
Endearing Affection

After breakfast, Harry and Hermione decided to spend some time under their favorite beech tree near the lake studying like normal students. Hermione brought out her study guides she had made two years or just days before and started going over what they needed for the tests and what they didn't.

She trimmed the actual material that was going to be covered on the OWLs down to a much more manageable amount. For the next couple of hours, they were re-reading their old textbooks and notes. Harry sat with his back to the tree while Hermione was lying on the ground beside him. Harry kept getting distracted by looking down at his wife watching her chew on her bottom lip as she was deep in thought.

"You know you drive me nuts when you do that don't you?" Harry asked.

"Do what?"

"Chew on you lip when you're thinking."

"You don't like it?" Hermione asked looking up at Harry.

"On the contrary, it makes me want to snog you senseless," Harry replied.

"Well, what's stopping you?" Hermione asked as she started chewing on her lip intentionally while gazing into Harry's eyes. It was an invitation he couldn't refuse. With the perfect weather, the perfect location and the perfect person to be with, Harry and Hermione spent the next couple of hours just being a couple of teenagers in love. They even had Dobby bring them a basket of food for a small picnic lunch.

Their sense of serenity was interrupted when Harry felt his mirror get warm. It had taken him a few seconds to realize it was the mirror and not the closeness of Hermione that was causing the heat.

"Sirius is calling," Harry said.

"Hand me the mirror," Hermione replied as she pulled out her wand and performed the muffliato charm. Harry handed over the mirror and she put it inside of an open book and they both pretended to be studying it. Looking down, they saw the mug of Harry's godfather looking back.

"Hey pup," He said. "Been thinking about what you want me to do, and what you want me to do also Hermione. I'm going to need more information about that night at the Ministry to put together some kind of plan. It would help if you can tell me how many Death Eaters, where they were positioned when you first met them, what their reactions where, things like that. I'm planning on getting a couple of the order members involved."

"You can't..." Hermione started,

"Of course I'm not going to tell them anything," Sirius said, cutting off the objection, "but I'm going to suggest since the Order is guarding the prophecy, we should have a plan to react if Voldemort makes an attempt to take it by force. You said only a few of us showed up that night. I think I can be there with a lot more this time."

"I like that plan, but what about Dumbledore?" Harry asked. "If Voldemort shows up again, we'll need him getting there. Also don't forget to make sure you have a way out of there yourself. We need Aurors to show to see Voldemort, but I don't want you captured."

"I'll think of something," Sirius assured him.

"Okay, we'll write down what we remember and get it to you," Harry said.

"And Hermione, I just want to say thanks," Sirius said with a grin. "I really did need a kick in the butt didn't I?"

"You just needed to know you're needed Sirius," Hermione replied. "And trust me when I say we need you. Harry needs his family, plus without you, Harry had no protection from Dumbledore."

"I think you're his family now, Mrs. Potter," Sirius said with a smirk.

"And you think I can keep him in line without help?" Hermione replied smiling. She really was enjoying that title.

"Good point. He is a troublesome cub isn't he?" Sirius replied. He glanced over his shoulder and then turned back to the mirror. "I really can't believe the difference in Kreacher. The little guy has been cleaning non-stop. Well I'll leave you two to whatever you were doing."

"We…we were just studying." Hermione said. "Getting ready for our OWLs."

"From the looks of your hair and lips, I'd say your studying is getting a little too personal," Sirius said with a grin.

"Oh shut it Sirius," Harry replied. "You're just jealous."

"Well considering I'm starting to think Buckbeak is attractive, you might say that," Sirius as his grin widened. "But I really am happy for the both of you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to help Kreacher."

Once the mirror had been stored, they started writing down the things they remembered from the Ministry. "This would be a lot easier if we just had Dumbledore's Pensieve," Harry grumbled.

Hermione's eyes shot up to his. "Of course, why didn't I think of that? We can borrow it."

"It's locked in Dumbledore's office remember," Harry said as he thought of the device he'd used to view Snape's memories just the previous day, two years in the future. "Even Umbridge can't get in there."

"But it's not Harry. Professor Snape has it. Remember your Occlumency lessons," Hermione reminded him. "Even if he has stopped giving you lessons at this time, he couldn't have returned it to Professor Dumbledore's office."

"You're right. So I just have to steal it from his office," Harry said.

"No, I have to steal it from his office, while you are in sight of him," Hermione corrected him. "You will be his primary suspect and we need you to have the perfect alibi, Professor Snape himself."

"Have I mentioned how brilliant you are?"

"You might have mentioned it once or twice along the way," Hermione replied.

"How about how beautiful you are?"

"You're a little behind with that considering we have been soul mates for so long," Hermione said.

"I better start catching up then," Harry murmured as he pulled Hermione back into his arms.


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