

~~~~~~ During the first period ~~~~~~~~

      A new student came into the class and her new seat was next to Mila

      "Hi, I'm sasha and You?" She asked mila0

      "I'm.....Mi....Mi....la" He stuttered.

      "Why are you stammering" sasha asked.

      "It's nothing" Mila replied.

"Wow she is so beautiful" Mila said to himself.

"Hmm, Mila what a cute name" she replied.

"Enough Discussion KEEP QUIET" Announced Mrs Salina.

"Ok ma" they all replied.

So like I was saying the moon goddess and the god of sun had been enemies for years but I don't think those things exist

      "I think they exist" Sasha said to Mila

      "Yeah,me too" Mila replied

********"Grling Grling Grling" The bell rang*********

"Sasha the bell for break had been rung" Mila told Sasha.

"Okay take me to the cafeteria since I am new here" Sasha said.

"Hey Mila she's just a new student why are you already behaving like someone who hasn't seen a woman!" A huge chubby named vanka said.

"Hey let me be" Mila told vanka

Immediately vanka rises to Sasha and pulled her by the hair, she was screaming in pains.


      My eyes shone red and with inhumane speed filled my body and pinned vanka to the ground. Vanka tried to get up but he couldn't.

       "Next time don't cross my path" Mila said in a million voice, which shocked vanka and made sasha smile.

Mila's  eye returned to normal, he was so shocked by his actions.

**********Grling Grling Grling************

       They went back to class and after some class activities the closing bell rang and they went home.

Sasha and Mila took the same road until they got to a particular  place where they went their separate ways.

Thank you all for reading please drop power stone and vote for us

okpala_alexandercreators' thoughts
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