
A Mage and A Magical Girl Walk Into A Bar

An Esoteric Mage

Day 1

I was found by a rabbit that is normally the sign of a forboden omen to come. However in this case, I was saved by said rabbit. I was heavily injured and on the brink of death before I managed to escape to this interesting forest. Those cult followers I stopped from summoning actual demons and not devils would have caused some chaos had I not done something about it. The demons are a purely evil race and what Lucifer had based some of the original satans off of. Although I have it on good authority that Leviathan was an attempt to copy the true goddess of all liquid forms. 

Yet, she pales in comparison to her due to the fact that the satan Leviathan only has vast control of the seas and water in its purest form. That's besides the point though, I'm getting off track. Some remnants of that cult have been trying to track me down for a long time but I managed to escape to this cave within the forest, and a good amount of devils, and fallen have been trying to recruit me into their upcoming war efforts. 

I of course just wanted to keep to myself and further my power with the magic capabilities I had. I may only be human, but I have lived for longer than most natural humans have. Necromancy does have some benefits after all. 

Day 2

The rabbit has been sharing its spoils with me whenever it goes on hunts within the forest. Due to this, it allowed me to keep within the cave since the magical presence that I felt outside of here was overwhelming. I don't even know how I survived to the point that I took occupancy within this cave without being attacked by the residents of the forest. 

The rabbit itself has not left after observing me for a period of time, even though records have shown that the eyes of the Golem Goddess tend to only watch over beings in short spurts before leaving. What will come of this? I had no idea, I just decided to take this opportunity and further my power while under the protection of them. 

Day 30

I have taken it upon myself to update my journal with my findings after a good time has passed. On top of my natural necromancy, I started to feel a foreign energy attached to my own soul. After further research, it is not detrimental to me, and in fact removed any preconceived limits I had on my own potential that I was starting to reach the end of. 

I started rebuilding my undead army and expanding the cave. The corpses that the rabbit has brought to me over the course of the month have started to increase, so I used them to create undead chimeras. Although I say chimeras, they were created in the shape of humanoid creatures due to me needing the utility that would bring so they could create tools, and expand the cave easier. It was somewhat difficult at first due to each body being animalistic in nature, but I made due with my knowledge of the make-up of the human body. 

Day 90

The cave has been expanded into a cavern, and the rabbit has sponsored me proper equipment for a home. Advanced hygiene technology from the goddess herself called a shower, fueled by my own magic to produce the necessary water. A comfortable bed, a closet with different sets of my favorite styles of robes, and more casual clothing. I was even provided a desk and computer so that I could do better research, no longer needing to write down in my journal, and also utilize a portion of the golem network at large. 

I felt incredibly thankful to my sponsor, although I know it wasn't due to the Golem Goddess herself. Perhaps one of her divine children? Although I didn't know which one, I will have to see as I utilize the computer.

Day 150

After expanding the cave to the point that it became a fortified base, I discovered two things about my situation. The first being that the foreign energy that was attached to my soul was a blessing that not only gave me the capability of almost limitless potential, it also gave me higher capabilities in all forms of liquid magic. This led to my second discovery of who my sponsor was. The true Leviathan herself and goddess of all things liquid, Levi. One of the biggest reasons I was suspicious of this is because I delved into playing games on the computer in my free time. 

I started playing a particularly interesting one called Baldur's Gate 3. Video games were a somewhat foreign concept to me, but I got a popup message one day to play this game with someone that had the username 'Mystical Sea Mistress', so I played along with them, not wanting to disappoint my sponsor. I had to be taught a lot of what a turn-based rpg was, and that my decisions within this game could not be changed since we were playing a particular mode she dubbed: Ironman mode. We started playing this game about two months ago, and have been playing it everyday since. 

It also allowed me to further some of my magical studies into schools of magic that didn't involve necromancy. Then whenever I had certain questions like: 'What would be the inner structure of this spell?' Or 'Can this spell be utilized and combined with multiple elements at the same time?' In the case of spells like magic missile. My sponsor and I started initially communicating via text chat, but after a month into the initial contact, she started speaking with me via sigil call. Sigil call was an interesting spell that allowed the user to speak with another across varying distances depending on their magical capability. 

I currently did not have the means to cast it since Levi (who forced me to call her just that) is in an entirely different dimension. She has told me that with my growing capacity, that I will be able to do so on my own eventually, so I had to rely on voice chat whenever I wanted to reach out to her.

Day 330

Today was a somewhat big day for me. I have been preparing a ritual to create a new body for myself. It is how I have lived so long, by creating new bodies, either through fleshcrafting, or different rituals. Shifting between different creatures, genders, what have you. This time however, I had help in the form of what Levi would say: 'The Big Guns'. 

"So you're the online friend that Levi has had all this time. You are a peculiar one that's for sure, although very reclusive." Miss Circi was not wrong about their statement, ever since my underground home was properly established, I saw no need to go out. 

"I am the one she has decided to sponsor, yes. Although I have yet to understand why, I appreciate her blessings all the same." Miss Circi gave me an appreciative nod, although Levi was pouting at me for the professionalism. 

"Come on Jewel! Why did ya have to go all professional like for Circi? Just be yourself, it's not gonna hurt you to do so!" Levi, the endless bundle of energy that she is, stated to me from a short distance away as I stood in the center of the ritual circle.

"While that may be the case Levi, I would still rather keep professional with your siblings. I do not want to draw your mother's ire, let's not even talk about your father." She smirked at me, then took a seat on a chair as she watched Circi prepare the ritual.

"Is there a particular form you were looking to take? This ritual itself is fairly fascinating, but the body isn't really chosen by you, but rather it has you take on the ideal form to handle your magic and potential. It's probably the reason you couldn't do this ritual in the past and had to regularly make different bodies, due to the vast amount of magic required to do this in the first place. I would ask what spurred this on, but Levi told me that your body was starting to fall apart, even though it doesn't visually seem like it. You probably had about 48 hours before your current body fell apart from not being able to handle the blessing you were given, and the new capabilities you have." Circi's statement seemed to have spurred some emotion from Levi, but she held back due to me getting a new body.

"I don't have any particular preferences to be honest, as long as it's humanoid. I have been everything from a mouse, to a lion. Although I was naturally born as a human, my further studies into necromancy have had me seek ways to make myself live longer. Of course I didn't want to delve into the darker side of it that would require things like sacrifices of different beings, so I took the more unconventional route and moved my soul into different bodies after creating them myself. The ritual aspect before this one would just find a body that didn't have a soul and put me inside of it, so this ritual is a very welcome change." Circi's eyes were practically shining, and Levi had a soothing smile on her face. 

"Alright, then we shall let nature take its course as they say, and see what happens." Circi started the ritual, then after a few seconds, I lost sense of my body. 


Jewel was a fun person. Although they are more of a hermit due to the fact that they stayed in their room underground all day and let their undead source things for them. Including hunting for food, cooking, cleaning, expanding the cave, and more. I originally found interest in them due to my study on necromancy. I wanted to delve into a different style of magic than my norm, on the off chance that I ever find an opponent that is immune to liquids, and the various forms it can take. 

Although the possibility of that is damn near impossible, it's not zero, so I have been looking into necromancy. Due to this, Sebby sent over his view of a particular mage through our ar glasses. Several months into observing Jewel, I started to sponsor them and play games with them. It was fun to have a complete noob at video games in general to play games with, and teach them the inner workings of it. We started with Baldur's Gate 3, then It Takes Two, we even played games like lethal company with a few of my other siblings when they had the time. I tended to play games with them on my off time, which I started to have more, and more of as I went out to fish less often.

Don't get me wrong, I still trained on a daily basis, and never slacked on gaining more power to prepare myself for the future. But, my three mothers all told me that I should enjoy myself while I had the time to do so. So that is what I did, plus, using the training area that had a time dilation enchantment tends to work wonders. After Sebby and Circi cracked the code on that with Ma's help, it allowed everyone to have plenty of free time. So I may or may not have slipped a time dilation enchantment within Jewels room that would activate whenever we play games together. Although it would disable whenever we played with anyone else. I'm certain that Jewel wouldn't mind regardless though.

99% of the games we played, we played co-op. Outside of the occasional cod matches that we played together against various members of the golem race on the online server that Ma created for it. I never really had someone I could call a friend until I met Jewel. I haven't known them for that long, but they were my best friend, so there wasn't much I wouldn't do to help them. When they told me a bit about their history, and why they had to change bodies regularly, I immediately enlisted Circi's help. Sebastian was busy 90% of the time, Although this did draw Ma's attention, her, Miss Jess, and Miss Jane all gave me a thumbs up. They were all planning something, but I wasn't sure what.

I did in fact figure out what said surprise was once Jewel took on their new body. Although Circi said that the ritual itself decided what body they would take, it would not surprise me if one of my moms did something to it somehow. Jewel was not a he anymore, they were now a she. Jewel's hair grew to the point that it reached their lower back and took on a darker teal blue color. Her face was very round but not quite spherical in nature. They had big lips, a somewhat angular nose, a darker skin tone, freckles across their face, along with serpent-like green eyes. Her breasts were more modest at around C-cup in size, a somewhat thin waist, thick hips, a rear that might as well be shaped like cannon balls, and thighs for days. 

She also happened to be completely naked, with her slit shown in full view. There was a small thicket of hair above it, and there was an almost perfect v shape that properly spaced it between her thighs. Not only was the sight breathtaking for me, if Circi wasn't right next to me right now, I would jump Jewel right now. I already saw them as my bestie, the form she took now? Temptation was putting it extremely lightly.

"Hmm, it has been some time since I took on a more feminine form. I can feel that this body seems to be some type of evolved homo-sapien. Or perhaps enlightened. Regardless, I do believe that I can no longer age, and should be able to grow unimpeded from now on. There has also been a significant increase in my power as well, although I can't say I am quite at Ultimate-class levels, I am getting close. I will have to test out my body to the fullest with time." After Jewel did a metaphorical or metaphysical scan of their body and went over how they felt, they looked back towards Circi, then me.

When she saw the look I was giving her, which I assumed was a rather wild look, she had the gall to smirk at me, then wink, before using magic to put on a robe that did nothing to hide the insane curves her body had. 

"I do apologize Levi as this is neither the time, nor the place for that kind of thing. Although I won't be opposed to that sort of thing in the future, you do have to understand that you have to at least take me out to dinner a few times before you devour me with your eyes. The cake isn't a lie here, but you need to at least enjoy the meal before you dive straight for the dessert." This sadistic bitch. They had to have been influenced by Dad. There is no other way. They got my engine going like this and decided I needed to take them out on a date first? 

Circi even had the nerve to giggle at their antics. The damn prude herself! Fuck, why is the embarrassment of the situation kina hot? Circi moved off to the side for a bit and was examining the residue of the ritual circle for a bit. Jewel though, walked towards me and slithered her finger on the top of my throat, to the underside of my chin, so I was facing up at her since she was taller than me, at around Circi's height. 

"I'm sure you will be upset if I don't give you something though, so here is a little taste of what could be in the future." Before I could register her words properly, she pulled me in for a kiss. A long and deep one, where our tongues collided. Her tongue won easily though with clear experience in doing things like this in comparison to my own. Also the fact that her tongue was so long that it could probably reach her neck and was currently playing with the upper and underside of her mouth. 

I felt a cold shiver as she released me from her grasp and licked her lips once we finished our kiss. Could I have stopped it at any time? Yes. Would I? Dear goddess no. I never had any form of sexual contact before and just that alone felt amazing. 

"I hope for both of our sakes that we can continue further in the future. I would love to just eat you up, but its better for us both if we wait. Although, don't keep me waiting too long on those dates, I'll be here at any time ya know? And no, playing games with each other does not count." She stuck her tongue out before heading down a tunnel leading to her bedroom, while shifting her hips left and right. I could swear that her cheeks made a heart shape as it shifted back and forth. I could barely register the fact that Circi was in a full blown laughter at this point before she teleported away.


I wonder what it would be like to dominate a goddess? Not in the morally questionable type of way, but in the bdsm/sexual type of way. Madam Jess and Jane have been giving me ideas. While their time in the bedroom and the things that the Golem God does to them has been fascinating. I didn't grow a true appreciation for it until I learned more and more about Levi. The girl loves attention, but barely has any experience with flirting, let alone anything sexual since she was a virgin apparently. 

I didn't believe it at first until her mothers confirmed it for me. For some reason they already approved of me. All three of them, they said, and I quote: 'You will be able to help rein in Levi and her antics easier'. While Bob does amazing work, he is still Levi's direct subordinate. Even if he is more powerful than her. I spoke in length with Bob as well and have learned to appreciate the dedication he has to his work in making sure Levi doesn't go on the wrong path, and to protect her. 

I also found it interesting that Levi had a dream of a harem. The golem god said that she prayed to him almost every night for a successful one. I guess I will have to lead the charge on that one and make sure that no hussies try to join and take advantage of her. While Levi is extremely smart, she can be ignorant of many things that I will need to teach her so that she has less walls blocking her in the future.

On top of all of that, she is fun to tease. Watching the girl squirm under just a kiss with tongue was wonderful. Although my new tongue was much longer than the one I had before, it wasn't the first time I had a long tongue. I'm sure I will have plenty of time to put it to use. Now to relax for a bit and relieve myself since Levi wasn't the only one hot and bothered by that situation. I just didn't leave a puddle in my wake.


I was laughing up a storm with Jess and Jane behind me as we watched the events that just played out from the rabbit that is always around Jewel. Levi's path to gaining a harem will be difficult if she can barely handle that type of flirtation. Although it seems like Jess wanted to teach Jewel personally, not just magically, but on a few other things as well. All three of us have been doing so for a while now since we have been playing a bit of matchmaker to Levi's particular fetishes. Let's just say that she shares some similarities with Jess and Jane in that regard and leave it at that, at least for now. 

I took on my male form and grabbed a certain leather tool that cracked and sent shivers up Jess and Jane's spines. Yeah, those somewhat sadistic implications that Jewel has going on? I'm gonna amplify those even further with the things I've been teaching them. My little protege that I gave full permission for a relationship with Levi. Someone needs to be the head honcho of her budding harem and teach her how to handle one. Jewel will be the one to do so. Levi has a big heart, is very smart, but she is still somewhat spoiled by everyone, so she is naive in certain aspects that Jewel can help with. 

Although Jewel meeting Levi in the first place was not something any of us expected. Sebastian was the one to kick start that, and it only happened because of Levi's interest in the more interesting side of necromancy. I didn't even need to play matchmaker at all since the two just clicked with each other the moment they started playing video games. They even started watching shows and movies together as well. At this point the only one I'm worried about would be Circi, but we have time. I'm certain she will find someone in the coming years, or century if she is unlucky.


A.N. There will most likely be a lot more chapters in coming, I'm gonna write as much as I possibly can for all of my fics to see how far I can take it.

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