
A Ride with Natalie

Harry exited his apartment while wearing black trainers, blue jeans, a grey shirt and a black jacket, he had a helmet in his hand and was about to close his door when the door opposite opened to reveal Natasha who was wearing black knee high boots, blue jeans, a red shirt under a brown jacket and had her hair in a ponytail.

"Oh hi." She smiled at him.

"Hi, going somewhere?" He asked while masterfully keeping his face blank.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go to look around the local shops. Though...I don't really know where they are." She said awkwardly as she pulled her phone out, "good thing I can just use this to find out." She added as she gestured to her phone. "what about you?" She asked.

"I'm just going out for a drive." Harry replied. "If I don't force myself to go out then I would probably stay in my apartment for the rest of my life." He added with a small shrug.

"Well if you don't have a specific destination then maybe you can drop me off." She suggested. "I'll pay for fuel or whatever if you need it, and I only plan to pick up a few things. I mean...if it's no bother." She said with a hopeful look. Harry paused, he would usually make some excuse but he stopped himself, letting her think things would go her way would probably beneficial to him and if he learnt more about her at the same time then even better.

"Fine, I'll just go in and get another helmet." Harry said before he went back into his apartment, he summoned his wand into his hand and conjured another helmet before his wand disappeared. Harry took the helmet and walked back and tossed it to Natasha who caught it easily. Harry closed and locked the door, he was not really that worried about someone entering the apartment after he left, his magical defenses would stop that.

Once he locked it he nodded to Natasha and began walking with her following after him.

"Thanks." Natasha said. "By the way I don't think I have actually given you my name."

"You haven't." Harry nodded.

"Well I am Natalie," She replied. "Natalie Rushman." She said.

"Hmm." Harry hummed as he tried to think up a response before he eventually just decided to not say anything. The two walked in silence until they were out the building with Harry remembering that part of the reason he didn't talk to other people was because he had no idea how to.

"Nice bike." She said when they arrived at Harry's bike. "How much did it cost?" She asked as she put her helmet on.

"A few hundred, it was second hand." Harry answered. When Harry had actually gotten the bike it was heavily damaged and the original owner didn't want to pay for it to be repaired, not a problem for a wizard who could repair it with a wave of a wand so Harry brought it. Once it was ready to go Natasha sat behind him. She wrapped her arms around his middle as she sat closer than necessary with her front pressed against his back.

"I am ready to go if you are." She whispered in a slightly husky voice.

Harry didn't respond but instead just drove off, as he drove he could not help but notice the small shivers that went through her body every couple of minutes, he probably only noticed thanks to how close they were, he also could not help but notice how her hands would stay perfectly still but occasionally slide slightly higher or lower.

Harry was well aware of what she was doing, it wasn't the first time a beautiful girl had used her body and seduction to get him to lower his guard. He was tempted to call her out on it but decided to let her continue to play her games, he would stay vigilant.

As he drove Harry felt a tingle from one of his wards at his apartment, it was an alert ward which told him that someone was trying to get in his apartment. At this point Harry's first few magical activated, nothing too extreme but it would keep anyone from getting into his apartment. Harry wanted to go back and deal with it but it he knew that he did not need to do anything unless another ward activated and it would take a strong magic user or destroying the entire wall to get past the first ward.

Eventually Harry arrived at the local shops, he had parked his bike and allowed Natalie/Natasha to get off.

"Thanks," She smiled after she took her helmet off, she took out her phone and checked the time. "hey um...it's twelve...do you want to come with me to go get some chips or something? My treat." She offered.


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