
Micah - 1.2

The carriage rounded the Tower of the Library as it made its descent to the plaza in front of the steps. Knight Gareth stood guard to the right of the enormous brass relief. The knights activated the door to let in a group of students dressed in robes from the Academy. Uncle's butler opened the carriage door and offered us his hand.

Uncle Ulysses walked up the stairs with me off behind his right side. As Ulysses approached Knight Gareth, Uncle retrieved a small sack from within his coat.

"Good sir, if I may. A gift from my nephew." Uncle said as he extended the pouch to Gareth. "Come now Micah. We must go."

I wanted to say farewell, but the words were blocked by my reluctance to admit to myself that I cared. Instead, I bowed slightly. Then, our trio turned and climbed back onto the carriage. The gryphons pulled us skyborne, toward Miss Iliana's house.

Once again, we landed on the street. This time, in front of her place. Miss Iliana stood outside, watering the flowers she kept on the edges of the door step. She turned to face the marble carriage as my uncle and I exited.

Miss Iliana approached with a smile, "Can I help you gentlemen?"

"I wanted to say…" I trailed off as I averted my eyes. My words kept at bay by a lump of air in my chest.

"I wanted to say not to save your scraps for a while. I won't be able to pick them up."

"Also, Miss Iliana, thank you for your gift."

"Oh, alright. You are very welcome Micah." She replied. 

Before I could turn to leave, Miss Iliana quickly stepped forward and hugged me. My muscles tensed up and I did not reciprocate. 

"Ah hem," Ulysses coughed, "Miss Iliana, I present a thank you from my nephew. A trifling gift, for one he holds so dear. "

She released me as she eyed my uncle, sizing him up. Her eyes turned to the small ornate box the attendant was retrieving from underneath my seat in the carriage. The brows above her eyes began to dance through expressions, searching for the right emotion. 

"A gift? Today of all days." A single tear fell down her face. "Th.. thank you." 

The butler handed her the lockbox, which she promptly opened. Inside the intricate box sat a small pocket watch. 

Uncle explained, "I found that piece in the Warden's Quarters. Forgive me, but I had a magician modify it to display a picture when opened." He then turned to me, "Micah, let us waste no moments. Your alchemist next?"

"Yes." I turned back when I heard a squeal. 

I saw Iliana with liquid gathering in her eyes. Streams of tears began to pour down her face as I stepped into the carriage. She pulled out a small amulet from within the container. Her legs gave out, and she collapsed onto her flowers.

"Was that Abel's watch? "

"Yes." Uncle said.

"What image did you have it show?"

"A series of memories of him from Beswick's men." He replied.

Our ride landed on worn grass on the edge of the Gardens. We walked a block over to Mister Eoric's home. Uncle's butler opened the front door for us. Mister Eoric sat relaxed in his chair with a book over his eyes. I organized my mental formula for Mister Eoric.

"I finished it!"

As he reluctantly pulled the book down, "Good. What is the formula for the elixir?"

"In the ratio of 1 portion berries 3 portions Felinqua blood, boil and preserve the blood then mix in the muddled berries. Brew within a container, daily inscribed with a Healing Circle for two fortnights."

"Good." My teacher responded.

"Additional, I discovered a secondary use for the berries. Instead of a healing elixir, an explosive reagent could be produced by simply combining 3 parts mashed berries with wet sparkfire petals, then drying the mixture."

"Hmmm. Most intriguing. Have you tested your theory?" Mister Eoric asked.

"No, but I am completely sure." 

"Very Well. You passed. Your next assignment will be to make your new recipes." He instructed.

"Yes sir. Also, I won't be around for a while. Goo..." I hesitated once again, "Gone for a trip."

Mister Eoric waved, "Alright my apprentice. Safe travels." 

"Good sir, a token of appreciation from my nephew." Ulysses tossed a sack twice as big as Gareth's onto Eorics desk.

"I must refuse." Eoric countered.

"Very well." Ulysses grabbed the bag before reattaching it to his belt. "Pascal, the door if you would."

Pascal, the butler, opened the shop door to allow us out. I exited the shop, uncle lingered inside for a few moments before joining.

The Morley Carriage made for the Citadel Ward. Our ride landed at the gryphon check-in on the edge of the ward and made our way to Mister Larkins on foot. After several roads, we arrived. 

The shop was quiet. Ulysses slowly opened the door and stepped inside. His head swiveled side to side as he surveyed the interior. I stepped into his backroom. There were silhouettes from dust on the floor. All his furnishings have disappeared. 

"He is not here." Ulysses added, "Seems he left in a hurry. Pascal, would you set his gift under a veil."

Pascal walked into the center of the room and set the ornate box on the floor. He withdrew a small notebook from within his coat. Inside he traced an inscribed sigil. The geometry being replicated into the air in front of him. Purple. The color of Aether. The intricate rings and runes brightly flashed when Pascal finished the spell. The image of the box shimmered and vanished, leaving only the floor.


Ulysses replied, "Gwydion."

The three of us turned and made our way back to the carriage. Pascal stirred the gryphons, and we were skybound. Once the gryphons were over walls of the city, the carriage began to glow a yellow-green. The magic fed the gryphons great speed. 

The farmland blurred passed, as we accelerated away from Aune. I folded my cloak into support for my neck, and then I fell asleep. 

When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by an emerald, rolling hillscape basked in crimson light of the setting sun. Aetherhaven must be growing close. The scent of fresh pollen flowed into the carriage. 

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