
Get me her blood!

-For the tale of old, lived a girl whose blood was a deadly weapon to every blood sucker, and every supernatural creatures.

-This was to save her from the hands of the evil ones who did not want any goddess or blood relative to roam the earth.

-Who knew that this blood, which was her shield, would one day become her curse and tarnish everything into endless broken pieces.

"Get me her blood," became Saul's endless mantra.

He growled, glaring at the new company standing in front of his throne. He crossed his legs, arms raised, the white cape he wore hanging loosely as if mirroring his loosening grip on his senses.

The only reason he had not sent his rogues to attack them upon sensing their presence earlier was because he had expected them to bring the human girl. "Get me her blood," he repeated impatiently.

Sebastian frowned, a sword at his waist, hazel eyes narrowed at Saul. "Where is he?"

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