

<General perspective>

After Deckard got back from another world, he still felt like he was dreaming, as who would believe everything that happened to him in the past two days? Then Deckard got a new phone that Ava had arranged for him and one red injection for backup. He left after bidding farewell to John.

Deckard left Ava's villa in a car and drove to the location on the map. Deckard was surprised that Cipher was in Los Angeles currently.

<cipher perspective>

It's been three days since I arrived in Los Angeles. I'm here for Miss Anonymous—the one who killed 20 people in just seconds. My personal favorite was the last one who died with a huge hole in his chest. I hacked into everything to get more information about her, only to find unnecessary and unhelpful data.

Before watching this video, my target was a nuclear submarine in Russia, but now, who wants a nuke when you have something like Miss Anonymous or the organization behind her?

I studied all the videos of her on the internet. Her movements are inhuman and very fast, and those mechanical arms that can release a concentrated energy blast—what should I call her, a robot or an enhanced human with cybernetics? I know Eteon is currently working on human cybernetics, but they are nowhere near this Miss Anonymous.

I investigated Miss Anonymous and found some people who recognize her. She killed some trained assassins in New York, but it didn't make the news as some criminal family closed the case.

I also found that Miss Anonymous was in New York for a man named John Wick. She saved him and his wife but never left any kind of digital signature or CCTV footage, making the job of tracking her more difficult. If I can find John Wick or his wife, I might be able to get to Miss Anonymous or the organization that made her.

As I was about to make a call, I heard the sound of guns. I checked the CCTVs while my subordinates pointed their guns at the lift's entrance.

As the lift stopped at our floor, my subordinates were ready to fire, but suddenly their weapons got locked. I checked the computer and saw it was locked too. I looked at the person who got out of the lift and saw Deckard Shaw, the person I was going to task with helping me get that nuclear submarine.

Deckard Shaw walked towards me while pulling one of my subordinates by his hair. As my subordinates were about to attack him, Deckard said coldly, "I am here to talk, so don't make me kill you."

I nodded, signaling my subordinates to stop. Deckard glanced at my computer screen and chuckled, "So you are trying to find her."

I was confused until I saw Deckard looking at Miss Anonymous's video. Does Shaw know about her? Deckard sighed and said, "Our organization sent me here to give you an offer."

Organization? Deckard Shaw is working for someone? Deckard looked at one of my subordinates and said, "Get me a chair, man. I can't talk while standing when your boss is sitting."

My subordinate looked at me, and I nodded. He gave Shaw a chair. Shaw took a seat and said, "So, are you interested in hearing about the offer or not?"

I nodded and asked, "Well, I am interested in this organization. Which made someone like you work for it?"

Deckard smiled and said, "Our organization wants you to work for us."

I was expecting that, but I still asked, "And what will I get from working for you?"

Deckard replied, "How about I say I can let you meet Miss Anonymous? She is one of our members with high authority, and you can discuss your demands with her."

I was surprised that Shaw admitted it so quickly, but if Shaw is a member of this kind of organization, it's not a bad deal to join. Anyway, let's see what I can get from this organization.

I looked at Shaw and said, "Okay, I will meet this Miss Anonymous."

Shaw nodded, looked at his phone for a moment, and said, "Okay, she will meet you in five days, as I have another person to invite for this meeting." Shaw took my number and gave me a pager, continuing, "I will contact you about the meeting location and time, and this pager is for safety. If you think your life is at stake, just press it."

I looked at the pager in fascination, as it was different from other old pagers. My fascination stopped when I heard Shaw saying, "But remember, after pressing it, you will have to pay a price as we will save your life."

I put the pager in my pocket, recognizing its importance.

Shaw got up and left using the same lift. After he left, my computer and my subordinates' guns got unlocked. I fell into thought, realizing this organization could hack my system like this and send someone like Shaw to recruit me. This organization does not seem simple.

I started tracking Shaw's records and every movement, only to find all his information deleted from the web as if he never existed. I have never encountered someone like me, but this one is more advanced than I am.

I am looking forward to this meeting as I will get to meet someone who is a high-ranking member of this organization and also an enhanced human.



On the fourth day, Ava and her team wiped out all the creatures from the continent and also gathered more than enough material and resources for the creation of their organization's base however they wanted.

Ava discussed the base's design and architecture with everyone. After a long discussion about what was right and what was wrong, Ava and her team decided to create a whole city with the base in the center of it so members could have homes outside the base.

Ava approved and informed Katie to create the best and most suitable design that matched all the descriptions Ava and the members had decided on. Katie then showed Ava a 3D model of the base and the city using a hologram.

Ava said, "Okay, this is final, right guys?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Ava nodded and said, "Okay, Katie, do we have everything we need for the construction of this huge project?"

Katie replied, "Yes, miss, we have everything necessary for this project, and the microbots and nanobots are more than enough to take care of it."

Ava smiled and asked, "Which is the best location for this project, and how much time will it take to complete it?"

Katie replied, "Miss, Colorado is the best location for this project because of its climate and all the necessary factors for the future of the base, and it's in the center of the United States."

Katie continued, "As for the time, I need at least one to two days to complete it, as most of the organization base is underground."

Ava nodded and asked, "Are there any humans around or in the area you chose for this project?"

Katie said, "No, miss, there are no humans within a 1000-mile radius of that area."

Ava smiled and said, "That's good."

To be Continued...

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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