
Family Reunited

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The Raven Queen, or as I knew her, Regina Corvus, leaned into my lapel as her tears wettened my rather swanky self-repairing black trench coat and white shirt. My right hand ran through her raven hair as her rather bountiful body gracefully pressed into my own. Memories flooded me but I retained decorum and simply held her softly and close.

My feelings for Regina were as deep as those of Milim and Shuna's within my heart... The memory-based sensations of merely holding her bringing me back to my previous persona, Silvius. The dark version of me, had in fact been my own anger and insufficiency when I had been a god. It seemed that my mothers had completely withheld that knowledge from me until I gained a certain level of power or got in contact with family.

These were all inconsequential however as the entire pantheon of Exandria, my original home world, was standing before me... My brothers and sisters gazing at the two of us with complicated and completely stunned expressions. Asmodeus, the little minx of a trickster that he was, narrowed his eyes towards me and Regina as his hand slipped to his side. Pelor, my younger brother, was intensely shining as radiant yellow sunbursts pilfered the entire area of their colours, he was angered and thinking that they had been betrayed. Ioun, in opposition to the rest of the gods who were somewhere in between Pelor and Asmodeus in emotional state, had her eyes flickering as she searched her memory banks, her scrolls and lore.

Sarenrae was the only god yet to actually change her mood as she seemed sympathetic of me and her sister, Regina. It seemed my family had finally accepted her as actual family and looked after her as such. A smile etched itself onto my face as Pelor spoke up.

"You betray us!?" Regina turned at his tone, anger flashing in her eyes as her pupils flared in crimson energy.

"Shut up! You don't even recognise her!?" Confusion marred his actual face as Asmodeus frowned deeply, his horns spouting fire for a few second until they faded into vacant atmosphere.

"Silviana... Sil... Silv... Silvius... SILVIUS!?" Ioun figured it out in mere seconds as she plucked a scroll from her robes, my name clearly shining on it as reality shuddered from the weight of my previous name. Pelor froze, his sunlight dimming down in an instant. Asmodeus gulped and started whistling as he turned his head upwards. Lolth dropped to her knees as she started to cry, her being my youngest sister and the one who spent most of her time with me. Sarenrae teleported forwards and hugged me deeply, her voluptuous form smothering my face as Regina bristled at the close contact that she and I shared.

"Hello Sareneth! Long time no see..." 

"Brother...!" I excused the outburst as she was giddily jumping whilst hugging me, her tact and eloquence fading in an instant. At the same time Kord walked up behind her and laughed, Sareneth stepping back to let my twin brother give me a brotherly hug.

"Hahaha! Brother, you are surely elusive and hard to track."

"That's because I literally faded away..."

He gave me a complicated look before nodding, patting my back for a few moments as he scanned my soul. They were still cautious, as even Sareneth had given me an in-depth search for deception. At this moment both of them turned to the rest and nodded, my brothers and sisters stepping forwards. Some were awkward, mainly Asmodeus, Gruumsh, Torog, Bane and Lolth. Others were cordial beyond measure, specifically Bahamut and Tiamat who were ecstatic to see me again. We had always hung out and played around inventing cool stuff, especially Draco-liches, they were truly funny things that were useful tools to battle elementals and stuff.

Moradin was rather neutral with me, respectful but loving in his own way... He wasn't one for physical contact, he preferred to spread gifts to share his love. It was a part of the mortals he served to create, the Dwarves. Melora was my elder sister and looked so tired and worn... her divinity had obviously taken a toll on her since I had left. Erathis, another elder sister, was smiling proudly at everyone as this was the closest she had seen them in a long time. I gave her a wink which caused a hearty laugh to come from her. 

Avandra was the next to give me a hug, her hair changing colours all of the time. A new addition to her looks which I had not seen in the past. She was much more goth in past, as if to copy the aesthetic of my death domain.

"Lil-sis, you changed your style...! What happened?"

"Pfft. I changed, rascal."

"Good, good... I was tired of explaining to people that I was the actual god of death."

She playfully hit me before stepping back and letting Lolth step forwards. Her form was slightly different now though as she looked like a spider woman. Eight eyes covered her face as she slowly extended out into a spider body. She was attempting to scare me into not giving her hugs... I didn't care though and lightly pulled Regina off of me, stepping forwards and hugging my lil-sis who was always hurting since my departure. 

"Lolth. How have you been?" Tears formed on her human face as I hugged her form despite its shape.

"brother..." She burst into tears as she turned into a human-like woman who was black-haired, pale-white skinned and rather thin. Her hair was greasy whilst her body was shaking. It was either her tears or shivers, I wasn't sure which.

"Sister. I get it, you found your own motif, but please don't be too scary... The mortals will cry." She laughed at my joke, Asmodeus chuckling also, standing behind everyone else.

Torog, Tiamat and Gruumsh were next and they were horrifying in some ways. Torog especially was difficult for me to accept visually... But I worked through it, remembering how they used to look and just accepting that this was an illusion of what they thought of themselves... Self actualisation was a massive part of how gods operate, so when I mention motifs and looks, I was actually commenting on their self-believed virtues and feelings.

"Torog, little bro, you need to chill. You don't need to be that fucking edgy to be the god of Torture and Tunnels... Just look like a suave dude who mines, seriously!" He shrunk back a little but nodded. He always listened to me in the past, so I was glad that he at least listened to me now... Although I probably didn't deserve it.

"Tiamat, you look fucking gorgeous... Like what you've done with the multicoloured scales and heads. Super Cool! Although, perhaps you could calm i down with the whole killing mortals thing?" She looked super proud but frowned with my last comment, leaving me shrugging.

"Or don't... Fine... hahaha."

"Flesh... Blood... Hooks... Pain, we are all pain. Could you cause me pain, brother...? Sister...?"

"Thanks for noticing my different form bro Gruumsh. I am sorry that you have went insane a little. Trust me, when I ascend again I'll try to fix you right up!" He simply cackled, leading me to think that he accepted my efforts and wished for my success... I couldn't tell really.

"What happened to Zehir? isn't he here?" Ioun shrugged whilst she answered.

"Zehir is trapped on Exandria in a seal of my own creation... He was, too dangerous and threatened all of the world and us."

"Aww... That sucks. He was really good at cards." She chuckled at that as she kept a small distance from me, letting others complete their greetings first.

Sehanine and Bahamut just gave me soft hugs in their mortal forms, their actions rather quick as they realised that the two who wanted my attention most had yet to be given any time... Namely Pelor and Asmodeus.

Stepping away from the collection of brothers and sisters that had surrounded me I walked up to Pelor, my younger brother. And, Asmodeus, my other younger brother. They were both as pig-stubborn as each other and were always the two most likely to get into fights and shit. It was these two dunderheads who caused the divide and separated their siblings into different groups.

"Oi, lil bros, come here." Asmodeus stopped slowly creeping away into the shadows as Pelor rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me. Asmodeus slowly came closer after a few moments, until they were a couple metres away from me, only a little distance from each other. The next part was easy.


I took both of their heads and smacked them against one another, the echo causing many to wince as I used most of the physical strength that my clone had... Yes, this was still a clone.

""... Why?"" They copied each other's responses and then frowned at one another. They did not like that their reactions were almost exactly the same. Truly, they were something to behold, two stupid brothers who, whilst gods, were unintelligent when it came to relationships and familial bonds.

"Because you idiots caused a war that wiped out most of the mortals and split up our family!" Pelor tried to refute but winced as I rose my hands again. Asmodeus chose to be silent, intelligence finally suffusing his mind now that I had beaten some into them.

"You are both so fucking stubborn and emotionally undeveloped that you selfishly plunged most of the world into conflict because one doesn't like Mortals being better than him... And the other can't accept that other people may have different beliefs."

""Which one is which?"" They were fucking twins, i swear.

"You fucking know. Now stop being retarded and listen to me..." Silence was abound once again.

"You, fucked, up. Now, I don't have much to stand on because i fucking left. But I thought that my two younger bros would be able to put up with each other long enough for me to eventually come back... I mean, shit, I leave for five minutes and the whole world burnt and entire brilliant civilisations collapsed."

The Arch Heart, my really weird brother, nodded his head as a refined but deep British accent came out of him.

"Tell them sister... Their actions destroyed so much of my fun!"

"Secondly! Who the fuck are we to decide what is good for the mortals and what isn't? Yes we may have created them in a way, shaped them... But they are souls... trust me, some are much better than any of us. I saw enough of them."

My scolding stopped as they seemed crestfallen and wounded. They looked to one another angry, but simply pouted as they could do nothing under their elder brother's scrutiny.

"BUT! ANYWAY! How have you both been?"

""Good... I guess?""

"Great. I see you have become more deceitful Asmodeus."

"Mmm, yes?"

"Maybe if you stopped cowering away from your feelings you'd actually be able to be normal?" He acted wounded as I moved onto Pelor.

"Pelor, bro, you seriously became holier than thou, didn't you...?"

"Gold is cool though!" I sighed in hilarity.

"Yeah, i suppose it is... But in moderation! Jeeze, you look like a fucking greedy demon or something. Shit, if you didn't have Melora's nature-based trees here I'd say that you went full goblin mode." He looked confused and mildly offended as I described his entire aesthetic as demonic in greed. I couldn't really fucking say shit, but he didn't need to know that... Mammon Morgoth go BRRRRRR.

"Well! I know who I am now, you know me now... Can you all help me do this shit, or nah?" 


"Haha! Good!"

In that instant my body was teleported down to Exandria, into the same room where Caleb and Essek were, their hands raising with magic agleam as I appeared on the same wooden chair that I had left from.

"Sup boys! Willing to set up this anchor for me?"


'YES! I love it when a plan comes together!'


Whew... Had most of my work erased half way through the chapter... Hope you all enjoy it!

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