

[Elise’s POV]

“Are we almost there?”

Marty’s voice rings out, rousing me from the nap that I was trying to take. This was maybe the tenth or eleventh time he asked the same damn question, and I had half a mind to knock his ass out so that he didn’t ask it again.

“Ask that one more time.” Charlie growls, mirroring my own annoyance. “And I will throw you out of this fucking van.”

“I’m so bored, though.” Marty sighs.

Opening an eye, I lazily look from one man to the other. If I knew that they had such a bad dynamic, I would have asked to travel alone. I thought Marty and William were irritating when together, but Marty and Charlie were so much worse.

“Then find something to occupy yourself.” Charlie huffs, narrowing his gaze. “You have a phone; find some games.”

“I can’t play the games on my phone around people.” Marty chirps. “Those aren’t meant for when I’m alone.”

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