
Chapter 30: A Friend In Need Deserves A Frenda Indeed!: A Very Perverted Encounter, And A Shocking Result!

Okay yea, so things had in fact quieted down after the events regarding the Level 6 Shift experiments.

However, though the Level 6 Shift experiments, regarding Accelerator, had been permanently discontinued, as well as scrapped. This didn't mean, that the tests themselves, regarding any future participants, either willing or unwilling, were over.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Yes, you read that part right. I mean after all viewers...*proceeds to bring face extremely close to the screen*...nothing is forever, including those with quite immense intentions, whether it be for malicious intentions, or not. But anyway, this chapter, is going to be a sort of a break of sorts. Between the previous arc, regarding the Level 6 Shift experiments, and the next arc that will be coming up after this. And what I mean by that viewers, is that this episode, is going to be a filler episode of sorts. I mean after all viewers, the Yu-Gi-Oh anime had an episode just like this one, in the Battle City arc. You know, the episode that only took place in the helicopter, while Atem and Kaiba, were making their way towards the Domino City docks? Yes, that episode. Only difference here, is that while that episode didn't further the Yu-Gi-Oh anime canon timeline, in any way, shape, or form. This episode, will actually have some meaningful stuff in it....*proceeds to smile with eyes closed in a cute manner*...Now, what do you say we get on with the chapter, hmmm?"

Okay, so the current situation, wasn't the most ideal. In fact, I would say that it was actually very, very, embarrassing. Why you may ask? Well, given that me, Misaka, and Kuroko. Were currently face to face, with Mugino Shizuri, Frenda, and the rest of ITEM. I would say, that things could've been better, then they currently were at this very moment....And as for everyone's current demeanor, it was sort of, well...

"Oh you have got to be kidding me right now!...What the heck are you doing here!?..." Misaka exclaimed, upon her, me, and Kuroko, happening upon Mugino Shizuri, Frenda, and the rest of ITEM in one of the many booths of the restaurant.

"Uh...Misaka...don't you think that this isn't...." I began to say, in an effort to try and prevent, a potential disaster, from unfolding from inside the restaurant.

And to be honest, things would've wound up escalating to that point, had it not been for both Kuroko, and Frenda, stepping in at that moment, and speaking up, in an attempt to prevent anything unsavory from arising. Which thankfully, did wind up taking the potential tension, and the potential for things to escalate, out of the equation. At least, for the time being.

A couple of minutes later, after things had quieted down, and a little bit of back and forth, had transpired between all of us. Things, once again started getting out of control. And what I mean by that, is that out of the blue, both Frenda, and Kuroko, somehow got the conversation, diverted towards woman's...well...their breasts...

This was confirmed...well...it was confirmed...when Kuroko, out of nowhere I might add, wound up groping me, and Misaka, from behind. I guess some things just never change. Oh, and Frenda? Well, she wasn't helping matters either, as she was currently groping Mugino, from behind...

"Wow, just wow...*Keiko deeply sighs and puts two fingers from one hand to one of her temples in a feeble attempt to quell her currently rapidly building rage and frustration*...See viewers...Do you see the problem here!?...I mean do you!?...*says this with a tickmark very visible on one side of head, and one of her fists tightly balled into a fist*"

Anyway, while this...scene...yea...let's just call it that...went on for a couple more seconds, and as the rage and anger, started to build within me, Misaka, and Mugino.

A spark of electricity, that had just started crackling, from the bangs of Misaka's hair, as well as my own, then wound up leading to a very big dispersion of electricity from the both of us.

"QUIT IT!" Me and Misaka angrily yelled, as the electricity, that we both had been building up, was then dispersed outwards, in a very violent, and very aggressive manner. Thus lighting up the restaurant in a big flash of light blue light.

And as for Mugino? Well, she sort of let loose several lasers with the use of her Meltdowner ability.

So, what would you say happened, as a result of this whole incident? Well, we were all forced to leave the restaurant, no surprise there.

And, though neither me, Misaka, or Kuroko, knew it at that current moment. Our troubles, as well as our encounters, with those related, to the Level 6 Shift experiments, were not even the least bit close, to being over or done with.

In fact, the events, that still lay ahead in the future, regarding the three of us, and the rest of The Four Aces, weren't remotely close, to being over with, either.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here...*Keiko proceeds to look at the viewers with an extremely and very embarrassed looking expression and a bead of sweat now visible on one side of her face*...So yea, not the most...*ahem*...lady-like of outbursts...however, you have to realize where me and Misaka are coming from...*puts one hand behind head while still giving a very embarrassed looking expression only with eyes closed this time*...You see, wouldn't you wind up acting in a similar way, if someone like Kuroko, wound up suddenly groping you from behind?...My point exactly viewers...*proceeds to say this with a now depressed looking expression on face before composing herself a second or two later to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, that last part of this chapter, about our encounters with the rest of 'The Four Aces,' that wasn't a lie. And to be quite honest here viewers, that, is going to wind up, to soon be the least of our worries. Anyway, see you all in the next chapter...*says this while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

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