
411, Beauty is something that makes you feel comfortable when you look at it [First update]_1

After all, she was the designated maid by Senior Lin Yi!

From another perspective, that made her Lin Yi's woman... cough cough, it shouldn't be too much to say so.

I am Lin Yi's woman, hmph, I should have more confidence!

Even if this place is filled with masters, even if these are all my seniors, I must show the courage to stand up to them!

Especially those two ferocious beasts that freeze people, they cut in line last time... Ju Zi glanced at the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor.

What she didn't know was that Zhu Zhuyun, who last assumed the identity of "Lin Yi's maid," had already become someone even the Star Luo Emperor had to submit to.

This is called making good use of one's identity.

Ju Zi, with her right hand raised high, trotted to the stands, panting slightly. Upon seeing Lin Yi, she quickly straightened her back and showed a sweet smile, then bent forward to give Lin Yi a bow full of sincerity.

Why mention full of sincerity... because from Lin Yi's angle, he could see two glimpses of faintly visible snowy whiteness, which even bounced elastically.

Today, Ju Zi was wearing a knee-length floral print dress, adorned with yellow flower patterns, which looked very fresh, and her top had a deep V-neck, revealing a portion of her tender and undulating chest.

Her ponytail from the other day was also let down, making her appear both innocent and sweet. Combined with her ice-like fair skin, Lin Yi couldn't help but let his imagination run wild, picturing what she would look like dressed up as a maid.

Speaking of which, it's quite absurd. Originally having crossed over into Douluo Level 1 world, Lin Yi couldn't have imagined he would meet Ju Zi from Douluo Level 2, let alone that this Douluo Level 2 "antagonistic boss" would actually stay here and serve him for ten years as a personal maid!

What a jest of fate.

Seeing that Lin Yi's gaze was on the clothes she was wearing, Ju Zi bowed her head with a blush and said:

"Xiao Meng said I could wear any of her clothes, and I just remembered that today. Her clothes are all so pretty, and she filled not just one but two whole wardrobes! I have never seen so many beautiful clothes!"

At this point, Ju Zi's eyes lit up. She gently pinched the hem of her floral dress and swayed her body from side to side, as if showing off a new outfit to her beloved boyfriend: "Does it look... okay on me?"

Was the life of the Emperor and Empress so hard in the early phase? They didn't even have their beautiful dresses?

Lin Yi laughed quietly to himself. If things had followed their normal course, she would be the mighty Empress leading tens of thousands of the Sun-Moon Empire's troops. What kind of clothing wouldn't she have at her disposal?

The Ice Emperor frowned at this point, with hands on hips below the stands, and said: "You human girl, I haven't even flaunted a pretty dress to Lin Yi to see if he thinks it looks good, so why aren't you launching your attack? I can hardly wait to talk to Lin Yi!"

No sooner had she finished speaking than her mouth was covered by the Snow Emperor, who awkwardly dragged the Ice Emperor away: "Sorry! She always speaks without a filter!"

Ju Zi realized this as well, and she immediately lowered her hands and gave Lin Yi an apologetic bow: "I'm... I'm sorry, because everyone in the academy was sick and there was no one to talk to, so I talked a little more..."

As she finished speaking, she quickly lifted her wrist, where there was a soul-guided Storage Device shaped like a bracelet.

Just as she was about to take out the weapon, Ju Zi suddenly heard a warm voice.

"You look very pretty in it, that dress suits you well."

Lin Yi said with a faint smile, "Maybe in the future you should show off yourself more. Beauty itself is something pleasant to the eye."

Ju Zi gazed at Lin Yi, her lips parting lightly as she bit them with emotion: "Thank you, Senior Lin Yi..."

This scene caught in the eyes of Bi Bidong softened her gaze even more.

"Senior Lin Yi really is a kind and warm-hearted person~"

Not only her, many women at the scene couldn't help but praise Lin Yi in their hearts.

To be praised by Lin Yi in person in this lifetime would be a death without regrets.

That is why the female Gua Sha Masters were so jealous of Gu Yuena, for she had won the prize of being his girlfriend for a day!

How could such praise be limited to face-to-face? This was the stuff of bedchamber compliments!

So envious, honestly.

They strongly suggested having a mute function during these winners' announcements, so they wouldn't have to feel jealous.

The female Gua Sha Masters thought this to themselves.

A flash of light from the Storage Device on her wrist, and the "Set Soul Guidance Artillery Platform" custom-made by Ju Zi emitted a booming sound as it landed on the stand, stirring up dust.

The artillery platform looked brand new and polished, even though it was assembled from scraps, it seemed even more prestigious than soul tools crafted from new materials.

All thanks to Ju Zi's "Brand New" ability.

The number of cannon barrels on the artillery platform had been upgraded from five to six since last time.

The ultimate limit of the entire artillery platform was six barrels.

As for whether using five barrels for an attack this time would result in less damage than the last five-barrel attack, Ju Zi had no worries at all since her current damage state was already a downgrade.

Ju Zi stood atop the artillery platform, with her Second Soul Ring starting to flicker, and a refreshing-scented grapefruit appeared in her hand.

Second Soul Skill, Grapefruit, consuming it could instantly restore Soul Power to a fully charged state of one hundred percent.

It's just that peeling the grapefruit was a bit of a hassle.

Lin Yi watched as Ju Zi finished peeling the sleeves and set them aside, then he glanced over apologetically, as if feeling guilty for taking up everyone's time.

She immediately pressed her hand on the artillery platform's switch. Her Soul Power flowed through her palm into the core magic array, which lit up. Then, with a "buzz," all five cannons simultaneously raised their barrels.

All five dark cannon barrels were aimed at Lin Yi at this moment.



The sound erupted simultaneously, and the shells exploded in unison.

Lin Yi was enveloped in flashing flames, shrapnel flying through the air around him. Fortunately, Ju Zi had already placed a Soul-guided Protective Shield Ejection Chip in front of the artillery platform, blocking a large amount of the shrapnel assault.

As the light and smoke cleared, Lin Yi's figure slowly became visible, and to everyone's surprise, there was not a spec of dust on his body or face. This made Ju Zi doubt whether the five shells had hit him at all.

However, with the previous experience, she was certain this was a perfectly normal phenomenon.

Seeing the Damage Rebound approaching, Ju Zi first lowered the protective shield since it certainly couldn't block the Damage Rebound and would cause unnecessary waste. She promptly ate a piece of grapefruit to replenish her Soul Power, then once again pressed the switch to light up the core magic array.

Five cannon barrels glowed red-hot and, with a boom, the shells collided with the Damage Rebounds mid-air. Just then, the Soul-guided Protective Shield conveniently rose, blocking the shrapnel—her response was nearly perfect.

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