
Chapter 72: Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Railguns!: Keiko And Misaka Vs. Study! (Part 4)

"Hello there viewers, Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, into what is the third part of this episode...But first viewers...let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...shall we?....*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, as for the chapter recap in question...

Which, given my current situation, which was me, still with tears, streaming down my face from the last chapter.

And, given my currently dire situation, what with several of the mechs, charging towards me. It looked as though, it was curtains for me. But thankfully...

"Keiko, you need to be more attentive!" An all too familiar sounding female voice said from behind me, as several familiar pin darts, then whizzed forward in front of my vision, and then impacted several of the mechs, and in turn wound up completely immobilizing them. To which they exploded about a split second after they had been immobilized.

But, it wasn't the pin darts, that wound up snapping me out of my tear streaming stupor. In fact, it was the whooshing popping like sound, that usually occurred, when Kuroko Shirai teleported into, and out of my vicinity.

"Oh r-right, my bad Kuroko, I will try..." I said, only to be cutoff mid statement, as several more images, now wound up flashing across my vision.

And these, like most of my last vision like images, were also ones that I hadn't seen before.

The first, was of a curvature of the Earth. Which was then followed, by a very large looking satellite. But, before I could say anything, I heard a disembodied voice, then call out to me. "It's Aritomi's last resort in case you were wondering..." The disembodied voice, wound up calling out to me with just a hint of sass.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" I wound up yelling out into the vision.

"Really, is that how you talk to someone, who has been helping you out?" The disembodied voice wound saying back to me in response. Only this time, with even more sass in its tone.

"What are you talking about?" I now wound up responding back to the voice, now with quite a bit of surprise and shock in my tone.

"Look Keiko, if I were you, then I would be more concerned in having you and Misaka, using your railguns, to destroy Aritomi's last resort. Because if you both don't, then neither of you, are going to have a world anymore. And it won't just be you, who winds up paying for it in the end." The disembodied voice, then wound up saying to me in response, while hinting at the fact, that whoever they were, they knew about the Four Aces Alliance, as well as the other versions of myself.

But, before I could attempt to speak up, the disembodied voice, then wound up answering my lingering question, even though I hadn't asked it yet.

"And yes Keiko, I know all about the other versions of yourself, and the rest of your alliance," the disembodied voice then responded with.

And not surprisingly...

"Hold on a sec, did you just read my mind?!...What?!...Just who the heck are you?!" I now wound up saying in response, with a now very pissed off looking expression, on my face.

"You will learn about who I am in due time Keiko. But for now, you, Misaka, and Kuroko, have Aritomi's Last Resort to destroy," the disembodied voice, now wound up saying to me in response.

And, all of the sudden, the vision around me, then got bright, and before I knew it, I was back in the current situation.

And, not wanting to waste another second, I then chose to speak up to Kuroko and Misaka, in an effort, to tell them, my new idea of attack.

"Kuroko, Misaka, we need to act fast. But for now, we take this fight, to the sky!" I said, while giving off a very whimsical looking expression. Which not surprisingly, caused very confused expressions, to suddenly make their way, across both of Kuroko and Misaka's faces.

And given my current tone of voice, I couldn't say that I was surprised. Given the current situation, and the fact that it was not the best time, to be saying something like this, in my current tone.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter, now done and over with. We will now, be picking right up, back where we had left off. Which was the third part, of episode 24.

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have said my statement to Kuroko and Misaka I'm the whimsical like manner that I had said it in. But, given what I was about to suggest regarding my plan, it actually wound up softening the blow so too speak. Well, when I mean soften the blow…

"You realize what you're saying and suggesting right? You expect us to somehow get to space, and take down a missile?" Kuroko said to me, after I had wound up telling her and Misaka, what I had just witnessed from my visions. 

But thankfully, Misaka was quick to answer, in an effort, to clear up what exactly I was suggesting. 

"I think what Keiko is trying to say here Kuroko, is that we need you to teleport us there," Misaka said in response, to basically let Kuroko know, that I order for us to get to where Aritomi's last resort was, we would need her help.

"Hey viewers…Keiko here…and before you all ask how we are going to breath up in space…Let me remind you, that this is an anime…as in, most of the rules in the real world…don't exactly apply to something like this…Now then, back to the story."

So, fourth wall break aside, at leas for the moment. There was now the glaring issue of how me and Misaka were going to destroy Aritomi's last resort, with our railguns. What would've been helpful, was if the disembodied voice from my visions, had been just a bit more specific and clear, on how we're both supposed to do that.

But thankfully, this lingering question of mine was suddenly answered...

"Well, given that it is a missile of sorts, then might I suggest that you use Ekaterina II S?" The unmistakable voice of one Mitsuko Kongo, suddenly chimed in with saying, as her voice, suddenly wound up blaring through the loudspeakers of the stadium, that we were all currently in.

Now, what Kongo meant by that, was a large mech, that had been designed by her father. And she had apparently, had named it after her boa constrictor, of the same name.

And as for Aritomi? Well, apparently we wouldn't be able to get anywhere near the missile in question, without Aritomi activating it. And so, with this in mind, me and Misaka, then decided to confront Aritomi, so that he could activate it, and would thus, allow us to locate it, and then destroy it.

But apparently, Aritomi seemed to have planned, that something like this would wind up happening, and sure enough, as one of the stadiums big screens, lit up with his face on it. He apparently, hadn't exactly been listening, to what I had said.

"Oh, well look what the cat dragged in! So Lucky Strike...Railgun? What makes you think, that you are going to be able to get anywhere near me?" Aritomi said from the screen in question, with quite a bit of arrogance in his tone.

Which pretty much compounded the fact, that he hadn't quite heard, of what either myself, or Kongo had said. And although it had me breath a sort of sigh of relief. My demeanor however, was about to change.

"Oh, and I have a surprise for the both of you! Let me introduce you, to three of my most prized mechs! You remember 'number four' don't you?!" Aritomi said, as three very large white colored mechs, suddenly appeared. And given Aritomi's slight hinting, at a certain 4th ranked level 5 Espers epithet. I then, couldn't help, but give off a very noticeable smirk, which was quickly followed, by me starting to giggle slightly.

"What's so funny?!" Aritomi wound up angrily asking me.

"Oh nothing, it's just that, given what you just said. And speaking of 'number four...'" I said, while still maintaining my smirk.

And not surprisingly, as if to confirm what I had just said. Out of nowhere, several familiar green lasers, suddenly wound up striking all three of the mechs, and destroyed them all instantly.

"Ah Meltdowner, right on time," I said, while still maintaining my smirk.

And now, with the sudden appearance of Mugino, along with the rest of ITEM. I then, with now knowing, that things regarding the mechs were now covered. Me and Misaka, then made our way, towards Aritomi, who at the moment, was in his control room.

And, upon happening upon Aritomi inside of the control room...

"Stay back, both of you!" Aritomi said, who at the moment, had a gun pointed at his own head.

"Or what Aritomi? What are you going to do? Use your so called 'last resort' in a desperate attempt to wipe all Espers off of the Earth? And yes Aritomi, we know all about your AIM Bomb," I said to Aritomi in response, as I now knew, exactly what Aritomi's 'last resort' was. Well not exactly, more like, I took a sort of guess, from what I had read at some point in the Tokiwadai Middle School library, regarding an AIM Bomb, as well as what it was, and what it looked like.

Which believe it or not, very much had resembled, the satellite, that I had been shown in my visions.

And apparently...

"Well then Keiko, how about I just show you all, just how powerful an AIM Bomb truly is!" Aritomi suddenly said, as he then pressed a random button, that had been on a control panel in front of him.

And upon me having seen him do this...

"Why thank you Aritomi. You just saved us the trouble, of having to locate it. So like I said Aritomi, you will now wind up paying, for the harm that you caused to my sister. And, I will see to it, that Anti-Skill, winds up giving you a nice cozy cell, one that has a window view, and a nice pillow!" I said to Aritomi, who at the moment, was now starting to lose more of his composure.

"Damn you! How dare you make a mockery out of me!" Aritomi said, as he suddenly wound up turning the gun on me.

"Oh, so about that gun of yours Aritomi...." I began to say, only for my statement, to be cut short. As an all too familiar looking pin dart, suddenly whizzed in front of my vision, impacted Aritomi's gun straight down its barrel, and thus rendered it useless. And, made Aritomi, drop the gun to the floor, in a fit of complete shock.

"Ah Kuroko, right on time. I see that you..." I began to say.

"Keiko, save the talking for after we have destroyed the AIM Bomb!" Misaka suddenly wound up saying to me in response.

But, before I could attempt to talk back, in an attempt to make Misaka aware, that Aritomi was still a bit of a threat. This was then confirmed to no longer be the case, as a certain familiar looking attack, then wound up whizzing by Aritomi's face, only missing him by a few inches.

And upon seeing Kongo, who then said that she would look after Aritomi, until Anti-Skill, wound up taking him into custody.

I then thanked Kongo, to which me, Kuroko, and Misaka, then ran back out of the stadium, and off to get Ekaterina II S, so that we could use it as a pair of improvised railguns, in order to destroy the AIM Bomb.

And, with all three of us, now on top of the mech in question, and its boosters then activating, to send the three of us upwards towards space. We then, once we had happened upon the device in question, then decided on our next portion of the plan.

But, however, and all three of us stood on top of the mech...

"Kuroko, leave this to the both of us!" I said, as me and Misaka, then prepared, to launch the mech at the currently arming AIM Bomb, as a pair of improvised railguns.

And, not wanting to waste anymore time, Kuroko wound up jumping off of the mech. And once she had done so, me and Misaka, then proceeded, to prepare to launch the mech.

And, upon me envisioning the all too familiar pair of electricity lashed rails, extending out to infinity in my mind. Me and Misaka, then each pulled a fist back, and slammed them into the back of the mech.

And, almost immediately, it sent the mech, propelling towards the AIM Bomb, as the mech, then split in two, as two separate railguns.

And not surprisingly, as me and Misaka started falling back, towards the earths atmosphere. We both, then blacked out, having now exhausted ourselves, due to a bit of fatigue.

But, upon us both falling down towards the earths atmosphere. And given our current condition, we were not able to notice Kuroko, manage to teleport us, back to the ground safely.

And, as Anti-Skill, then arrived, and took Aritomi, and the rest of STUDY, into custody. The fight against STUDY, was finally over.

But, though none of us knew it yet. My visions, were a warning, for what was still too come.

But more on that, at a bit later of a date.

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