asked looking at him.

"Yeah, I have to call Yasaka. I want to ask her about what this thing can do." Vince said gesturing towards the katana on his back.

[Will you go the club tommorow?] She asked.

"That depends, are you going to constantly remind me to go?" He asked looking at her.

[Maybe.] Yume replied with a teasing smile.

"Then yes, I'm going." Vince took out his cellphone and dialed the number. A few moments later, a voice was heard through the other line. "Hello?"

"Hello, Kunou. This is Vince, how are you?" He asked her.

"Oh hello Vince, I'm doing well. What's wrong?" Kunou asked in a curious tone.

"I need to speak with your mom, I want to ask her a question about the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi." Vince stated seriously.

"Okay, I'll go tell mom." Kunou replied.

A few minutes later another voice spoke through the line. "Hello Vince, I heard from Kunou. What is it that you wish to know about the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi?"

"I want to know it's abilities. I don't want to find out at a bad time or by accident." He said simply.

"I understand. The Totsuka-no-Tsurugi is a dragon slayer sword that can channel any type of lightning through it." Yasaka explained.

Vince blinked twice before he nodded. "It makes sense, considering the person who used it before me."

"Is there anything else you would like to know?" She asked curiously.

Vince paused for a moment before shrugging. "How was your day today?"

"Excuse me?" Yasaka asked, not expecting the question.

"I asked, how was your day today." He said repeating his question. "Is there something wrong?"


Vince and Yasaka then went into a conversation on how their respective days went with the other giving input about their day. After a while Vince and Yasaka hung up after saying goodbye to each other.

[I'm glad you asked her, Yasaka seemed happy to tell you about her day.] Yume said with a smile.

"I'm a little surprised she actually told me." He spoke as he shook his head.

[Well, I'm sure she wanted someone to talk to. You should call her more often.] She advised.

Vince lied down on his futon and closed his eyes. "I guess. Anyway, good night."


(Timeskip: Two and a half weeks later)

Vince flexed his fingers as he sat down on a sofa in the clubroom. It has been a two and a half weeks since he brought his katana to school. Eventually the students stopped talking about it and started going on their own business. Much to Vince's ire, he was constantly going to the Occult Research Club because of Yume's constant prodding and being dragged by either Rias or Akeno. Within the seven days Vince has been talking to the other club members more often.

Much to his surprise, Vince found out that he had something in common that they he liked with most of the members and as a result, started to talk to them slightly more often. Along with talking to the club members, he had started calling more often Yasaka. The two continued to talk about their respective days with the other giving their input or opinions. Whenever someone would ask about the katana Vince carried, he would either give them vague answers or skip the topic immediately.

(This manga is really good. But the fight scenes could use a little more polishing.) Vince thought as he turned a page of a manga he was reading. He then noticed Rias spacing out.

Vince took an unopened can of soda he just got from a vending maching and walked up to her. "Rias can you hear me?"

After seeing no response, he then smirked and placed the cold drink right next to her face.

"Aaaah! That's cold!" Rias yelped as she rubbed her cheek.

Akeno covered her mouth with one of her hands as she giggled at the small prank while Vince opened his can of soda and took a sip. "Are you up now, Rias?"

Rias immediately glared at Vince, "What was that for!?"

"For spacing out like that." Vince then lightly tapped Rias on the head with the manga he was reading. "Try not to think too much on your problem."

"W-What problem?" She asked sounding silghtly surprised.

"You're pretty easy to read Rias, just like this manga." He said as he started reading again.

Rias huffed, "Are you saying that I'm just like a manga?"

"Well, you do look like the heroine of this manga." Vince replied as he showed her a picture of a long red haired woman with a buxom body.

Rias lightly blushed and looked away. "That's not what I meant, Vince."

"I know. Either way, I have to go now. Later you two." Vince said as he left.

"Goodbye Vince-kun." Akeno said with a smile.

"Bye..." Rias mumbled.

"Is there something wrong Buchou?" Akeno asked in a concerned tone.

"I have gotten a message from the house of Phenex." Rias answered, not bothering to hide her disgust.


Vince lied down on his futon and sighed. (This week has been a little slow, I still haven't found any clue about Kasumi or Hayate.) He then noticed Yume's smile and spoke. "What's up?"

[I'm just happy that you're starting to socialize more and because of that you've started to get along with Rias and her peerage. It's slow, but I know you're changing for the better Vince.] Yume spoke with a proud smile.

"I think you're over thinking this." He said sweatdropping.

A magic circle appeared in the middle of the bedroom, quickly getting Vince's attention. Vince's eyes narrowed as he saw Rias walk out of the magic circle. "Rias, why are you here? It's late."

Rias didn't respond but walked to him and looked Vince directly in the eyes. "Vince make love to me."


"I want you to take my virginity. Immediately." Rias said.

"Mind explaining why you want me to sleep with you just like that?" Vince asked as he folded his arms.

"There's no time to explain, just please do it quickly." Rias replied as she started stripping.

"Impressive figure. But why not ask someone else?" Vince asked as he looked her in the eyes.

"Yuuto wouldn't do it because he is a pure knight and even though there is Issei, I do not want to because of Asia." She explained before she continued. "And then I thought about you, when you told me not to think too much about my problem. That's when I knew you were the one."

Vince sighed. "At least try to tell me what the hell is going on."

Rias removed her bra and immediately hugged him, as her breasts pressed against his chest. "I will explain, but please sleep with me first."

Vince's hands immediately went towards Rias' butt as he gently massaged it. (This is the worst possible timing for my hormones to kick in.)

"I-Is this your first time or do you have experience?" She asked moaning.

"First time." He answered absentmindedly as his hands went towards her thighs.

Rias blushed but smiled, "I'm glad. At least we'll be able to figure it out together." She then gestured between her legs. "You just have to put it in here."

Vince immediately shook his head and pulled away from Rias. "I already know about that. But I can't Rias."

"Why? Aren't I good enough?" Rias asked sounding a little hurt.

"That's not it Rias. It's pretty obvious you're trying to get out of something. I'm not doing anything until you tell me everything. I am not going be dragged into a situtation without any knowledge." He replied in a stern tone.

Rias sighed before she nodded. "The truth is-"

A magic circle appeared on the floor getting both Vince and Rias' attention. A silver haired woman wearing a maid outfit walked out of the magic circle. "Looks like I was a bit late."

Vince instinctively pulled Rias behind him and extended his hand as blue lightning surged through his hand, pointing it at the silver haired woman. (Will the intrusions never end?)

The woman raised an eyebrow at the blue lightning from his hand, but took a step forward towards Vince and Rias. "I never would have thought you would do something like this to break the agreement."

Vince frowned and immediately put his hand down as he turned to Rias. "This agreement. I guess you were trying to avoid this?"

Rias nodded as she turned to the maid. "If I don't go this far Otou-sama and Onii-sama won't listen, right?"

"Sirzechs-sama and Master won't be happy when they hear you tried to give your purity to some lowly person." The maid answered.

"You broke into my house with a magic circle and you're wearing a maid outfit. I think you have the definition of a "lowly person" in reverse." Vince retorted.

Rias' eyes widened at the insult as the young woman glared at Vince, he folded his arms and looked at her. "What? Did I hit a nerve?"

Before the maid could answer Rias immediately spoke up. "My purity is mine alone I can give it to whom ever I choose." She then glared at the silver haired woman. "Also don't call my friend a lowly person. Even if it's you Grayfia, I won't forgive you."

"Anyway, you are the next heiress of the House of Gremory, so please don't show your skin to a man recklessly. Even more so if you are in the middle of this situation." She scolded as she handed Rias her clothes.

Vince sighed as he grabbed the katana from his dresser. He then looked at the woman. "Why exactly are you here?"

"I'm a maid that serves the House of Gremory. My name is Grayfia and I am here to retrieve Ojou-sama." She said introducing herself.

(Looks like I did the right choice. If I would have slept with Rias, things would have gotten ugly fast.) Vince thought with a frown, he then sighed but nodded. "Good to know. Anyway, I'm Vince Reinhart."

The maid nodded and said nothing else.

Rias finished putting on her clothes as she turned to Grayfia. "Grayfia let's go back to my room I will listen to what you say there. Is it okay if Akeno comes?"

"It's fine, a High-class devil must have their "Queen" by their side at all times." Grayfia replied with a nod.

"I'm sorry, Vince. Let's make it so that the thing from earlier never happened. I wasn't thinking straight either. Let's forget about today's incident." Rias apologized as she leaned towards Vince.

Vince immediately turned his head to the side, he ignored her hurt look and spoke. "You owe me an explanation Rias."

Rias sighed but nodded, "I understand, please forgive me for today."

Both Rias and Grayfia vanished from the room, via magic circle. Vince place his katana back on the dresser and took a deep breath. (I am so pissed off right now.)

[Vince, don't let your anger get to you.] Yume spoke in a worried tone.

"I won't, I'll try to get some sleep though." Vince said as he lied down on his futon and closed his eyes.


Vince walked towards the clubroom with a fierce glare as sparks of lightning were visible surged through his body. ( I could hardly sleep last night because of that damn stunt last night.)

"I will not..."

Rias was interrupted as Vince punched through the door with his fists coated in lightning. The door was sent flying into a wall with a noticeable dent on it.

With the exception of Grayfia, everyone's eyes widened as Vince glared at a blonde young man with an arrogant look on his face. "Let go of Rias. I need to have a word with her. Now."

"Heh, that's quite the entrance, is he another of your peerage Rias?" The young man asked ignoring Vince.

"I'll give you one last chance. Let her go." Vince threatened as blue sparks dangerously circle his body.

"Rias you really need to teach this low-class devil some manne-" The young man was immediately interrupted as Vince quickly closed the distance between them and delivered a harsh spartan kick to his stomach, with his legs covered in lighting, sending him back straight into a desk.

"Asshole." Vince said as he scoffed.

Rias the rest of the club member's eyes widen as they saw Vince deliver the harsh kick to the young man's stomach.

Vince then turned to Rias with a fierce glare, making her slightly flinch. "I'm not going to forget what happened just like that. Like I said earlier, you owe me an explanation."

The rest of the club members just stood there as they saw Vince continued to glare fiercely at Rias with the occasional spark of electricity becoming visible.

"I-I never seen Vince-san so furious before." Asia said as she hid behind Issei.

"Ufufu, I think Buchou never expected Vince-kun to get this angry." Akeno said as she lightly laughed behind her hand.

"Vince-kun is really full of surprises." Kiba spoke with Koneko nodding in agreement.

"Vince really did a lot of damage." Issei said aloud as he looked at the damage done by him.

"What are you doing here?" Grayfia asked getting Vince's attention.

Vince immediately turned around and noticed Grayfia. "You're here too?"

"He is a member of the club Grayfia." Rias answered.

"Unless he is apart of your Peerage he shouldn't be here." Grayfia retorted as she narrowed her eyes at Vince.

"Did you forget that Rias dragged me into this? I'm just as entitled to know as everyone else." Vince retorted, much to everyone's surprise.

Grayfia stared at Vince as he rolled his eyes. (Considering how things are turning out, I should cool it. I might miss something important.)

Vince turned away from Grayfia and turned to the young man. "You're still conscious? I guess, you're slightly durable than I give you credit for."

The young man growled and took a step towards Vince as he rolled his eyes, but gather lightning in his hands. Rias immediately stood in between them. "Riser, that's enough. Vince stop channeling your lightning."

Riser scoffed and straightened his jacket. "Whatever, we have more pressing matters to attend to anyway, like our future engagement."

Vince snorted and stopped channeling lightning. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

Riser glared at Vince to which he just ignored him, much to his ire.

Vince then tuned out most of the conversation as he leaned against the wall. (I can see where this is going now. Rias wanted to sleep with me so she isn't engaged to Riser. Looks like I definetely did the right choice when I refused to sleep with her. The backlash of doing something like that would have been a huge mess. That still doesn't make it right though.)

"I'm not going to crush my house. And I am willing to take a husband." Rias stated.

"Oh, to be expected from Rias! Then let's-" Riser said before he was interrupted.

"But I won't marry you, Raiser. I will marry the one I acknowledge. Even the Devils from the old noble house have the right to choose." Rias replied talking over him.

"...You know, Rias. I'm also a Devil who carries the name of House of Phoenix behind me. I can't let that name get tarnished. I didn't even want to come to a small old building like this in the human world. Rather, I don't like the human world that much. The fire and wind of this world is filthy. For a Devil like me who rules fire and wind, I can't stand it!" Riser shouted as a bunch of flames erupted from his body.

"I will take you back to the underworld, even if I have to burn all of your servants." Riser said as Rias started to release a huge amount of demonic energy along with killing intent.

Vince immediately turned to Riser. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Riser sneered at Vince, "I'll burn you first."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Vince clasped his hands together and spoke. "God bless you, Riser."

With the exception of Grayfia, everyone else in the room clutched their head in pain from the mention of God, as Vince continued to pray.

"Aaargh!" Riser clutched his head in pain. He glared at Vince and released more flames. "You little-"

"Ojou-sama, Raiser-sama, Vince-san please calm down. If the three of you were to continue, then I won't be quiet about it. I won't hold back." Grayfia said calmly.

Both Riser and Rias shared a look before they calmed down as Vince shrugged.

Riser shook his head, "...To be told that by the "Strongest Queen", even I would be scared... I definitely wouldn't want to fight the people from Sirzech-sama's group, which is known to be made up of monsters."

Vince said nothing but continued to lean against the wall as he heard small tibits of the conversation. (Huh, so things are going to be settled with a Rating Game. At least that system is good for something.) He then inwardly sighed as he saw Riser's peerage appear from a magic circle. (It's a full set and all of them are girls. That explains a bit.)

"Bishoujo, fifthteen beautiful girls? Unbelievable! What a true man!" Issei exclaimed as burst into anime tears.

"O-Oi Rias, what's with that servant crying out loud while looking at me." Riser asked, slightly creeped out.

"He wants a harem like you." Vince spoke as he started reading a manga book.

"That's creepy." A girl with curly blonde hair commented.

"In a nutshell." Vince said surprising the girl as he heard her.

Riser chuckled and beckoned for a woman named Yubelluna, making the woman walk forward. Riser then drew her close and began kissing her sensually, with Rias glaring at him. Riser then turned to Vince and Issei, "You two lowly imps will never be able to do this."

Vince took turned a page from his manga and pointed his index finger at Riser. He casually fired a lightning shaped bullet at Riser, grazing his cheek as blood poured from the wound. "Careful there, I might not miss the next time you call me an imp."

Riser wound healed as Issei turned to Vince. "Is that all you're going to call him out for, Vince? I can tell this Yakitori bastard will keep flirting with other girls even after marrying our Buchou!"

"His lifestyle is none of my concern. If he wants to act like a gigolo even after the marriage takes place, then that's his problem not mine." Vince answered bluntly as he turned another page from his manga.

"Gigolo!? You...Don't know your place, servant?" Riser asked Vince, ignoring Issei's insult.

"Considering how you're acting, I think it's safe to say it's above yours." He replied casually as he placed his manga away, already finishing it.

Riser glared at Vince with hatred as he spoke. "Mira, do it. Show him some respect."

A blue haired girl with her hair arranged in four ponytails stepped forward. While holding a staff. "Yes, Riser-sama."

Issei quickly summoned his Boosted Gear and try to intercept Mira. She mearly moved the side and was about to swing her staff at him, but was stopped by Vince, who blocked it with the scabbard of his katana which was covered in a black strap.

Vince ducked, jumped and weaved his way through Mira's attacks. He palmed her chest as he discharged lightning from his hand, shocking her. Seeing her stunned Vince quickly went to the side and roundhouse kicked Mira in the back of the head, with enough force sending her into a wall. Much to the surprise of the other club members. "Too slow."

"The one who you just defeated is my "Pawn" Mira. She the weakest out of my servants." Riser said to him.

"Funny. You make it seem like I cared." He replied sarcastically.

"Your "Servant" is really rebellious Rias, if I were you I would fix that problem immediately." Riser responded.

"I'm not in her peerage." Vince answered with a small sigh.

"You... are not part of Rias' peerage?" Riser asked sounding surprised.

"No, either way I found out what I needed to know." Vince then walked out of the room and left.


Authors Notes: I'm finally done writing this chapter. Quite a few things happened in this chapter, but just to make clear. This chapter is mainly for Vince to interact more with other people and to introduce the Riser arc. Now for the explanations.

The reason why Vince started attending club is because of his Sacred Gear spirit. She does have an influence on Vince especially since he's sixteen and she's always been helping him. But just to make some things clear, despite Vince acting a little more social he isn't going to change his personality or be a walking doormat. And yes Vince does like reading anime and manga, not as much as Rias does but still enough to be a fan. Also, Vince is still neutral in things releated to the Three Factions unless convinced otherwise.

I decided to do that timeskip because it would be easier to transition into the new arc and I wanted to include a summary of what Vince was doing through those two and a half weeks. Also, after a few considerations I've decided to let Vince's holy-sword have two abilities. The first is the obvious dragon slayer trait, the second is the ability to channel any type of lightning in the holy-sword. I wanted to make it more attuned with the storms, but then I remembered the Sacred Gear, Zenith Tempest and I didn't want to make copy the abilities.

As for the scene with Rias, instinctively Vince knew Rias was up to something, but couldn't hardly control himself since he has no experience with that type of situation and he's still a hormonal teenager.

The scene with Riser, well at first Vince was furious because he couldn't sleep much because of the other night and he wanted answers. He eventually cooled off a little after seeing how he might miss an important piece of information. And as for the praying, Vince was basically playing it safe, when keeping most of his abilities secret. Besides, he knows that praying will be more effective than his other abilities, despite it hurting the Rias and the others.

And finally as for why Vince used his lightning Mira instead of praying, it was because Issei tried to intercept and almost got hurt. It was basically to effectively take out Mira while making sure no one got hurt. As for Vince shooting Riser with a lightning bullet, he just lost his temper a little bit when he was called an imp.

That's all I have to say for the explanations. Now I would like to ask everyone question, would you like for Vince to join Rias and her peerage with the ten day training period? In the original Vince wanted to avoid because he didn't want any part of it. But in this one, Vince has nothing to really lose and he will get stronger as a result from the training. Plus he's in her peerage and can't fight in the Rating Game. Though, if he goes he's not going to follow Rias' training regiment, since he's not obligated to. If Vince does get to go, the chapter will be mainly revolved around Vince's training and his interactions with Rias' peerage, mainly because I want to focus more on the interactions and training.

Anyway, that's all I have to say, let me know what you think about the chapter and take care.

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