
36. Master (3)

I opened my eyes as instead of the chirping of the birds or the gentle call of my maid I heard the whispers of someone around me.

"Ah, she's awake!"

"Happy birthday!"

Two faces squished into my field of vision one blob of pink and another of white both had twinkling golden eyes and eager smiles on their faces.

For a moment, I was disoriented but then I recalled that it was my eleventh birthday today. It had been five months since I started my new life as Reina.

At first, I had thought that I might not for the world be able to adjust to the affection of these people but with time they managed to get past the walls of my heart. They were now enough important for me to think of them as my own people.

I sat up and looked at my father and my brother sitting on the edge of my bed smiling.

"Good morning, Reina!"

"Good morning!"

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