
McGonagall's Bold Stand

Harry's tone was carefully modulated, not a hint of emotion could be found in his voice as he spoke, "These," Harry indicated with a graceful wave of his hand, "are precisely why we are here, Professor McGonagall."

Confused, Minerva turned her focus to Albus. She saw his eyes flinch just a bit and then his usual mask slipped back into place. That was all of the confirmation that she needed. She knew now that Albus had done something underhanded to Harry. The questions burning in her mind were 'How bad is this going to be and why did Dumbledore do it?'

Hermione understood almost immediately what Harry meant when his hand swept over those innocent looking baubles. This was the perfect opportunity to remove the Monitoring Charm in such a way that Professor Dumbledore would never be able to deny what he had done in the first place.

Severus had enough of these petty games that Potter was playing, in frustration, he growled out, "Enough of this nonsense, Potter. Let's get down to the real reason why you two are here today. Attacking another student in the halls is a serious breach of the rules." His anger palpable, he turned to Albus and said, "Headmaster, they should be suspended."

Harry and Hermione both remained silent through Snape's accusations. Hermione had attacked a student in the halls but it was in defense of Harry.

When neither student denied the accusation, Snape pressed his advantage. His voice returned to its usual low, silky, tone when he spoke, "You see, Headmaster? They don't even deny their guilt. Surely, you must agree that they should be suspended?"

Harry's voice was low, almost a whisper, when he spoke, "Have you forgotten that I was attacked from behind, Professor? Surely, you talked to the other students that witnessed the entire encounter?" When Snape didn't reply, Harry continued, "No? Would you like their names? I'm sure that they could all tell you the truth about what really happened in the hall earlier today. Finally, why don't we talk about the fact that you tried to read my mind using Legilimency, without my permission."

Minerva had heard enough to piece together a very good idea of what had happened earlier in the hall from Harry's explanation. She knew that her two Gryffindors should not be suspended for what had happened. Perhaps Miss Granger should receive a detention or two, but only if Miss Parkinson received the same punishment. She was torn from her thoughts when Mr. Potter mentioned Severus using Legilimency on him.

Angrier than she had ever been with him in the past, she rounded on Severus and snarled, "How dare you use Legilimency on a student! If I so much as hear that you have used that on another student, I will see to it personally that you are terminated immediately." Her voice had a menacing quality to it as she completed her rant; there was a promise of more than just a sacking in her voice.

Snape's only response to Minerva's tirade was a quirked eyebrow. He was not concerned about the threat. Dumbledore told him to keep an eye on Potter and that is what he was doing. Using Legilimency just furthered his ability to keep tabs on the boy.

Dumbledore already knew all about the entire encounter. It had happened in front of an occupied portrait that had informed him of every detail. He had been intending to use the event to forgive Hermione in order to indebt her to him.

He had not counted on a few things. First, when Severus made such a big deal out of the altercation and second, Harry's insistence that Professor Snape didn't interview the witnesses before passing judgment and his lack of providing Harry immediate medical care if needed. The part about using Legilimency did not faze him in the slightest because he did it to everyone around him on a regular basis. He was just far better at the skill and hadn't been caught; besides, he justified that it was for the Greater Good that he used his skills.

Coming to a conclusion, he said to Miss Granger, "Even though you were defending Mr. Potter, you did injure another student. The loss of points shall stand and you will have a week of detentions with Professor McGonagall.

He paused to study the young witch sitting in front of him. She did not seem contrite at all, if anything, she looked a bit defiant. Albus quickly realized why Miss Granger looked so defiant and he made sure to correct the issue before she truly despised him. "Miss Parkinson will also loose the same number of house points and have the same number of detentions with Professor Snape.

Hermione's posture relaxed a bit as the headmaster passed judgment. She really didn't care about the points or the detentions; she just didn't want to be separated from Harry.

Had Dumbledore realized that fact, he would have suspended her. Then he could have let her come back to the school early under certain conditions. Instead, he missed a golden opportunity.

Deciding that the meeting was at an end, Dumbledore said, "Minerva, if you could return Mr. Potter and Miss Granger to Gryffindor Tower, we have other things to discuss."

Surprising her superior, Minerva said, "Not yet, Headmaster. I believe that Mr. Potter has some questions about these trinkets." as she waved her hand towards the items on the table next to her.

In his most persuasive tone, Dumbledore said, "Perhaps we should continue this later. My schedule is very full today."

A voice that was as hard as granite cut across the gap in conversation, "No. We are going to talk about why each one of these items is tied to me through a Monitoring Charm in some way, shape, or form."

The silence in the room was palpable it was so complete. The only noises were from the few items in Dumbledore's office that moved on their own. After a few tense seconds, Professor Snape, with sarcasm dripping from his voice, scoffed, "Do you honestly believe that these tiny baubles are tied to you through a Monitoring Charm? Your arrogance truly knows no bounds."

Minerva had been watching Dumbledore during Severus' tirade, looking for any type of reaction. When he didn't even move to reject Mr. Potter's suggestion, she decided to act. Her voice was formal in its tone when she asked, "Mr. Potter, would you mind if I checked you for any spells upon your person?"


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