
Omniscience in Marvel 38

Title - Displeasure and Annoyance of An Immortal God


"Welcome to the Court of The Living Tribunal." Leucadius' eye shot towards the owner of the voice as a massive amount of anger swept out of him. However, compared to the Presence the occupants of the room exuded, it was so miniscule that it could be ignored.

"You stand Accused of Crime against the Multiverse, and have been summoned to answer for your transgressions." The Living Tribunal said,its towering and imposing form radiating an aura of immense power and authority. Its three faces gaze upon Leucadius with impartial judgment, representing equity, necessity, and revenge.

"I...? Stand Accused?" Leucadius asked with an eerie calm while looking at everyone in the room. Their sizes were massive in comparison to his Mortal form, yet, he held not an iota of fear as he gazed upon them. "I...don't like your gazes. They seat too high."

As his words fell, as if a floodgate had been set open, a pressure so heavy that it twisted space fell upon all who occupied that space. It was so heavy that it brought them all to their faces...all except five.

"As expected..." The Living Tribunal said, his voice indistinct as the pressure was immediately nullified. "You really are a threat." He continued.

"Do you know who stands before you boy?" Leucadius asked, his voice brimming with anger as he locked eyes with the gigantic figure of the Living Tribunal. Despite its six pairs of eyes, the Living Tribunal felt Leucadius was actually looking at him...not his eyes. "Not even your creator would say something of that nature."

"You dare say such things about The One Above All?!" One of the people who had been pressured by Leucadius asked as he regained himself. His eyes shone brightly as he glared at Leucadius.

"And who do you think you are to speak to me, you mongrel!?" Leucadius asked with equal bravado.

"You... You dare...I am Lord Chaos, the one who brought this matter up." The being said with a smug air around him.

"So it was you?" Leucadius asked and looked at the rest. "And you?"

"They are merely a part of the Court here to bear witness." Another voice replied, this one sounding more feminine than the first.

"And you are?" Leucadius asked.

"Master Order. I came in support of you actually." The being said indignantly, but Leucadius wouldn't be so moved as to apologize for his previous rude behavior.

"I see. And what crime have I committed?" Leucadius asked as he turned back to the Living tribunal. "Last I checked, I've been very busy developing myself…and in case you aren't aware, The One Above All knows of my existence."

"That is of no matter. I am merely following the purpose of my creation. You have been accused of being a harm to the Multiverse, hence your summoning." The Living Tribunal replied, its voice even.

"...I see." Leucadius said. His expression changed from one of displeasure to that of calm. To him, this was simply a court of law. Since Lord Chaos was the one who is prosecuting, he was just going to deny everything. "You may proceed."

"You have Created a new force that is on the verge of permeating through the Super flow and into the Neutral Zone. If that is done, the balance we've strived to maintain for so long would be torn asunder. This could lead to the fragmentation of the multiverse as we know it." Lord Chaos said only to receive a snort from Master Order.

"You're merely frightened by the possibility his new energy presents."

"Silence." The living tribunal said causing Order to scowl while Chaos smirked. "What do you have to say for yourself?" It asked looking at Leucadius who shrugged.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." His expression was nonchalant as he continued observing the beings in the room. He couldn't activate his Absolute Intelligence for some reason, it was as though it was restricted here making him unable to properly analyze them.

From his understanding, everyone here held a particular type of energy…or force that made the Multiverse what it was.

"If I may come to the defense of the accused." Master Order exclaimed.

"You may."

"You have my gratitude." He/she began. "From what we've all come to understand, Leucadius' Holy Energy, as he's taken to calling it, is a positive Energy. Lord Chaos' accusation stems from the fact that it is a major counter to his Chaos Energy."

"Is that not enough? I already have you to contend against, having two on your side against me is totally imbalanced. Tell them you oaf." Lord Chaos cried in annoyance as he turned to one other occupant who had been looking listless since he was put under Leucadius' pressure.

The In-Betweener is a cosmic being that exists between dichotomies, created by Master Order and Lord Chaos to maintain a universal balance and to serve as their agent.

He is the synthesis of dualistic concepts: life and death, reality and illusion, good and evil, logic and emotion, existence and nothingness, god and man, etc.

The In-Betweener is sometimes considered the opposite of Galactus, the being who exists between the principalities of Eternity and Death.

While the In-Betweener is the union of opposites, Galactus is their absence.

"..." The massive white and black humanoid being looked between its two creators and then Leucadius before looking back at the two and shrugging. "I do not see the need for any of this. I am Duality of Existence. As Order is good, So is Chaos. And as Chaos is Evil, so is Order."

"What are you trying to say?" Lord Chaos asked with a furious tone.

"White Magic was developed from Order, Dark magic from Chaos. Holy Energy…has both Order and Chaos. It is an Energy capable of both. I do not see how it is a threat to any of you…instead, I might be so bold to say that it is a threat to my existence." The Black and White humanoid said while observing Leucadius with interest.

"Is this…why we were summoned?" A heavy voice suddenly fell causing the room to become eerily silent. "To watch a spat between two…kids?"

"Mistress Death, this is more than just a spat. This is a matter of our existence. If we-"

"When were you born?" The figure in black asked. "Eternity and I…have you seen us…have so much as an exchange of harsh words?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Chaos and Order. You both were formed right after the four of us…Yet of our family…you two cause the most trouble…why is that?"


"Don't call me that." Death said in a raised voice causing the space to chill. "So what if a new energy is born? So what if it tilts towards the favor of Order or Chaos…the Multiverse isn't stupid. The One Above All is…and will always be. If there is a need, a new Force will be formed to balance it out. Am I speaking your mind brothers?"

"¡¿¢≠‰" was all Leucadius seemed to hear at that moment, before everyone in the room looked solemn. Suddenly, the living tribunal said. "This matter is closed."

"Huh?" Was Leucadius confused reply before he was immediately yeeted out of the room and back into his body.

"What…The…Fuck?" Seating on his Throne in the Heavenly Realm, Leucadius muttered to himself as he tried to make sense of the last thing he had before he was thrown out of the space…No. Dimension.

"Is that-?"

<{Hello friend, it is I, TOAA as you've taken to calling me. Forgive those kids for Their rash behavior towards you. I just took my eyes off you an instant and were abducted, that, am sincerely sorry. However, also impressed at the level reached in such a short time. It seems allowing that skill was mistake on part. deal deal. Do live your life wish. Till we meet again.}>

"Hmm. So he has been watching me..?" Leucadius said softly while massaging his temples. He had to stop receiving messages this way. It was putting a massive strain on his body and he wasn't sure it was healthy.

"Oh well, I guess that settles it. Let's see how long has passed in the outside world while I was playing God." Leucadius said and returned his consciousness back to his body.



"How long have I been out?"

"A little over two months sir." Aspect replied.

'Hmm. A little over two hundred years had passed with the Creation and Rebellion taking place. Not to mention that stupid court session.' Leucadius thought. "I guess it's time we left here. I have a Physical Dimension to build. Aspect?"

"Yes, Sir,"

"Bring me to Oshtur."


Leucadius POV

My experience, although displeasing, was actually a Mind opener for me. In this Grand Tapestry known as the Multiverse, anything could happen. Hell, I could just be portaling to Oshtur right now and one motherfucker from the 41st would just decide to yeet me forward in time just so he could kill me at my lowest.

…Nope. Don't think it's impossible. It's very possible. One thing I have come to realize is that, similar to the Humans of Earth, the Ennead are just a particular race Living in their own cradle.

The only thing they have that humanity doesn't is Time. However, with time, they would become nothing more than punching bags for humanity if they don't withdraw from their bad habits.

The Heliopolis, from what we've gathered…Aspect had gathered in this short period of two months, is similar to a small country of Divine beings. They're not Divine per se, but they do have the essence of divinity in them.

You'd be surprised at how a kid could be born as the God of Hoes. Joke apart. They do exist. Those Gods are then taught all they need to know about hoes and its applications.

Concepts were just like that. God of Life, Death, light, Sun, Water, motherhood, fertility, rain, harvest, winter, cold, ice…every common thing has a God presiding over it.

It's just that the 10 Gods of Egypt are the ones with actual power. Imagine when your fellow God worships you…In comparison to when other races worship you, the resultant Divine/Faith Energy is returned by nearly tenfold.

That is exactly what keeps them at the top.

The same is also applicable to other Pantheons. Some Gods are just born to be fodder while the rest are born to be figure heads.

Take Fertility for example. Isis is a Goddess of Fertility, but Aspect's scan showed nearly a hundred other women having that same divinity, yet they all serve Isis.

I mean…how can't she be powerful in comparison?

They don't have a God of Death yet though…Seth hasn't killed his brother Osiris so Osiris still holds divinity over Kingship, Fertility and Agriculture.

Yup. Apparently, Fertility doesn't end in Womanhood.

Isis is also a Goddess of Fertility, but due to her extra Divinity over Motherhood, she's different from Osiris. The whole divinity thing was confusing so I try not to think too much about it.

I could only be grateful that I didn't have any such Divinity. I was a Divine Being who has my own source of power. All those who believe in me will get what they ask for.

It was that simple. My future followers won't have to pray to this God for wisdom, or that God for knowledge, or that God for the fruit of the womb, or that God for riches.

All they needed was Faith.

Heh. I almost sound like an actual God. It's a good thing all these conversations are going on in my mind.

{Sir, I can hear your thoughts loud and clear.}



I will erase you. Trust me. I am capable of that.

{I am fully aware of that sir. I was just letting you know that your assumption was wrong.}


{We're here sir.}

So now he's even interrupting me…Woe is me truly.

Upon arriving at Oshtur's location, we found her in front of a group of women who were attentively listening to what she was saying. Apparently, she was teaching them some magical stuff.

Oh? Would you look at that? Even the Queen of Gods is here. Oshtur must be very prestigious, eh?

{That she is, sir.}

Aspect my dear…that was a rhetorical question. I already knew she's impressive. She's an Elder God for crying out loud.

"Ah! Look who decided to grace us with his presence." Oshtur said as she caught sight of me. "Everyone, this is Leucadius, the one I told you all about."

"Yo." I said cooly in greeting to the group of girls and I could already see some of them blushing. Hah. Woe is me for being too handsome.

"Leuca, I was just telling these beautiful ladies of your extensive knowledge on Magic and how Knowledge of the world better helps in Energy manipulation."

"Hmm. I am sure you were doing a wonderful job teaching them." I said without batting an eye towards the group of ladies. I was God, I didn't need a flock of women chasing after me unnecessarily. "It was you I actually came looking for."

"Oh? What could possibly be the problem?"

"I'm done here. I want to leave."


"Yeah. They don't have anything to offer me anymore. I've learnt all I could." I said while giving a grateful nod towards Isis who was looking at me with a scheming light in her eyes which I ignored.

In the face of overwhelming power, all manner of schemes were just that. Schemes.

"Then don't you think you should give us something in return?" Isis said while stepping out from the crowd. Oshtur was still trying to come up with something to say so she took that as an opportunity

"Isis!" Oshtur quickly called out. My reason for coming here was for Oshtur to repay me for the opportunity I gave her to sit on my throne. She offered me the knowledge she had kept here as a way to pay me back.

And despite knowing it wouldn't be helpful, I still followed as I didn't want her feeling bad.

"It's alright, let her speak." I said with a small smile as I observed the confident Isis.

"Are you sure?"

"Hmm." I nodded nonchalantly. I was really interested in what she had in mind.

"Then…" Oshtur glared at Isis in displeasure before sighing and shaking her head. Gaea really was right. No matter how the Egyptian Gods seem accommodating, arrogance and self conceit was a part of them. She could only hope Leucadius wouldn't let his own arrogance make an enemy out of them.

"Lady Oshtur has regaled us on how magnificent your knowledge and experience on magic extends. However, despite our deepest levels of respect towards Lady Oshtur, we find it…unbelievable. Would you be so kind as to show us a bit of what you're capable of?" Isis said with a kind smile.

I didn't know whether she was actually scheming something or if she was actually being sincere.

{She's scheming, sir.}

Oh…thanks for that, but it wasn't necessary.

"How would you like for me to show it?" I asked with an equally kind smile.

"It's simple. Have a magical battle against our Pantheon's bests. In doing so, we can see and experience for ourselves how deep your abilities are."

Now I am interested. "A battle you say?" I said as I sat up on my Throne.

"Hmm. More like a spar, but still…"

"I understand." Saying that, I stood up from the throne and walked directly in front of her.

It has to be known that she stood at an impressive 6 feet. An impressive height for a woman, but normal for a Goddess, and yet, she barely reached my Jaw.

With all my upgrades and sleep in between, it was normal that I grew a few inches since I came to this World. But seeing as she was able to reach my jaw made me feel like I wasn't trying.

You have to know that I have always loved sitting on my throne when meeting with other Gods, so I haven't really gotten a good feel of our height difference…

Perhaps I should develop a permanent transformation technique that will make me as tall as two meters…Hmm, Aspect, put that on my to-do list.

{... Understood.}

Hey! What's with the hesitation right there?

{You must be mistaken sir.}

You…Sigh. Forget It.

And refocusing my attention on Isis, I smiled and said. "Ready whenever you are."

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