
chapter 24 Round 1

And I once again find myself in this empty space, I could move around so at least I could entertain myself. As I was thinking so Initel's will appeared in front of me.

Initel's will[ Alright time to inform you on somethings. First off their will be no fraternizing with other competitors, so if your not fighting you'll be here. As for your opponents you'll be paired with someone they'll think would be a good match, but I'll be honest they'll probably pair you up with someone they think will beat you easily and I don't plan on stopping that.

I'd like you to hold back until you really have to go all out but who knows when that'll be. Keep in mind you're all allowed to kill, but if you don't have to don't. It'd be nice to have someone admit defeat whether it would be themselves or their sponsors No matter what don't underestimate your opponents, they've been picked because not only are they capable but they also have something that'll set them apart from others. Whether that be a new gu, killer move, or anything else, it won't be something to scoff at. Do you have any questions?]

Shu[ How many fights will their be?]

Initel's will[ just three.]

Shu[ .... and how many will I need to win to get a talent increasing gu from you?]

Initel's will[ pfhahahahaha boy are you straight forward as you are greedy, but for now just do your best. Just know the better you do the higher the chance of getting what you want.]

Shu[ I'll do what I can]

Initel's will[ I'm sure you will.]

At that statement our conversation ended, so I spent my time taking out two of my metal spears. However the next thing I knew I was placed into a grassy plain, with a only one person infront of me. She was a beastman with the head of a red salamander and some type of a birds legs.

???[ lady's and gentlemen for our next match representing Rong clan is lady Monet Rong who specializes in transformation path much like the rest in her clan, and her opponent representing Hu clan is Shuidi Zhide Hu now this young dragon is apparently a strength path gu master. Place your bets now as in one minute all bets are final. As for the contestants you'll be allowed to begin in one minute or when you hear a bell.]

I kept my eyes on Monet and stabbed the spears lightly into the ground, and then took out well stored gu and brought out a few more spears and two spiked metal bats. As I was doing that Monet began to transform, what was once a beastwoman was now a ten foot long and tall pinkish axolotl, but what stood out about her was that a light pink liquid began to ooze out all over her. I saw some of the liquid fall and land on the ground. The ground began to sizzle and smoke as if lava had hit it.

(A/n imagine smiley from one piece)

I obviously can't physically touch her like that not unless I want to get seriously hurt. Well with self-reliance gu I wouldn't worry to much but I don't want to expose my cards to quickly. If I can hold back like Initel wanted then I will. As I was thinking so a loud bell rang.

Monet began to run at me and with each step she took I could feel the ground shake lightly. You might look imposing to others but to me you look like one giant target. I lifted up one of my spears and took aim and then activated jab gu. All 10 strength phantoms appeared behind me boosting my strength and thus increasing the effect of using jab gu. Sending the spear flying at such a fast speed that normal people couldn't even see it let alone dodge it.

With its speed and that fact Monet was so large and running right at me. The spear hit her in the lower chest area and went right through her body. She let out a monstrous screech I grabbed one of my spiked metal bats and was about to through it at her, but Monet's mouth puffed up like it was full of something. She is definitely about to spit something at me. I activated jab gu and launched off the the side.

Just seconds after I did that Monet shot out a large pink ball from her mouth. That landed where I once stood, that area turned pitch black and smoke started to rise up. I lifted up my metal bat about to throw it when from underneath the ground a tentacle emerged and grabbed my body since I was still air born I couldn't dodge it.

The tentacle wrapped itself around my waist and slammed me into the ground. Instinctively I put my hands out to stop my head from getting hurt. As I made contact with the ground, the ground cracked from where my hands stopped myself from getting hurt. Had I not enhanced my body and gained so much strength my body would be severely injured.

From my sleeve a long thin blade popped out and I sliced off the tentacle holding me. I used jab gu to gain some distance from her. As I was backing away I noticed that my robe was being melted away by the slimey residue left from the tentacle. Fuck had my robe been made from normal materials that stuff would have been melting my body. I then took out from my pockets a ball and slammed it into the ground.

In a poof a large amount of white smoke appeared quickly covering me. I then took off my robe before what was left on it could hurt me. Then I used jab gu and all my phantoms appeared behind me. I quickly let out a will and gave my human self a physical form. I ordered him to run out of the smoke as I went a different way while using stealth scale gu.

I ran to back to my original position and picked up a metal bat and a spear. Then I ran straight to Monet who had just caught my human self with a tentacle, but instead of slamming my human self she held him up and her mouth proofed up. She's gonna shoot at my human self, I guess she learned from earlier not to do that.

She shot out a large pink ball from her mouth but I didn't see what it did. Since I was now close enough to attack her how I planned. Since she was so focused on my human self I was able to get an arm length distance from her. I jumped up and slammed down on her head with my spiked bat. Sending her head down to the ground hard, but by doing that the slime over her body also sprayed all over myself. I could feel it burn away at my skin, I had to end this fast so raised my hand holding my spear and threw it with jab gu. At this distance my spear was about to pierce straight through her head and kill her, but before it hit her my spear stopped centimeters away from her head.

???[ thats enough Rong clan forfeits.]

Before I could even process what happened I appeared back into a white space.


Monet Rong pov

Monet[ why!!! Why did you forfeit!?! I would have won, I had him running for his life and melting away in my hands.]

???[ You fool all you did was make our clan look like a laughing stock. Do you not remember being hit in the head? Half the time you were fighting a phantom all while your real opponent walked around without a care in the world. Pick up his weapons and walked right up to you and smacked you against the head. He then threw a spear point blank at you and was about to kill you had I not stopped the fight.]

Monet[ but... He was supposed to be a strength path gu master. Not a phantom path gu master.]

???[ You idiot why can't he be both, your a transformation path gu master who also specializes in poison path. Stop complaining and worry about your next match. As for that kid don't worry I'll make sure he fights someone much more difficult in his next match. He might be strong physically but there are way more methods to fight someone.]


Once I realized where I was I used self-reliance gu to heal myself from all the acidic burns. Then from well stored gu I took out another robe. Good thing I had multiple made

Initel's will[ that was a good show shu, you made me very happy. You've should've seen Rong clan's people, as you smacked her head. You even made them forfeit, but sadly now you've pissed them off. I'll be honest I don't think you'll beat your next opponent.]

Huh? I won't beat my next opponent? If thats coming from her then shes probably right.

Shu[ Why not? Is my next opponent to strong?]

Initel's will[ not everything is decided by strength. Just try to trust yourself more in the next match.]

A/n( check author's thoughts for character information on the opponents.)

character information:

Monet Rong

vital gu: axolotl's toxic slime

she was chosen to join in the competition because she's a second generation user of the new gu axolotl's toxic slime. A gu that coats the user in a toxic slime that melts all it touches. in order not to be personally affected the user must be in a axolotl transformation.

in return for joining the competition she wants to marry a certain boy who's in a rivaling branch who she long since fell for.

Forthememescreators' thoughts
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