
Secrets Unveiled

"Read this professor" Harry said when one of his house elves popped in and gave him a note, Snape read it before burning it. The elf gave him a flower which everyone soon realised was a port key, Snape was teleported away. While Harry and Ginny stood there looking triumphantly.

"Fidelius charm" Ginny spoke "so don't bother asking where he went, now if that'll be all, me and my husband have a party to go to"

"Bye Dumbles" Harry waved cheerily as the two went away, as they exited the door they briefly heard Dumbledore's voice.


"Thirty thousand points to Gryffindor" Harry whispered, and the points were added straight back to Gryffindor's tally. Harry and Ginny laughed all the way back to the common room when they met the rest of the house. The common room was covered with party decorations, the photo of a shirtless Harry was back on the wall and there was tons of food. Everyone, bar Ron and Hermione who were sulking in the corner, looked to be having fun. Harry noticed that Fleur and Victor Krum were also there along with Cedric, Daphne and her sister Astoria.

"Harry! Gin-Gin!" The twins exclaimed as they bound towards the two "what happened?"

"Oh Harry pissed of Dumbledore and mother for life and got Snape to no longer work at Hogwarts anymore" Ginny answered "Snape is now our private tutor, Mums probably redder than her hair, Bills probably trying not to laugh and Dumbledore is probably more angry with Harry than he has ever been with anyone ever."

"Well done young Marauder" Fred patted his back

"Yes, you did us and the name proud" George added

"Speaking of you two" Harry called for Stink who appeared with a heavy bag of gold, Harry shrunk it down to the size of a hand and handed it to the twins "that's my winnings from the tournament. I want you two to have it so you can open up that shop you wanted"

"But Harry" George spoke, Fred seemed unable to do anything "we can't this is too much"

"It's not and it's not charity" Harry responded "I'm doing it because you're my friends and my family, it also helps that you're my brothers in law"

"Just think of it as an investment" Ginny spoke when she saw the twins were about to argue "Harry's investing in your shop, make him a silent partner. You don't have to send us money but do it if it makes you feel better"

"But you really don't need to send us money" Harry replied "trust me this wouldn't even make a dent in my money, and as Ginny said think of it as a investment. If you two become successful then you annoy Ron , you can move away from your mother and prove her wrong while simultaneously making her furious, and if your pranks end up in the school and cause Dumbledore some problems then so be it. Money well spent I think." The twins looked at each other, Harry began wondering once again if the two had their own form of telepathic communication.

"Very well" Fred nodded "you drive a hard bargain"

"That he does Fred, but we accept the money"

"However we will"

"Make you a partner and"

"You will get twenty-five per cent of our earnings"

"We're not budging on that"

"Fine" Harry agreed and the four all shook hands "I'd advise hiding that before your brother finds out and rats you to your mother and I'd advise not letting her know until you're a safe distance away so she can't steal your money."

"Good point" The twins nodded and took the money upstairs

"What was that about?" Ron asked when he and Hermione came over

"Oh, nothing important" Harry smiled "now can I help you two?"

"Yeah actually" Ron turned red "where were you and my sister yesterday?! Nobody saw either of you after the tournament! Where did you go?!"

"Well Ronald" Ginny smiled and placed her hand in Harry's "me and my husband spent the night together"

"HUSBAND?!" Hermione screamed in shock, all eyes turned to them

"Hey listen up everybody" Harry addressed the common room as he let go of Ginny's hand and stood up on a chair "we're celebrating today because of three reasons. The first being the school year has nearly ended" Cheers filled the room "the second being I won the tri-wizard tournament and the third being this lovely woman." Ginny stood up on the chair with him and waved at the crowd

"I'd like to introduce Ginny Potter!" The room erupted with cheers, Harry was pretty sure that they could be heard all the way in Azkaban. The two stepped down where all the men congratulated Harry and the girls did the same with Ginny, Harry saw Ginny showing off her ring to the girls.

"But…But you can't be married" Hermione interrupted "you're not of age"

"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve" Ginny replied

"How did you do it?" Hermione desperately wanted to know

"Simple, he asked and I accepted. Sorry but that's all we're willing to tell you, have fun not knowing"

"Ginny" Astoria spoke "does that mean that you're moving in with Harry?"

"No she isn't it!" Ron interrupted

"Yes I am" Ginny ignored Ron "I'm going to move in a day or two after school finishes, maybe a week at the most but I will be moving in."

"No you won't" Ron shouted

"Why not?" Ginny replied confidently "the marriage made me of age and I am Harrys wife so technically I see no reason why I can't move in. Sorry Ron, but looks like you have to do all those chores on your own"

"What do you mean?" Fleur asked

"Well mum makes us all do chores" Ginny explained "but since Bill, Charlie and Percy have moved out and I am going to as well then that just leaves Ron and the twins. The twins were already making up for Bill and Charlie being gone and I was making up for Percy being gone. But now Ron will have to make up for me and Percy."

"This is so not fair!" Ron shouted

"I guess you're glad to be out of the house" Daphne spoke to Ginny

"Shut it snake" Ron demanded "what are you doing in our common room anyway?" The room fell silent

"I'm a relative from the grooms side" Daphne coolly responded

"And a friend of the brides" Ginny added and nudged Daphne's arm

"Plus I asked permission from your head of house and the rest of the common room to be here."

"How could you all let a snake in here?!" Ron looked around the room

"Seeing as we've let actual snakes in here, I don't think they're a problem" Neville joked

"So if Harry brought in a vampire you'd let him?"

"Yes" The entire common room responded

"What if he brought in a dementor?"

"Why would I do that?" Harry asked "although if I theoretically did let a dementor in then I'd ask everyone if I could first then I'd keep it under control with a patronus charm and I'd provide everyone with chocolate after"

"You can do a patronus charm?" Hermione asked

"Yeah, I tried it in my third year then I taught Ginny, watch" Harry raised his wand and soon a bright white light blinded everyone temporarily as a white Phoenix flew from his wand, Ginny did the same and another Phoenix was in the room. The two flew around for a bit before disappearing.

'Hey Gin' Harry spoke telepathically while everyone was distracted by the Phoenixes 'at the end of the year tell everyone you're going to stay in Diagon Alley until I come and pick you up, but I want you to actually go and stay with Percy for a day or two, okay?' Ginny nodded at Harry who winked at her.


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