
Chapter 102: Here We Go Again!: But At What Cost? (Part 1)

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...and yes viewers...our adventures regarding the crossover arc of these three fanfics, aren't quite over just yet viewers...I mean after all, Angel Bluebell also said at the end of her previous chapter...that there was still one more battle, that all of us still needed to partake in...And when you read these next few chapters...You will more then likely realize, exactly what this battle in question is...But anyway viewers...let us now dive right into the chapter...shall we?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so not a lot of time had past, since Shinko, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet, had made it back to their respective timeline.

"And that is entirely the truth viewers...Hello, Keiko here...Yes, we are currently still in Academy City...only we are sort of not in front of, or near the lab anymore...*I proceed to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before once again bringing my attention back up again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...*I then proceed to smile, with both of my eyes closed*...Now then viewers..."

"Hey Shinko?!...how about you actually tell the viewers what is truly going on?...*Misaka, now comes into the shot...the only thing is, there is now something slightly different, about the way that she is currently acting, and behaving*"

"Oh...r-right Momoko...my bad...mind you, I was going to get to that part...*I proceed to say this, only for Momoko, who is currently in Misaka's body, decides to interject*"

"How about you tell the viewers now!...As I don't know how much longer I can tolerate wearing this somewhat short skirt or this outfit of hers!...*Momoko, in Misaka's body proceeds to say this...only for someone else, to now come into the shot, and interject, in almost the exact same manner, that Momoko had done to me*"

"Misaka...Keiko?...Can you tell me what is going on, and why I am wearing this very short skirt and Tokiwadai school uniform?...*Usagi Tsukino...who is currently in Misaki Shokuhou's body, now comes into the shot, with quite a big blush currently present on her face*"

"R-right Usagi...*I proceed to say this in response to Usagi, while a bead of sweat is currently present on one side of my face*"

"Okay...so viewers...back to the issue at hand...and as you can plainly see...things since the last chapter...have sort of now suddenly gone all Freaky Friday...As I am still Shinko, but I am now in Keiko Misaka's body...and Momoko, is now in Misaka's body...And Usagi, is now in Shokuhou's body...*I say this, while looking kind of embarrassed*...So anyway viewers...in order to help you all understand, how things wound up getting this way...I first, need to take you back to what went on between this chapter, and the previous one...now then viewers...shall we begin?"

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so winding the clock back to a hour or so, after Keiko, Misaka, Eternal Sailor Moon, Sakura, Zachary, Wedding Peach, and me, had dispatched, and purified, the last remaining villains of the rogues gallery.

And, we were all now back outside again. Which was just outside of the lab, in which we had all done our part, in rescuing Shokuhou, from Gensei Kihara.

"Well, I guess it is finally time for all of us to head back to our respective timelines," I said.

But, however...

"Ah...so this is where you all are...How wonderful it is for me then, to finally meet the group of people, who have been a thorn in my side, as well as my plans, for so long," An unknown, and also not familiar sounding male voice, suddenly rang out from just to the side of all of us.

"Who are you?!...Show yourself!" I then suddenly chimed in with, as both me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, And Angel Salvia, then instinctively got into battle ready stances.

Only thing was, that once the five of us had turned our attention towards the source of the voice, just after they we gotten into our battle ready stances. We were then greeted, by a male figure, with long white hair, and he looked to be wearing a sort of hospital gown.

"Okay, what hospital did you happen to wander here from?" I responded to the mysterious male figure with.

"Well Shinko...I see that you don't know who I am...I am Aleister Crowley...now then..." Aleister Crowley was about to speak up again, only for Kero to then speak up. And weirdly, so did Li.

"Wait a sec, you're Aleister Crowley?" Li and Kero both wound up saying, in response to what Aleister had just said.

"Hold on a sec here Li, you know this person? You too Kero?" Zachary now wound up chiming in with. And for one of the very few times since he had wound up as a Cardcaptor in his respective timeline alongside Sakura, he was now completely stunned.

"Yes Zachary, I do, as Clow Reed, was Aleister Crowley," Kero said, all while he, along with Li, were both as shocked about the current situation, as Zachary currently was.

"Okay viewers...so I feel that a bit of context is in order...Oh right viewers...Shinko here...still inhabiting Keiko's body for the moment...*I proceed to say this, while now smiling somewhat sheepishly, as I am not too happy, that I am currently in someone else's body at the current moment*...Now then viewers...for those who don't already know, Clow Reeds name, was actually said to have been derived from Aleister Crowley...and these fanfics, now go one step beyond that...As in, the Aleister Crowley in the Toaru timeline, is another version of Clow Reed, only in the Toaru timeline, he didn't die like he did in the Cardcaptor Sakura timeline...I know viewers...it is all extremely complicated...and for those who still don't fully understand all of it...I recommend that you go and read about Aleister Crowley on the Toaru Index Wiki Page...Because to tell you all the honest truth here viewers...I am not even entirely well versed, with regard to someone like Aleister Crowley...Now then viewers...back to the chapter."

Okay, so getting back to the current situation at hand...

"Yes Li, how very perceptive of you to figure it out. Now then, what do you say that I do Academy City a favor, and dispatch with the lot of you," Aleister Crowley now chimed in with saying. As he then raised his right hand, and a very bright ball of light then materialized in it.

"And you think that we're just going stand here, and to allow you to go through with doing that?! Not if we all have anything to say about it!" Keiko then chimed in with saying, as electricity, had now started to crackle, through the bangs of her long blue hair. And Misaka, also wound up having electricity, crackle through the bangs of her brown hair as well.

"For you see Aleister, as long as we stand together against adversaries like you. Then there is no way that we can lose against the likes of you!" I then chimed in with saying.

And, as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly filled the air, Wedding Peach, then started her introduction.

"As a cool and gentle breeze blows through Academy City, a brand new chapter proceeds to run its course. On this fine Fall day, you have tried to oppose us with your deceptive and evil ways, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel, I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her left hand at Aleister Crowley. To which she then swung her other arm in an upward arc, and then brought it into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her hand in a closed fist.

"The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel, I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready position, and then stuck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose.

"How dare you proceed to use your magic for evil! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, as she did her signature pose, while pointing at Aleister Crowley.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

The only trouble was that right after Sailor Pluto had said her usual introduction...

"Well isn't that just cute that you all think that you can even seek to hold a candle to a magician like me. Now then, what do you say, that we make this fight a bit more interesting then?" Aleister Crowley suddenly chimed in with. To which he then released the very bright ball of light from his right hand. Which as it left his hand, then quickly expanded into a very bright, and also very blinding light. So bright in fact, that we all had to shield our eyes, so that we wouldn't wind up going unexpectedly blind from it.

The only trouble was, once the light had died down. Zachary, as well as Sakura and Li, then noticed, that several people seemed to now be missing from the current situation.

"What did you just do, where did you just send them?! Start explaining yourself right now Aleister!" Zachary then said, as his usual calm looking expression and demeanor, had now suddenly changed to one of anger. As both he, and everyone else that was left, now realized, that me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, Limone, Keiko, Misaka, Kuroko, and Shokuhou. They had now all suddenly disappeared.

"Oh don't worry yourself Zachary, I have simply gone and sent them all back to their respective timelines. Only, they won't be quite themselves once they get there," Aleister then said in response. And this was then followed, by him fading out of sight.

Date: September 20, 2009

"And that viewers...now brings us to the current situation...And what is now going to be, our upcoming battle and conflict, with one Aleister Crowley...So viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter part...But don't worry viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...both me, Momoko, and Usagi, look forward to seeing you lot there...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

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