
395, Frog mom desperately wants to strangle her tadpole son [Third Update]_1

This is a child whose lineage is so mixed up that it's beyond critique.

Simply put, his mom is a ferocious beast, his dad is the child of a human and a soul beast, and his dad's dad is also the child of a human and a soul beast.

In short, not a single female in his family is human.

He is Lan Xuanyu, or Tang Xuanyu, a character from Soul Land IV, and also the male protagonist.

He is the child of Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin, the grandson of Tang San, and the great-grandson of Tang Hao.

That's right, he is Gu Yuena's biological son!

Lin Yi was a bit overwhelmed, wasn't this kid just hatched?!

Could it be that he was on the timeline where he was just brought home by those human scientists?

Shit, how did this Spatiotemporal Gate connect to this timeline!

What could an infant do? Although... this little guy is still a mini Dragon God, after all.

But if Lan Xuanyu were to be slapped now, he would definitely cry for a long time.

Gu Yuena frowned, "He's really ugly. Human infants all look the same indeed. Zi Ji, what are you afraid of? Just go up and slap him. Could he possibly fight back?"

Di Tian's mouth twitched. He learned that their faction had two rewards downgraded, and the Supreme Lord was exceptionally irritable.

"Please, your Highness, calm your anger. After all, we don't know the identity of that infant. What if this Spatiotemporal Gate is connected to the Divine Realm? What if that's some deity's child?"

Gu Yuena's expression changed as she swallowed, "You have a point, all the more reason to kill him."

Di Tian: "..."

He silently turned his head, let's just pretend I didn't say anything.


Perhaps it was the exceptionally terrifying scene of nearly a thousand people staring at him, but the little guy sitting on the ground suddenly pursed his lips and started to cry.

He reached out his chubby little arms to Zi Ji, tears falling like pearls, his face screaming "I want to be held."

Zi Ji hesitated about whether to go forward and pick him up when suddenly a figure flashed past her, stepping forward to pick up the continuously crying Lan Xuanyu from the ground.

It was Miss Ning!

She skillfully held Lan Xuanyu in her arms and said with a smile, "You can tell none of you have had children. Our Ning Rongrong also always wanted to be held when she cried as a kid. Once I held her, she would stop crying immediately."

Seeing the slender Sect Master with twin ponytails saying this, Chen Xin suddenly felt that something was off.

Sect Master, you seem even smaller than Ning Rongrong now...

Sure enough, Lan Xuanyu stopped crying immediately. He grabbed Miss Ning's hair with his hand and started babbling at it.

"You're so cute, wearing a pink hat—must be a girl, right? Such a chubby little girl, quite heavy."

After saying that, Miss Ning laughed and freed one hand to pull aside Lan Xuanyu's diaper, looked down, and her smile instantly fell, "It's a boy..."

She turned around expressionlessly, "Who wants to hold him? I don't want to anymore."

Zi Ji: "???"

Just because he's a boy, you don't want to hold him anymore?! Is that discrimination?!

Seeing everyone stunned and unresponsive, Miss Ning walked over and handed over Lan Xuanyu in her arms to Zi Ji, "Well, you opened the gate, you hold him, let's decide on that cheerfully!"

Zi Ji's eyes were utterly confused, with even more confusion in her expression. She looked at Sect Master Ning sauntering away, then down at the child in her arms raising his head, with big, adorable eyes, her whole body tense.

I've never held a human infant before!


At that moment, the child in her arms suddenly let out a happy cry, seeming to prefer Zi Ji over Miss Ning!

He lifted his chubby little hands to grab onto the armor on Zi Ji's body, trying to climb onto her, even pressing his cheek against her as if he found some scent on Zi Ji that he liked.

He actually... actually started sniffing Zi Ji's armor!

Di Tian tugged at his mouth, "Could this male infant be a pervert from a young age?"

Gu Yuena frowned, "Disgusting."

A voice suddenly came from the side, "He's so cute, I want to hold him too, may I, Master?"

It was Bi Ji, who also lifted her adorable eyes, gazing expectantly at Gu Yuena.

Di Tian immediately chimed in upon hearing this, "Yeah, that child is just as cute as Bi Ji."

Gu Yuena turned her head and looked at him with disdain, "You sure change your attitude quickly."

After saying that, she warned Bi Ji with a cold and detached tone, "You may hold him, but from now on keep your distance from me. I don't like the scent of human infants."

"Oh, I can't cuddle with you anymore, Master?"

"No, you can't."

"Alright then."

Bi Ji ran over happily to hold the child.

Gu Yuena: "???"

Could it be that I'm not even comparable to that human infant?!


Gu Yuena was thoroughly disappointed in Bi Ji.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed Di Tian was also stealthily moving his feet, "What are you doing? Do you also want to hold that human infant?"

Di Tian raised his eyebrows in a fluster, "No! I am going to ensure Bi Ji's safety! Humans are cunning and deceitful, and their infants must be the same! I'm on it, Master!"


Watching Di Tian run over, Gu Yuena crossed her arms over her chest in anger, while Wang Qiu'er had already followed close behind Bi Ji earlier. The cuteness of this human infant was irresistible to anyone.

Just then, a green figure approached, and Lan Xuanyu's tiny, delicate nose twitched as if he smelled a richer scent he liked.

He perched on Zi Ji's shoulder and peeked out to see Bi Ji, his eyes lighting up instantly as he eagerly extended his chubby hands, impatiently wanting Bi Ji to hold him.

Zi Ji had just started to grow fond of the child, and now she somewhat reluctantly let go.

For some reason, she felt a heartfelt desire to serve and care for this child.

"Ah! He wants me to hold him!"

Bi Ji was very surprised, somewhat flattered.

Di Tian joked outwardly, but actually tried to flatter Bi Ji by saying, "Maybe it's because you often cuddle with Master. You're close to Master, maybe this little guy likes Master."

Looking back at Gu Yuena's resentful face in the crowd, Zi Ji twitched the corner of her mouth, "That seems unlikely... Master is so fierce, the little guy might get scared and cry."

"Shush, don't let her hear you again."

Once in Bi Ji's arms, Lan Xuanyu rubbed happily against her, as if smelling a very pleasant scent.

The adorable behavior of the little one attracted more and more spectators, especially the women present, who were completely charmed by the child!

Bi Bidong couldn't help but crowd around to watch, "My goodness, he's much cuter than you were at that age. Look how much he loves to smile; you used to cry every day."

Qian Renxue just pursed her lips nonchalantly, though it was the first time she had heard Bi Bidong speak of her childhood.


Watching nearly everyone rush over to curiously gaze at the child, only Gu Yuena remained steadfastly in her spot. Lin Yi couldn't help but cover his face and chuckle bitterly.

It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

The two were no more than thirty meters apart, the mother unaware that it was her own son, and the son frantically sniffing around others for his mother's scent.

This is just like the Douluo Land version of "The Tadpoles Looking for Their Mother."

And the "frog" mother, unaware that her child is the "tadpole," is actually intent on squashing the other party!

ps. Thank you for following the story. Here are three more chapters for you, and I'm begging for monthly tickets!

Also, here's a recommendation for a Shen Yin fan fiction:

"Shen Yin: Starting with Saving the Saintess, Cai'er Cried"

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