

 Chapter 66: Chapter #65 | Cusp of Glory


So! Many of you probably noticed the lack of an update on Friday. This was totally intentional and not me missing the date! We're shifting to a Tuesday release.

My editors schedule changed. Usually I would write the story Sunday to Tuesday and my editor would use their days off on Wednesday and Thursday to edit it. Hence the Friday release. Now, however, their days off changed to Sunday and Monday. Hence we'll be shifting to a Tuesday release. With them already dealing with a full time job, and dealing with college classes, I made the unilateral decision to shift the release date with their days off. No need to put undue stress on them as they already have a very full time table. Praise the editor for making my writing readable!

Last chapter we had:

-We can see you! *Que batteries imitating firecrackers*

-Ashido and Uraraka training

-Toga and Jiro training

-Midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands.

Now, the moment everyone's been waiting for, The Sports Festival!


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Midoriya stood outside of the waiting room with both Yaoyorozu and Kendo. Low murmuring echoed throughout the quiet halls as the dull roar of the spectator stands droned on in the distance. Midoriya handed both women a stack of papers, names at the top, events highlighted differently on each piece of paper.

"Now, I'll explain everything when we get in there, but the only thing you two need to worry about today is giving people their schedules and, of course, your own events."

"Shouldn't we make sure everyone shows up for their events? We are their class representatives." Midoriya frowned at Yaoyorozu and shook his head.

"No, it's eight hours of events, and you'll need every bit of your energy for your own. Besides, it's in the name. You represent them; you aren't there to herd them like cats." As they'd conceded the point, Midoriya stepped through the door to meet with the rest of the classes.

While technically 1-B had their own waiting area, Midoriya had selected one of the larger areas specifically so that 1-B could join its sister class for the preparations. He spared a moment to glance over the students already gathered there. Many, he noted, had turned when the three had entered and were waiting on him to speak. A quick tally in his head told him that everyone from both groups had already joined and that no one was left in the changing rooms.

The students sat or stood in varying garb. A few waited in the wetsuits they would need for the first stretch of the triathlon, while others had elected for the singlets that denoted their participation in the wrestling event a half hour into the triathlon.

"Alright, it looks like we've got everyone. Let's go over a few details before we head out," Midoriya started, glancing down at his own schedule in hand.

"We don't have Komori or Kuroiro here yet, Midoriya." Midoriya's eye's flicked up to Shiozaki, and he smiled gently. Rather than Midoriya, though, Kendo responded.

"It's alright, Ibara. Komori got permission to withdraw from this year's competition." Several members of both classes winced. Those in 1-A that had taken up the offer for masks grimaced. They had wanted to withdraw, as well, but hadn't been allowed. The fact that Komori had been given permission spoke to how well she was doing.

"How is she?"

"A lot better. She just isn't ready to use her quirk on other people again yet. She'll be cheering everyone on from the audience this year, so keep an eye out for her! As for Kuroiro, he's been helping with her treatment. He'll be joining us for Hide and Seek at noon with this year's guest and Snipe's Painball at four. Otherwise, he'll be with Komori somewhere in the insanity of this festival. Which leads us back to…"

Midoriya smiled, giving Kendo a thumbs up as she trailed off. "Yes, as she said, that leads us back to me. Now, your class presidents will be handing out copies of this year's event schedule to you. The events that you have chosen have been highlighted on it. We're all adults. Manage your time properly and don't be late. Do not miss lunch. There is a half hour at eleven-thirty blocked out for it. I know a few of you have back-to-back events in the midday time slots, but we are all going to be burning a lot of energy today. If for some reason you think you must miss lunch, then take one of those with you."

Midoriya jerked a finger towards a cardboard box filled with what appeared to be some kind of snack bar. "They're nutrient bars. They probably won't fit your palette, since most are made with specific quirk types in mind, but they'll fill you up and give you what you're needing."

"They suck." Midoriya smirked at Ashido's groan.

"They do indeed suck. So try for a hot meal, instead, even if you have to eat quickly. No one is going to look at you sideways for eating on the move, either. 1-A, you know our water policy when it comes to physical activity. Teach it to 1-B and grab some spare canteens."

Most of 1-B looked around at their sister class, confused, as they nodded very seriously. A couple members of 1-A shuffled themselves around while Yaoyorozu dropped the box of spares onto one of the tables. "You'll all find a map of the festival on the back of your schedules. Keep it with you. The layout of the campus and location of events, stalls, games, stores, etcetera changes every year, and inevitably someone will get lost trying to find their way around. Any questions so far?"

Midoriya waited for a moment as students relocated, whispering and grabbing canteens. "Alright, now, Uraraka, the faculty has authorized your legs as necessary support items. Don't think I really need to go over why they are letting you use your proper equipment for that one. Onto the events, the teachers have gone over the basics with everyone these last couple days, but I want to make note of a few things. There are seventeen events scheduled for today. Owing to time and physical constraints, most of us are only participating in three or four events each. Several of these events are single-person events. You won't be able to really help each other. The rest are either team events or single-person events where teamwork can be utilized."

Uraraka whooped as she went to get her other legs from her heroic equipment. Murmuring broke out, and Midoriya nodded at a few bits that he managed to catch. "What do you mean 'teamwork can be utilized,' Monsieur Midoriya?"

"Isn't that against the spirit of the activity, Midoriya?" Midoriya's eyes flicked from Aoyama to Iida, who he found himself frowning at in exasperation.

"Guys, we're not here to do well. That is, of course, a bonus and is expected of us, but that isn't the purpose. From the minute we step out there, every hero in the country is going to be watching us, picking apart our actions with a fine-tooth comb. Not just for internships, but for work studies and beyond, into our careers. For the people who rely on heroes, it isn't just games, but a symbol of the next generation, reassurance that even when this generation of heroes steps down that there is another ready to take its place."

"That's, uh, a lot of pressure." Midoriya sighed and nodded towards Sero.

"It is, yeah. But my point is that the purpose of the festival isn't necessarily to win. It's to do your best. I'll be honest; in a few of the events, the likelihood that any hero course student, from any of the schools here today, places first is practically nonexistent. The only person in here that stands a chance against the support students in Mechanical Bypass, for example, is Momo. Even then, I think the best that we in the hero course can hope for in that event is bronze. But again, that isn't the purpose of hero students joining the event. Just by completing the event, you show important skills for a hero to have, thus increasing your value in the eyes of both your prospective teachers and the general public."

"So help each other wherever we can, kero." Midoriya snapped his fingers and gave Tsuyu a thumbs up.

"Correct. There is a reason 1-A has been training predominantly in pairs or teams. Both Nedzu and I agree that solo heroics are generally an unnecessary risk. Always keep someone by your side and always call for backup when you don't have someone."

"Will the professors announce whether we can help each other or not?" Midoriya shook his head in response to Tsuburaba's question.

"They won't need to. There isn't any rule explicitly barring it, outside of really obvious single-person events, like Vlad's Wrestling and All Might's Weight Lifting."

"Anyone else?" Once he'd confirmed that there were no more questions, he nodded and moved on. Out of the corner of his eye, Midoriya noticed a teary-eyed Toga pulling out her blood kit and adjusting Tsuyu's arm beside her. "It's a little over a half-mile swim. You two keep that in mind."

"We've got it, kero." Midoriya nodded and chose to let the two do their thing. They both knew what they were doing at this point.

"Hmm," Midoriya hummed to himself. "Few more things before we walk out." Uraraka came back with her more durable legs meant for hero work. "First up, I know it is tempting to go explore the rest of the festival. There are all sorts of things to see and experience. The games, the foods, the exhibits from the other courses, the support expo, business course offers of merchandise and analysis, etcetera. Don't. You will inevitably miss an event if you do. For today, stick to the event areas. Tomorrow, if you get knocked out of the tournament, you can go explore. You'll all have plenty of time throughout the rest of the week."

A few of the students seemed to grumble, and Midoriya had to point a finger at Ashido, as she looked like she might try it, anyway. Eventually, though, they seemed to acquiesce. "Good. Dark Shadow, Tokoyami." The bird man looked at Midoriya as Dark Shadow popped up out of his back. "Are you both going to behave for this competition?"

"I am not the one you need to ask. Instead, you should direct your question to the demon co-opting my dark form."

"How am I supposed to cooperate with this? How?!" Midoriya rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Let me put it this way, you get banned from the festival, and there is no chance that you are being allowed to go on an internship." More grumbling from the two. "Dark Shadow, I have three bags of unique, genetically-altered apples that I was going to leave in the common area for people to give feedback on. Cooperate with Tokoyami, and you can have all of them."

"Oooh. Yeah, yeah. I can do that. Just mine, right?"

"Just yours. You don't have to share." Kaminari let out a whine about wanting to try the new kind of apples, and Dark Shadow gave him a conciliatory pat on the shoulder. Midoriya shook his head, turning away from them.

"Now, for the final tidbit, I know that those of us in 1-A have gone over this constantly the last couple days, but since the five of you are already in your wetsuits, let's go over it one more time."

"Uh, what are we going over?" Midoriya glanced at Monoma. The man looked a little bewildered by the attention, and Toga groaned, her voice cracking a little.

"The transition between stage one and two of the event. As soon as our feet hit dry land, our goggles go to our heads and we start stripping the wetsuits down to our waists as we move towards the bikes. Not relevant to me."

"Good, Tsu?"

"Fully remove the hat and goggles and jog the rest of our way to the bikes. Then, when we get there, we remove the rest of the wetsuit as quickly as we can. Kero."

"Good, Setsuna?"

"Our helmets go on and are securely latched before we put on our shoes and start biking."

"Good. Iida, the wax seals on your engines look good?"

"Yes. As long as they blow off when I start running, such as in testing, we should be good, Midoriya. It's much better than the plugs that we were using before."

"Thank the support course for that. You get all of that, Monoma?"

"Goggles, strip to waist, jog, strip fully, helmet, shoes, go. Got it."

Midoriya nodded. He'd just opened his mouth to have the class presidents begin leading everyone out when Todoroki spoke. "Midoriya."

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Todoroki? Question?"

"On an objective basis, I think you're above all of us in terms of practical strength."

"For now, yes. Several years of experimental genetic and mechanical treatments on oneself tends to have that effect."

"I'm going to beat you. Alone. No help." Midoriya narrowed his eyes. Relaxing his clenched jaw, he smirked, maintaining a tone of blatant disinterest.

"Go right ahead, Todoroki."

"Woo! That's the spirit, Todoroki. A declaration of war! Let's all do our best, just like that." Todoroki clicked his tongue, his gaze steady on Kaminari as he stared him down. Kirishima and Uraraka stepped forward, forcing themselves between the two with wary movements. "Uh, guys?"

"I'm not here to play nice and make friends, Kaminari. I will be the best, and it won't be because of any of you." It was as if Todoroki had lit the match to a fuse as the tension ratcheted up. Kirishima and Uraraka both took a step forward as Todoroki attempted to pass Midoriya and walk out the door. Midoriya sighed, grabbing Todoroki by the front of his shirt and hauling him back into the room.

"Momo, Kendo, if you would be so kind as to escort everyone to the opening, please? I'm sure that Nedzu is already preparing to give an awful speech, as usual. Uraraka, Kirishima? Go with her."

Todoroki glared holes into the side of Midoriya's head as his classmates began to move. He paid it no mind, though, smiling at the students as they passed by. A comment here, a joke there, until the students had all shuffled out of the room and towards the field. All the while, he held Todoroki by the shirt. Once the door clicked shut behind the last of them, there was a long moment of silence, a pause as both sides refused to move first. Then, Todoroki opened his mouth.

He hadn't managed a single word before Midoriya was shoving him back into one of the chairs, rather unceremoniously, pinning him there with eyes of disdain. "You know, Todoroki, you should have been removed from Class 1-A and probably the entire hero course long before this. The unwillingness to use half of your quirk could be chalked up to your trauma. We can accept that. A complete unwillingness to use your quirk, again, trauma is fine. We can get you help. Not ideal by any means, but I can at least work with it. God only knows, you don't need a quirk to do this job. But your sheer unwillingness to work with your classmates? To not participate properly in team exercises that have gone on since we started training? That's crossing the line."

"I don't need a team, Midoriya. I can do perfectly fine on my own." Todoroki grimaced as he said it, a small, niggling part in the back of his brain insisting that he couldn't do it. That if he could, he wouldn't have needed saving, that Hagakure wouldn't have been injured if he was able to do it.

"Todoroki, you are going to kill someone on our side. Maybe it'll be a villain, and it'll be fine. Maybe it'll be a fellow hero or a civilian, all because of your complete unwillingness to train your quirk, to train with a partner, to take any of the outs that we have given you. Aizawa and I have only given you as much leeway because your brother begged it of us. That is over."

"You don't know anything."

"I KNOW EVERYTHING. I know even more than you do about your damnedable family, but this was the last straw, Todoroki. If you can't even work with people when your career is on the line, then I am done."

Todoroki blinked as Midoriya stepped back towards the door, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. He turned back, his face once again impassive and disinterested, his voice calm when he spoke.

"You have two days, Todoroki, today and tomorrow. Show me some kind of improvement, something to warrant giving you a chance. Otherwise, I'm personally recommending your removal from 1-A as soon as this festival is over. You have the potential to make a damn fine hero, but not like this. I'm not going to be responsible for training the next Endeavour."

Midoriya opened the door and walked out, the slam of it hinting at the emotion still simmering underneath his mask. Todoroki sucked in a breath and continued to stare at the place where Midoriya had stood.

Midoriya stalked down the concrete hallway towards the opening ceremony, silently seething as he reached up to tap below his ear.

"Dabi, it's time to talk to your younger brother, today, preferably. I need him to show something that I can use to keep him in the hero course. He's burnt through the last of the goodwill he's had with his classmates. Any more of this, and he's gonna get beaten in his sleep."

Fuck, it's that bad? Dabi's voice came through a moment later.

"Yes, so get out of the damn rafters, summon up all that therapy that you've had, and talk to your brother."


In other news, these sports festival chapters are likely to vary wildly in length. Some may fall short of 3k words while others may go way past that. The fact of the matter is that I've gotta find a balancing point of natural stopping points and content. With 17 events to cover, let's be honest here, not all of them are going to be real detailed or that interesting to read or write. Powerloaders Mechanical Bypass or Midnights Pilfering Pirates is just going to get more words than something like All Mights Weight Lifting.

If anyone would like to support my writing, remember you can find out how Here! I'm infinitely grateful for anyone who can and does!

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