
On The Bench



The referee brought the scribble to an end with the reserve team winning for the first time in forever. The reserve team players walked off the pitch with ear to ear grins on their faces. Even Izan couldn't help but smile. As he was walking off the pitch he saw Mikel his best friend approaching him." Hey Izan,what did you eat during the break" he asked. "What are you talking about"Izan said while removing his shin pads. "Well how did you suddenly get this good. I mean its not like you have a system" he said. Izan who was a bit shook by his friends hypothesis thought"Wow does this guy have a life reading ability ". "eyy what are you thinking,do you think life is like the novels you read" Izan said trying to brush off his friend.

"I just trained,really really hard and I guess it has payed off" Izan added. Mikel stood there nodding. Before Izan could continue he heard a sound from the system.

"Ding"[host has attracted the attention of the assistant coach of the senior team(Patricio moreno)]

Recogniton: +10 stat points.

                     :+5000 lp points.

   :One free skill move of host's choice from the skill tab

Izan who was perturbed by the message finally understood what it meant. "Wait does it mean he was here" Izan thought to himself while looking around to spot him but only saw the retrieving back of a person. The players went to take their baths in the locker room. Afterwards they headed to the small video room used by both them and the under-19s.

"Our next match is with our local rivals Alboraya Fc which will be happening on the [15th of April 2022,]or the day after tomorrow. We will meet here tomorrow for a brief Tactical analysis on the opponents and a brief training session". Coach Garcia said. "The lineups will be announced tomorrow so still do your best in tomorrow's training session". He added before dismissing the players. Just as Coach Garcia was about to call Izan,a man appeared and told him that he was needed by Coach Oryazabal. After speaking with the man he turned around to look for Izan but he had already packed and left. He sighed before walking off to meet Coach Oryazabal. "How was training "Komi asked as Izan got into the car. "Very good. I even scored two goals and made an assist" he said with a proud grin. "Well I'm proud of you miura " Komi said as she tried to pull Izan in for a hug.Izan who saw this was embarrassed and tried to pull out of the hug but Komi's grip was was too strong. In the end he just gave in and put his arms around his mom.

Izan got home and found his sister on the couch. She asked him about how traing went but when Izan had told her about the results she doubted him but decided not to squabble with him." Well when's your next match" she asked before Izan replied "Well its the day after tomorrow. She went silent before Izan who was staring at her asked "you can come with mum if you want or if you're free". "Will you be playing " she asked because most of the matches she went to see of Izan with her mother saw Izan coming off the bench in the late minutes or sometimes just not playing at all." From my performance in training I might start". Izan said with a smile.  Hori looked a bit skeptical about it but decided to go and watch her brother play,if he was going to play though. "Horii,can you take out the marinated chicken for me" komi said as she stepped into the kitchen. Hori went and left Izan who also went upstairs to check his rewards for the performance he had put up today. "Max" he called out. The system materialised infront of him. He quickly pressed on his personal information.




AGE:14( 4 MONTHS TO 15)






Position:Wing forward/Attacking midfielder


Legend points:5000/10,000 to lv3

Stat points:10




Body control:57

Spatial awareness: 60

Technique: 63


Passing: 60

Weak foot strength: 3 stars

Skill move :4 stars



Stepovers:85% Completion

La croqueta:50% completion

Cruyff turn:70%Completion

Izan saw the rewards and was happy with himself. This meant he was gradually taking his steps into being a professional footballer. He decided to distribute the stat point. He pressed on the Body control section seeing as it was lowest. The attributes under it were displayed,


Body control :58


Agility :63

Jumping :53



Izan distributed 3 points each to jumping and reactions bringing both to 56 and the overall rating for body control to 59. Izan wanted his body control to reach the 60 mark so he decided to add another 2 stat point to agility bringing it to 65. After he added the two stat point the rating for body control went to 60.

Body control :60


Agility :65

Jumping :56



Izan looked and saw that his passing was also at 60 but he was left with just 2 stat point. He decided to complete the day's task to gain a bit of stat points before upgrading passing.

After completing the daily task,the system gave him 2 stats point and and 300 lp points. He opened the system before going to the passing attribute



Short passing:57

Long passing: 60


He added the the remaining 4 stat points to short passing pushing it from 57 to 61. After that the passing attribute went from 60 to 61.



Short passing:61

Long passing: 60


Izan was now pleased that his attributes were now balanced.




Body control:60

Spatial awareness: 60

Technique: 63


Passing: 61

Izan after he finished distributing his got a message from the system. "Ding"[player rating has gone up from 62 to 64. Potential has also increased from 87 to 88]




AGE:14( A MONTH TO 15)






Position:Wing forward/ Attacking midfielder


Legend points:5300/10,000 to lv3

Stat points:0




Body control:61

Spatial awareness: 60

Technique: 63


Passing: 61

Body strength:64

Weak foot strength: 3 stars

Skill move :4 stars



Stepovers:85% Completion

La croqueta:50% completion

Cruyff turn:70%Completion

Izan after seeing his info exited the personal info tab and before going to the system shop



Skill shop

Conditioning drugs

Recovery fluids

Izan entered the skill shop to redeem the skill reward




Sombrero: 2500lp

Condition:(5 star skill moves) not met


Condition:(5 star skill moves) not met


Requirements met


Condition:(5 star skill moves) not met

Izan chose the roulette skill. After that, he asked the system what he's supposed to do to obtain 5 star skill moves. But then

"ding"[challenge issued: use current skill moves while facing opponets ×100]

"So I'm supposed to use the skill moves on 100 times" Izan thought to himself. "System does this only spy to opponents from different teams" Izan asked. [Negative. As long as the person or team is your opponent it counts.]the system replied. "Well then this isn't so hard" Izan said. Izan heard a knock and closed the system before opening it. Although no one could see the system, Izan just didn't want to risk it. "Miura,Mum said come down for dinner" Hori Izan's sister told him before walking off.


4:57pm 10th February 2022

Sweaty faces and jerseys soaked with sweat were all over the place. The valencia youth fc had completed their brief training sesison which wasn't brief for the players at all. After taking their baths the players and the coaches did game analysis before lineup list came. Izan who performed spectacularly today in the drills today too was looking on with expectant eyes. "So the lineup for tomorrow is as follows" Coach Oryazabal said.

Starting lineup

Goalkeeper:Sergio bala

Leftback: Iago pena, Rightback: Gon simon

Centerbacks:Marquis pena, Juan cabello.

Midfielders:Huévés ramos ,Marcos blaca,

Sosá herrera, jose martinez

Forwards:louis sordáno, Joseph adeyemi

The lineup was mainly the same as the one used for the scribble. Izan a bit disappointed now turned his ears towards the substitutes

"For the substitutes we have Inaki balde, savinho,Jorďi Hèrmoso, Max Luis, Kilo Godin and finally Izan miura hernandez.

When Izan heard his name felt really happy as he had entered the matchday squad.

"Ding"[host has been included in the matchday squad for the first time in his life.

Reward: + 5 stat point

:B grade conditioning drug]

When Izan saw the message ,it added to his to his joy. When they were about to leave Coach Oryazabal called Izan to speak.

"Izan,you've shown great potential as an attacking midfielder over the past few days in training and that is why you've been included in the squad. Play on the field like how you play in training and I'm sure you might be called up even before the season ends" coach oryazabal said. He had been informed that the assistant coach wants to promote Izan to the under-19s after seeing him train once and that was something very hard to do as the assistant coach was not very fond of the youth players. But he could understand the assistant manager since he would have done the same in his position because Izan's performance that day was simply a masterclass. He decided to keep this from Izan as he didn't want to inflate his ego. "Thanks coach I won't let you down. I'll give my 100 perce- no that won't do ,I'll give my all and even more" Izan said drawing a smile on the face of Oryazabal. Izan told his mom about him being in the matchday squad and she was really happy for him. When Izan got home he went to his room and started packing for tomorrow. After packing he decided to use the five stat points he had gained from the hidden achievement. He added 3 to vison and 4 to Positioning bring them to 67 and 60 respectively and bringing the spatial awareness attribute rating to 64. Izan decided to go to sleep early so that he could wake up early.

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